Postgraduate student, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan
This article discusses the extraction of oil from peach kernels using the pressing method and provides a detailed analysis of the chemical composition of the extracted oil. It covers the fatty acid profile, including the types of fatty acids present, as well as the macro and microelement content. The analysis includes the methods and equipment used, such as gas chromatography and spectrophotometric analysis of carotenoids. Additionally, the study highlights the significance and potential applications of peach kernel oil obtained under the conditions of Uzbekistan.
В данной статье рассматривается процесс извлечения масла из косточек персика методом прессования, а также проводится подробный анализ химического состава полученного масла. Исследование охватывает профиль жирных кислот, включая виды присутствующих жирных кислот, а также содержание макро- и микроэлементов. Анализ включает описания используемых методов и оборудования, таких как газовая хроматография и спектрофотометрический анализ каротиноидов. Кроме того, в исследовании подчеркивается значимость и потенциальные области применения масла из косточек персика, полученного в условиях Узбекистана.
Keywords: peach, pressing, peach kernel oil, fatty acid profile, fatty acid content, macro and micro indicators, gas chromatography, carotenoids, spectrophotometric analysis, application areas.
Ключевые слова: персик, прессование, масло из косточек персика, профиль жирных кислот, содержание жирных кислот, макро- и микроэлементы, газовая хроматография, каротиноиды, спектрофотометрический анализ, области применения.
Introduction: In the Republic of Uzbekistan, developing and implementing high-efficiency technologies for processing unconventional oilseed raw materials to obtain medicinal natural oils is of significant importance in expanding the range of vegetable oils. The most optimal solution to this challenge is establishing small enterprises. These small-scale enterprises have several advantages over large and medium-sized ones, including their compact size. The raw materials of unconventional oilseeds contain up to 60% valuable oil, which can be used not only for food purposes but also in medicine and pharmacology. In Uzbekistan, a suitable raw material base has been created for implementing technologies to process unconventional oilseed raw materials. The assortment of unconventional oilseed raw materials includes grape seeds, fruit kernels (peach, apricot, plum, almond), melon, watermelon, pumpkin, and pomegranate seeds, among others.
Before producing oil from peach kernels, the product undergoes specific technical preparations for oil extraction. These preparations are detailed below. First, the necessary parts of the peach fruit kernels are separated for experimental purposes, followed by a step-by-step process.
Cleaning the Kernels: The initial step involves cleaning the seeds from impurities. The cleaning process relies on the primary physical properties of the seeds and the differences from the accompanying impurities. The impurities may differ from the seeds in terms of size, shape, density, aerodynamic properties, and magnetic characteristics. Various cleaning principles and technical equipment are employed to remove impurities from the seeds effectively.
Cracking the Kernels: The dried seeds are directed to a screw crusher designed to break the shell and separate it from the kernel, which contains the primary oil content. Industrial plants mainly use impact-based equipment such as whippers and centrifugal crushers. Common seed crushers include models like MNR, A1-MCR, and MB-500, which efficiently separate the shell while maintaining the integrity of the kernel.
Seed Cleaning: Initially, raw materials are delivered and cleaned. Then, the kernel is separated from the peach pit. Further cleaning ensures the removal of any remaining impurities, preparing the kernel for subsequent oil extraction.
Grinding the Kernel: The primary purpose of grinding the seed kernel is to break down the cellular structure as much as possible, which facilitates oil extraction during subsequent processing steps. Grinding can be performed using a laboratory mill, ensuring the material is reduced to a texture that allows for efficient oil release.
Fraction Separation: After cleaning, the kernels are separated into fractions based on size. Today, various laboratory sieves of different sizes are used for this purpose. The kernels are ground using a crushing device and then sieved using laboratory sieves with mesh sizes of 6 mm, 4 mm, and 3 mm. The samples are classified into fractions of these specific sizes, and separate experiments are conducted on each fraction to analyze their characteristics.
Moisture Adjustment of Seeds: Moisture adjustment is a crucial technological operation in preparing oily seeds for processing, as the efficiency of oil extraction is directly related to achieving optimal moisture content. An optimal moisture regime is one that is as brief as possible while maintaining or even improving the quality of the seeds and the oil they contain. Selecting the technological moisture regime depends on the chemical composition and physical-mechanical properties of the seeds, as well as the design of the drying equipment.
