The essence and content of communicative abilities of teenagers of a heterogeneous group

Суть и содержание коммуникативных возможностей подростков гетерогенной группы
Karimova Z. Musayev A.
Karimova Z., Musayev A. The essence and content of communicative abilities of teenagers of a heterogeneous group // Universum: психология и образование : электрон. научн. журн. 2021. 5(83). URL: (дата обращения: 22.12.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniPsy.2021.83.5.11648



The article is devoted to the essence and structure of the communicative skills of teenagers of the heterogeneous group. The characteristic of the concepts "heterogeneous" and "heterogeneous group" is given. Attention is focused on the essence of the concept of "heterogeneous", which is the basis for the study of teenagers from families of different social status (with one, two, three or more children). The results determining the levels of development of basic communicative skills heterogeneous group’s teenagers that can be used as indicators needed in the process of creating pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicative skills of teenagers are described. The results of the study reflect the specifics of the behavior style of teenagers with heterogeneous features in the process of communication.


Статья посвящена сущности и структуре коммуникативных умений подростков гетерогенной группы. Дана характеристика понятий "гетерогенный" и "гетерогенная группа". Акцентируется внимание на сущности понятия "гетерогенный", которое лежит в основе изучения подростков из семей различного социального статуса (с одним, двумя, тремя и более детьми). Описаны результаты определения уровней развития основных коммуникативных умений подростков гетерогенной группы, которые могут быть использованы в качестве показателей, необходимых в процессе создания педагогических условий формирования коммуникативных умений подростков. Результаты исследования отражают специфику стиля поведения подростков с гетерогенными особенностями в процессе общения.


Keywords: the essence of communication skills, heterogeneous group, structure of communication skills, adolescents.

Ключевые слова: сущность коммуникативных умений, гетерогенная группа, структура коммуникативных умений, подростки.



Modern society is increasingly focused on the developing personality of a person as a subject of communication. Currently, communication skills are of particular value, as they provide the opportunity for broad interpersonal contacts, social and personal success, as well as development in cooperation with other people. An important role in the process of socialization belongs to education, which is aimed at creating special pedagogical conditions for the upbringing of a teenager, purposefully forming his communicative skills. To identify the essence of the communication skills of teenagers of a heterogeneous group, it is first necessary to consider the concept of heterogeneity. Under the communicative ability it should be understood that the skills are aimed at: 1)building the right line of their behavior; 2)understanding of human psychology: the ability to choose the right intonation, gestures, the ability to understand other people and empathize with the interlocutor, to put yourself in his place, to pre-guess the other person's reaction, to choose the most appropriate way of addressing each of the interlocutors . The following studies are devoted to the problem of the formation of communicative skills of adolescents in various fields of activity. Therefore, the purpose of our research work is to determine the ways of the formation communicative abilities of teenagers of the heterogeneous group in the game activity.


Researchers consider the problem of heterogeneity as a set of group communities from different positions, namely:

1) as a subject of relations in a group, the influence of this group of people on the interaction, relationships, mental state of the group members and the ways of their communication (A. A. Bodalev)

2) as a social stratification of the rich and poor population (M. K. Gorshkov)

3) as a stratification of the population in cultural, social, and historical aspects (T. Kh. Kerimov)

4) as heterogeneous groups of students with different educational goals, educational needs, teaching methods, thinking styles and communication languages (E. L. Tikhomirova, E. V. Shadrova). In the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov, the concept of "heterogeneous" is interpreted as a group according to its content or origin. A number of teachers consider a heterogeneous group of students as a mixed-ability group that includes a certain number of people with different characteristics (nationality, age, gender, intelligence, features of physical and mental development, etc.). We are closer to the concept of S. I. Ozhegov, since in our study we consider the heterogeneous characteristics of teenagers as heterogeneity in individual and social characteristics. At the same time, we adhere to the position of A. A. Bodalev, considering the subject - subject relations in the collective for the study of the communicator - cognitive skills of a heterogeneous group’s teenagers. The study of various aspects of the teenagers communicative skills of a heterogeneous group does not lose its relevance at the present time, despite the already available volume of research results. To identify the essence of the concept of "communicative ability of a teenager", it is necessary to analyze such conceptual constructs as " skill" and "communicative skill". According to G. M. Kocaspirova, " a skill is a learned way of performing an action, provided by a set of acquired knowledge and abilities. The skill is formed through exercises and creates the ability to perform actions not only in the usual, but also in the changed conditions".


