Senior Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering Department, Tashkent State Technical University Islam Karimov, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
This article reviews research on the use of acoustic cavitation and electromagnetic methods for processing processed milk and bryndza.
The results showed that the use of ultrasonic food quality control equipment allows for rapid measurements while providing high accuracy.
В данной статье рассматриваются исследования по использованию акустической кавитации и электромагнитных методов обработки переработанного молока и брынзы.
Результаты показали, что использование ультразвуковых установок для контроля качества пищевых продуктов позволяют проводить быстрые измерения, обеспечивая при этом высокую точность.
Keywords: brynza, ultrasound, acoustics, bactericidal effect, frequency, solid, ultrasonic vibrations.
Ключевые слова: брынза, ультразвук, акустика, бактерицидный эффект, частота, твердое тело, ультразвуковые колебания.
The high nutritional value of milk and milk products lies in the fact that they contain substances required by the human body in optimally balanced ratios and in an easily digestible form. With such a high biological value, milk is a good medium for most microorganisms, both those introduced with starter and those introduced from outside. Brynza is one of the natural products best known for its beneficial properties. Nutritional value and their positive impact on human health. As a result, they are in high demand in the market and their prices continue to rise.
The aim of this work is to use an ultrasonic system operating in the production process of bryndza and measure the ultrasonic propagation velocity in bryndza mixed with a well-defined percentage to study the effect of added quantity on its value [1,3].
Nowadays, one of the innovative ways is ultrasound and it is widely used in practice.
Ultrasound exposure comes in high frequency or low frequency.
Ultrasonic high-frequency oscillations, which frequency is over 20 kHz, have bactericidal properties [1,2]. The bactericidal effect is achieved by the ultrasonic wave (Figure 1), which promotes compression and rarefaction while propagating in an elastic medium. As the wave passes through the product, it forms microscopic cavities in the product that ‘draw’ gas molecules and vapour-like liquid into themselves.
To maximise the results and improve the quality of the bryndza requires a good testing basis, i.e. based on laboratory analysis. For this purpose, the main experiments carried out with finished products to improve the quality of bryndza are summarised.
Figure 1. Laboratory unit for ultrasonic processing of bryndza
In addition, high pressure is created in the cavities, which causes disintegration of cytoplasmic structures and leads to microbial cell death [3]. The formation and rupture of cavities occurring in the medium is called cavitation. At cavitation ionisation of liquid vapours occurs at formation of cavitation bubble. When the bubble bursts, an electrical discharge occurs, which raises the temperature and generates a high voltage electric field.
The bactericidal effect of ultrasound depends on the presence of lipids, proteins, and including the concentration of microbial cells. Depending on the size of the microorganism, large cells are killed faster than small cells [2,4].
As high intensity ultrasound affects the fat fraction in products, it causes primary and secondary formation of fat crystal nuclei from which small crystals form. When the first crystals are formed in the fat, it becomes more solid [5]. Based on the process of dynamic nucleation of crystals due to compression and rupture of cavitation bubbles, the induction time decreases and the nucleation rate increases, which are a consequence of the change in melting points of fat [6].
The assessment of quality characteristics of bryndza was carried out and a graphic scheme of bryndza production with the use of acoustic cavitation technology is presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Graphical scheme with application of acoustic cavitation technology
To study the physical effect of acoustic cavitation on physicochemical and structural-mechanical characteristics of milk and dairy products, we used fresh milk. Milk was processed after the end of the bactericidal phase in 3-4 hours, taking into account the control of the thermal load on milk. To reduce the bacteriological load, heat treatment (65°C, 30 min) of fresh milk was carried out after its cavitation treatment for the production of bryndza.
Figure 3. Dependences of the total cavitation activity on the distance to the vessel wall: 1 - 75 mm from the transmitter; 2 - 65 mm from the transmitter; 3 - 50 mm from the transmitter
Whey contains functional components with which the product can be enriched. It refers to whey proteins and its active peptides, which not only affect the structure and yield of cheese, but also enrich it with additional amino acids, thus increasing its nutritional value.
We used a 65 kHz mode with a treatment time of 15 minutes, which has a good effect on the microstructure of bryndza, organoleptic and physicochemical parameters. In general, the use of physical methods of ultrasonic acoustic cavitation effect on milk and dairy products is currently a promising area of research.
Experimental studies have shown that the use of acoustic cavitation is a promising direction in the development of technology for the production of bryndza from fresh milk, because ultrasonic treatment contributes to changes in the structure of molecules of milk protein complexes, which leads to a significant improvement in organoleptic indicators of bryndza. In addition, these methods can be automated and allow rapid measurements while guaranteeing high accuracy.
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