Scientific and theoretical basis of development and introduction of innovative methods in inclusive education

Научно-теоретические основы разработки и внедрения инновационных методов в инклюзивном образовании
Akhatov A.R., Kayumov O.A., Ulug'murodov S.A. Scientific and theoretical basis of development and introduction of innovative methods in inclusive education // Universum: психология и образование : электрон. научн. журн. 2021. 7(85). URL: (дата обращения: 22.12.2024).
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 It should be borne in mind that the changes taking place in our society in the economic, social, political and cultural spheres also depend on the education system, which determines the intellectual potential of our country in the future and is a key condition for its development.  At the same time, the growth of intellectual potential, the development of quality will not only have an impact on the effectiveness of education, the improvement of the system in this area, but also significantly affect the growth of all areas of this social system.


Следует иметь в виду, что изменения, происходящие в нашем обществе в экономической, социальной, политической и культурной сферах, также зависят от системы образования, которая определяет интеллектуальный потенциал нашей страны в будущем и является ключевым условием для его развитие. В то же время рост интеллектуального потенциала, развитие качества не только повлияет на эффективность образования, совершенствование системы в этой сфере, но и существенно повлияет на рост всех сфер этой социальной системы. .


Keywords: inclusive, development, technology, current, process

Ключевые слова: инклюзивный, развитие, технология, текущее, процесс.



This situation is very important today, because this process (innovative process) is a condition for the survival of educational institutions (both literally and figuratively), as well as a condition for social protection of relations between future generations and the teaching staff..  Life puts before educational institutions new, seemingly impossible tasks, that is, to work on the old, to develop concrete innovations and put them into practice. It is possible to understand the older generation, who are very careful about all the news, brought up in the spirit of faith in the riches and experiences of the past, who like stability, as well as educators who do not want any change.  In this case, it is necessary to understand that "chasing innovation processes" is an integral part of our lives today.  Whether we like it or not, the process of market and market relations is going on behind the walls of our educational institutions. This process is directly related to us, because the concept of competition between educational institutions, their competitiveness, the quality of education, social orders are all coming into our lives.  Rather, it is a process, an environment in which we live we must always feel that it is a style.

Objective: It is useless and dangerous to resist this process.  We have no choice and we are forced to participate in this rapid process (the chase process).  The most important thing in this process is to participate wisely, in a useful way, for our organization.  Many experts believe that the ability to change is a key factor in development today, a key factor in ensuring the competitiveness of any educational institution.Today, the traditional and mass forms of education and upbringing in the school and higher education system are being replaced by innovative processes in the development of educational institutions.  Innovation (in- “lik”, novus- “new”) means to innovate, to innovate. “Innovative education” usually means the introduction of new (useful) elements into the learning process.  Therefore, innovation in the education system is directly related to change.  These changes include the purpose, content, methods, technology, organization, and management of the education system.


- to organize originality and educational process in pedagogical activity;

- system of control and evaluation of education levels;

- educational and methodical support;

- The system of educational work;

- curricula and study programs;

- depends on the activities of students and teachers.

The novelty is relative in the historical aspect.  Innovation has a clear historical character, that is, it can appear prematurely, become a norm in time, or become obsolete.  In the development of a school or university system, perhaps the education system as a whole:

- Absolute novelty (similarity, lack of prototype);

- relative novelty;

- unique, inventive.

Types of innovations are grouped in school and higher education on different grounds: The first classification (group) is based on the introduction of innovations and their relevance to the pedagogical process that takes place in school and higher education.  Based on an understanding of this process, the following types of news can be distinguished:

- the purpose and content of education;

- Methodology, tasks, methods, technologies of pedagogical process;

- forms and means of organization of education and upbringing;

- management, teachers and students.

The second classification (group) in the education system is based on the scale of innovation.  The following changes can be distinguished here: - unrelated local and separate (one-sided);

- complex, interconnected;

- Systematic, covering the whole school and higher education system.

The third classification (group) is based on innovation opportunities.  In this case, consider:

 - educational programs, curricula, improvement of structures, ingenuity,

- known and accepted changes to views

- modification;

- innovation in combinatorics (changes);

- radical change.