To adjust the moisture content of each fraction, a water bath is used. Before placing the samples in the water bath, their moisture content is measured using a moisture analyzer. The samples are then soaked in the water bath for 5-10 minutes, after which the moisture content is measured again using the analyzer. If the sample has reached the desired moisture level, the next step of the experiment, which is oil extraction, can proceed.
Oil Extraction Process: After measuring the moisture content of each fraction individually, the samples are placed into a pressing apparatus. An amount ranging from 30 to 50 grams of each sample is loaded into the feed hopper of the press machine. During the pressing process, the temperature of the screw shaft is continuously monitored to ensure optimal conditions. To maximize the efficiency of the pressing process, the moisture content of the sample is also consistently controlled. The samples are pressed at a hot temperature of around 80°C, causing the oil to separate from the kernel.
The extracted oil is then subjected to physicochemical analyses to determine its composition. To further enhance the efficiency of the oil extraction process, the oil content in the residual press cake (meal) is also monitored. The remaining oil in the press cake is extracted using a solvent extraction method. Among the samples tested, the highest oil yield was obtained from the 4 mm fraction with a moisture content of 3.5%. (Refer to Figures 1-2).
Before placing each sample in the water bath for moisture adjustment, the initial moisture content is measured using a moisture analyzer. After soaking the samples in the water bath, the moisture content is measured again. During the experiment, special attention is given to maintaining the relative humidity of the laboratory environment. The room temperature is kept at standard levels, avoiding excessively hot or cold conditions to ensure consistent experimental results.
Oils Extracted from Peach Kernels Pressed at 3.5% Moisture Content and 4 mm Sieve Fraction at 80°C
Figure 1: Unrefined Peach Kernel Oil Figure 2: Refined Peach Kernel Oil
Chemical Analysis To separate the total fatty acids from the sample and prepare them for gas chromatographic analysis, two samples of oil extracted from peach kernels were taken under laboratory conditions to examine the chemical composition. Two samples of peach oil were used: Sample 1, which was taken at 40°C, and Sample 2, which was taken at 80°C.
Table 1.
Indicators of Prunus persica Oil Samples
Indicator |
Sample No. 1 |
Sample No. 2 |
Refractive Index, nD20 |
1.4740 |
1.4761 |
Acid Value, mg KOH/g |
1.09 |
1.11 |
Iodine Value, % I2 |
100.32 |
100.19 |
Carotenoids, mg% |
0.52 |
0.92 |
To determine the fatty acid composition of the oil, the thoroughly mixed oil was placed in a 50 ml flat-bottomed flask, to which 20 ml of 2N KOH solution in methanol was added, and the flask was placed in a water bath. The hydrolysis of the lipids was carried out by boiling for 1 hour. Then, to separate the degradation of the oil and the fatty acids (FA), 50% H₂SO₄ (sulfuric acid) was added to the aqueous mylo solution. Sulfuric acid was added until the solution turned reddish, based on the methyl orange indicator. The fatty acids in the resulting acidic solution were extracted three times with 20-30 ml of diethyl ether. The combined ether extracts were washed with distilled water until reaching a neutral pH using methyl orange as an indicator, then dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate. Afterward, the ether was evaporated using a rotary evaporator under vacuum. To convert the fatty acids into methyl esters, they were treated with freshly prepared diazomethane. The resulting fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) were purified by preparative thin-layer chromatography (PTLC) on silica gel-coated plates using a hexane: diethyl ether (4:1) solvent system. The FAME zone on the sorbent was revealed with iodine vapor, scraped from the plate, and desorbed several times with chloroform elution. The combined chloroform elutes were evaporated using a rotary evaporator. The obtained FAME was dissolved in hexane and analyzed using gas-liquid chromatography (GLC). The analysis was carried out on an Agilent 8860 GC gas chromatograph with a flame ionization detector, using a Supelco (100m x 0.25mm, SP™-2560 phase) capillary column and helium as the carrier gas, with the column temperature ramping from 140°C to 250°C. The identification of the fatty acids was performed by comparing the steel elongation peaks with the Supelco® 37 component methyl ester fatty acid standard (Sigma-Aldrich, USA). The composition and fatty acid quantities of the samples are presented in the table.