In the psychological and pedagogical literature, communication skills should be understood as the following: a)the ability to formalize your thoughts in an oral statement accurately, briefly, without distortion; b)the ability to formalize your thoughts in a written statement; c)the ability to listen, understand the essence and put a question to what you have heard. Based on the above, in the framework of our study, we consider the following skills under the communicative skills of adolescents of a heterogeneous group: 1) the ability to listen to the interlocutor; the ability to clearly formulate your thoughts clearly; 3) the ability to avoid a conflict situation (to find a compromise solution). Provided that these communication skills of adolescents of the heterogeneous group are not sufficiently formed, there is a need to use certain means of their formation in accordance with the characteristics of adolescence, namely role-playing and business games. The relevance of the choice of the studying communicative skills of adolescents from families with one, two, three or more children due to the fact that the analysis of scientific literature allows you to reveal the following: in recent years, in the system of education there is a tendency to strengthen the works on the socialization of students entering under the category of "special children" enrolled in boarding schools, as well as gifted children. We do not question the need to work with such children. However, it becomes clear that attention to students is decreasing without any specific physical and psychological features of development, although they also require a special approach in the development of their communicative skills in the process of socialization. In our study, the following people took part 120 students from 7th form. To make a diagnosis of the communication skills of adolescents of the heterogeneous group, we used a test questionnaire which helped to identify the level of communicative competence, as well as the quality of the formation of the main communication skills of adolescents of a heterogeneous group.


The results of the study show that the subjects in all the three groups formed the ability to respond to the positive statements of the partner, i.e. they formed the ability to listen and hear, correctly interpret information, understand subtexts, although these indicators are not high (46% in all groups). Due to their heterogeneous characteristics, such adolescents are quite flexible in their communication and are able to choose a more effective strategy of behavior in the process of communication. They have a fairly high level of self-organization of communication, the ability to conduct a conversation, to formulate a demand. In addition, the indicators in situations in which a teenager should react to negative statements, as well as the ability to express their own assessment of what they heard or saw in families with two, three or more children show a low level (46% and 46%). Often, these teenagers have the ability to clearly express their thoughts, to argue their statements are not sufficiently formed. In families with one child (52%), on the contrary, there is a fairly high level of ability to listen, understand the essence and put a question to what is heard. Adolescents of heterogeneous groups in situations in which they are approached with a request have a higher level of formation of the communicative ability to make contact with another person (52%, 51% and 51%) and in conversation situations lower (34%, 36% and 37%, respectively). Insufficient formation of communication skills, lack of a favorable emotional background affects the level of sociability. Such teenagers are more willing to answer the request than to support the conversation, since the conversation requires a lot of time and emotional costs. In situations where empathy is required, adolescents of heterogeneous groups show a fairly high level of reflection and self-regulation (65%, 54%, and 54%). By choosing a strategy of support and mutual understanding in communication, which consists of understanding the feelings and states of another person, they confirm the assumption that the ability of correctly interpreting information, understanding subtexts and self-regulation are sufficiently developed.


So, the problem of forming the necessary communication skills of adolescents of a heterogeneous group remains very relevant and insufficiently studied. Therefore, teachers need to create such conditions for their formation that teenagers of a heterogeneous group have a desire to interact in the process of communication with peers and adults, that is, "simulate the conditions of personal development" in the process of communication. Knowledge of the norms and rules that are necessary when communicating with others, as well as the ability to organize communication taking into account heterogeneous features are an integral part in the formation of basic communication skills.



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