Sodikova Sh.A.
Sodikova Sh.A. USING SWEET SORGHUM SYRUP AS A SWEETENER // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 12(117). URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2023.117.12.16510



The article discusses the relevance of work on the creation of new types of food products using sweet sorghum syrup as a sweetener, which can improve the quality, nutritional and biological value of the finished product, as well as reduce material and energy costs.


В статье рассматривается актуальность работ по созданию новых видов пищевой продукции с использованием сиропа сахарного сорго в качестве подсластителя, позволяющего повысить качество, пищевую и биологическую ценность готового продукта, а также снизить материальные и энергетические затраты.


Keywords: sweet sorghum, stems, variety, sweetener, syrup, physicochemical parameters, production, advantages, hydroxymethylfurfural.

Ключевые слова: сахарное сорго, стебли, сорт, сахарозаменитель, сироп, физико-химические показатели, получение, преимущества, оксиметилфурфурол.


Modern science of population nutrition requires expanding the range of food products of increased biological value through the use of new domestic natural sweeteners, which is sweet sorghum food syrup.

The use of sweet sorghum in the production of food products as a vegetable sweetener is a promising area [4].

Sorghum syrup (another name is “eco-sugar”) is a sweet syrup that is produced ecologically from sweet sorghum. It is much cleaner, more natural and safer than traditional sugar. Sorghum syrup is transparent, has an excellent soft taste and velvety consistency. Fructose present in its composition enriches the harmonious taste of the product with a subtle delicate honey shade [7,8,10].

According to research by N.O. Grigorenko [5], sweet sorghum syrup contains 19 amino acids and 8 microelements, including iron, nickel, cobalt, manganese, and chromium. The presence of essential amino acids and minerals in the syrup proves the significant nutritional and biological value of the resulting product. These factors allow the use of sorghum syrup in the baking, confectionery, and dairy industries. The economic effect of introducing sweet sorghum into the production of food syrup or concentrate is that 1 ton of sugar in sweet sorghum syrup is 20% cheaper than 1 ton of beet sugar [9].

The following benefits of sweet sorghum syrup are also noted:

  • monosaccharides - glucose and fructose - differ from sucrose in better digestibility;
  • the mutual solubility of glucose, fructose and sucrose increases, i.e., more concentrated solutions can be obtained. The concentration of invert sugar solutions can be up to 77%;
  • the viscosity of solutions is 20-40% less than the viscosity of sucrose solutions;
  • invert sugar does not crystallize from concentrated solutions, therefore no deposits form on the walls of the tanks;
  • replacing part of sucrose with invert sugar in the production of food products makes it possible to reduce the mass fraction of sucrose while maintaining the shelf life of traditional products, and reduces the consumption of granulated sugar;
  • cheaper technology compared to the technology of granulated sugar from beets [4].

As a result of improved technology, it is possible to obtain food syrup enriched with macro-, microelements and amino acids of the original raw materials, which allows it to be characterized as a product of high nutritional and biological value, which is then used in the production of new generation food products [6].

Improving the formulation of a new food product using sweet sorghum syrup is an urgent problem, the solution of which will allow the use of a natural sweetener, expand the range of food products, increase their biological value and reduce the energy dependence of production.

The object of the study is sweet sorghum syrup, obtained from the stems of the domestic variety of sweet sorghum “Uzbekistan 18”, grown in the experimental fields of the Scientific Experimental Station for Breeding and Seed Production of Corn.

Research methods. We used modern methods of physical and chemical analysis [11,12]. The acidity level was determined using a pH-150 MI device and an indicator (litmus paper). The amount of total solids content in sweet sorghum syrup was determined using a 53000 C manual refractometer [13]. The amount of total proteins was determined by the Keldel method. The amount of carbohydrates and vitamins was determined by HPLC. Organoleptic characteristics of the syrup were determined according to GOST 8756.1-79.

Research results and discussion. In laboratory conditions, sweet sorghum syrup was obtained by evaporating sorghum juice in a vacuum rotary evaporator at a temperature of 55-60°C (Fig. 1).



а)                                                                      b)

Figure 1. a – the process of evaporating juice in a vacuum rotary evaporator; b – the resulting syrup


During the evaporation process, Bx, acidity, and hydroxymethylfurfural (OMF) content were regularly measured. As a result, we obtained a syrup with the following organoleptic and physicochemical parameters, shown in Tables 1 and 2. During the evaporation process, Bx, acidity, and hydroxymethylfurfural (OMF) content were regularly measured. As a result, we obtained a syrup with the following organoleptic and physicochemical parameters, shown in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1.

Organoleptic characteristics of syrup obtained from sweet sorghum juice

The name of indicators



honey-like, homogeneous, thick liquid without sediment


light brown, specific for this type of product



specific, with a slight odor similar to sugar syrup, without foreign odors, no caramel odor (burnt sugar odor)


tender, homogeneous, syrupy, thick mass, without solid particles, no sediment is noticeable



specific, sweet, reminiscent of dried melon, without extraneous flavors, no caramel taste


Table 2.

Physico-chemical parameters of sweet sorghum syrup

The name of indicators


Solids, Вх, %


Titratable acidity, %


Active acidity, рН


Total proteins, %


OMF (5-hydroxymethylfurfural), mg/l


Density, g/cm3


Equivalent sweetness, units.SES


Chroma, %



Table 2 shows all the results of the physicochemical parameters of sweet sorghum syrup, as well as the quantitative content of hydroxymethylfurfural (OMF). Hydroxymethyl-furfural is an organic substance, a derivative of a toxic substance - furfural, which contains a heterocyclic, oxygen-containing ring - furan, formed during production, long-term storage or as a result of high-temperature processing of juices, juice products, confectionery products, honey and other sugar-containing products. The presence of OMF in food products is undesirable due to the toxicity of furan derivatives, large doses of which cause convulsions and paralysis, small doses depress the nervous system. Technical regulation TR CU 021/2011 “On the safety of food products” [14] regulates the presence of OMF in juices, the maximum permissible content of which should not exceed 10 or 20 mg/l, depending on the type, for honey - 25 mg/l [1,2,3,11,15,16].

Thus, as a result of the studies, it was established that the concentration of hydroxymethylfurfural in sweet sorghum syrup complies with the established MPC standards - 3.8 mg/l and is a safe product for humans, especially for children. The introduction of a fortifier, sorghum syrup, into the recipe, in addition to traditional ingredients, makes it possible to create a new healthy food product.



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Информация об авторах

PhD assistant at the Department of Food Technology, Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan

PhD ассистент кафедры «Пищевая технология», Наманганского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Наманган

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