 The fourth classification (group) of innovations is relative to the previous ones

 grouped based on  In this approach, the novelty can be replaced, canceled or

 depending on the disclosures.  In this case it is a source of renewal in the school and higher system as:

- social order as a need of the country, region, city, district;

- Reflection of the social order in the laws and documents of regional and regional significance;

- Achieving a comprehensive human science, advanced pedagogical experience;

- Intuition and creativity of leaders and teachers in testing errors and shortcomings;

- experimental work;

- Foreign experience.

The developing innovative policy in our country poses important and responsible tasks for education.  The document on “Education for an Innovative Society in the 21st Century” adopted by the Group of Eight at the Summit in St. Petersburg in July 2006 calls for consideration and resolution of the problem. The strategy for the future development of science and innovation is to create an "innovative person", that is, regardless of how he works, he must be inclined to innovation and new knowledge.  Today, modern innovative fitness is emerging. The term “innovative education” appears on the website of current national projects, which states that innovative education requires teaching in the process of creating new knowledge.  This requires a distinction between the current concept of “innovative learning technologies” and the new concept of “innovative education”.

Education is one of the first in our country to launch an active innovation movement.  At some point in the late twentieth century, such efforts were made.  For example, the views of A.G.Rivin and V.K.Dyachenko on collective teaching, D.B.Elkonin, V.V.Davydov, L.V. Zankov on the development of innovative education were of particular importance at the time.  In addition, other innovative educational technologies: dialectical teaching methods (AIGoncharuk, VLZarina), individual-oriented teaching (AAYarulov), "Ecology and dialectics" (LVTarasov), heuristic teaching  (AVXutorskoy) dialogue culture (VSBibler, S.Yu.Kurganov), projective self-reflection (GPShedrovitskaya) and others.The innovators for the educational technologies listed above were only educators, and their innovations focused on the formation of the necessary qualities in students, with no focus on innovative thinking and ability to focus on innovative activities.  The views expressed require the distinction between the concepts of “innovative educational technologies” and “innovative education” as follows:  innovative educational technologies and programs are all educational technologies that create and develop pedagogical innovation.  Is the result.  Innovative education is such innovative educational technologies and programs in which the teacher is the result of innovative activity, the learner is the creator (generation) of innovative ideas; mono-innovation of production (innovation of specialists) mono-innovative education – (pedagogical innovation), its innovation, pedagogical innovation, their consequence, the innovation of the learners.

Results: The urgency of the issue here is to develop existing "mono" innovative educational technologies to a "bi-innovative" state.  These are confirmed by their own practical experience in the example of a number of foreign students, their experiments and inventions. Here it is proved that the theory of solving inventive problems can be solved through IMEN, which is based on the achievements of modern science through strong, talented thinking.  A number of developed laboratories (IMEN) in developed countries have developed a new method for IMEN pedagogy called "inventing knowledge". 

Conclusion: The basics of IMEN integration have been developed in conjunction with all the most common innovative pedagogical technologies.  An additional effect of this is the possibility of writing various pedagogical technologies in the language of practical dialectics.



  1. From the speech of President IA Karimov at the International Conference "Education of a highly educated and intellectually advanced generation - the most important condition for sustainable development and modernization of the country."  - Tashkent, February 17, 2012
Информация об авторах

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan, Professor, Uzbekistan, Jizzakh

д-р техн. наук, Джизакский филиал Национального университета Узбекистана, профессор, Узбекистан, г. Джизак

Assistant of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Jizzakh Branch of the National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan, Jizzakh

ассистент кафедры прикладной математики и информатики факультета прикладной математики Джизакского филиала Национального университета Узбекистана, Узбекистан, г. Джизак

Teacher-trainee of the department "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" of the faculty "Applied Mathematics" of the Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan, Jizzakh

преподаватель-стажер кафедры «Прикладная математика и информатика» факультета «Прикладная математика» Джизакского филиала Национального университета Узбекистана, Узбекистан, г. Джизак

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54438 от 17.06.2013
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