Table 2.
Fatty Acid Composition, %, by GC Mass
Fatty Acid |
Sample No. 1 |
Sample No. 2 |
Myristic Acid, 14:0 |
0,04 |
0,05 |
Palmitic Acid, 16:0 |
5,80 |
5,89 |
Palmitoleic Acid, 16:1 |
0,40 |
0,42 |
Stearic Acid, 18:0 |
1,74 |
1,83 |
Oleic Acid, 18:1 |
72,32 |
72,17 |
Linoleic Acid, 18:2 |
19,44 |
19,34 |
Arachidic Acid, 20:0 |
0,12 |
0,12 |
Eicosenoic Acid, 20:1 |
0,07 |
0,10 |
Eicosatetraenoic Acid, 20:4 |
0,04 |
0,05 |
Behenic Acid, 22:0 |
0,02 |
0,02 |
Lignoceric Acid, 24:0 |
0,01 |
0,01 |
Σ Saturated Fatty Acids |
7,73 |
7,92 |
Σ Unsaturated Fatty Acids |
92,27 |
92,08 |
Carotenoids Determination by Spectrophotometric Method
Preparation of Potassium Bichromate Standard Solution: To prepare the solution, 0.090 g of potassium dichromate (K₂Cr₂O₇, GOST 4220-75) is dissolved in distilled water in a 250 ml volumetric flask, and the volume is adjusted to the mark with distilled water. The concentration of this solution corresponds to 0.00208 mg of β-carotene per 1 ml. This solution is then dissolved in a small amount of hexane in a 25 ml volumetric flask, and the volume is brought to the mark. The optical density (D) of this solution is measured in a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 440 nm (with a 10 mm cuvette length).
The total carotenoid content (X, mg%) relative to β-carotene is calculated using the following formula:
- 0.00208 — the amount of β-carotene corresponding to 1 ml of the potassium dichromate standard solution;
- D₀ — the optical density of the standard sample solution;
- D₁ — the optical density of the test solution;
- 25 — the dilution volume, in cm³;
- a — the sample amount, in grams
Acid Value Determination. A 3-5 g sample of oil is placed in a 250 ml conical flask, to which 50 ml of a neutralized solvent mixture is added. This mixture consists of two parts ethyl ether and one part distilled ethyl alcohol. If the acid value is greater than 6, the oil sample should be 1-3 g, and the solvent volume should be 50 ml. The neutralization process is carried out by adding 5 drops of 1% phenolphthalein solution and titrating with 0.1 N KOH solution until the solution changes color to light pink. After thoroughly mixing the oil with the neutralized solvent, the flask is shaken well. If the oil does not fully dissolve, it should be gently heated in a water bath and then cooled to room temperature. The resulting solution is titrated with a 0.1 N diluted soap solution under constant stirring until the color change occurs. To prevent hydrolysis during titration, if a phosphate solution is added, the amount of alcohol in the container should be at least five times the volume of the 0.1 N soda solution used.
The acid value (a.v.) is calculated based on the following formula:
- V — the volume of 0.1 N soda solution used in titration (ml);
- K — the correction coefficient for the titration of 0.1 N soda solution;
- P — the weight of the oil sample (g).
The allowable difference between parallel measurements should not exceed 0.10 mg KOH.
Table 3.
The Amount of Macro and Microelements in Two Samples of Prunus persica Oil, mg/cm²
Element nomi |
40 0C |
80 0C |
Alyuminiy |
Al |
0,104 |
0,102 |
Xlor |
Cl |
0,0026 |
0,0342 |
Kalsiy |
Ca |
4,76 |
6,36 |
Fosfor |
P |
7,26 |
18,7 |
Tsink |
Zn |
0,855 |
0,935 |
Kremsiy |
Si |
0,0295 |
0,0081 |
Sera |
S |
0,0050 |
0,0095 |
Mis |
Cu |
1,36 |
1,51 |
Tsirkoniy |
Zr |
0,0432 |
0,0385 |
"High-Efficiency Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry – Japan, Rigaku NEX CG EDXRF Analyzer with Polarization in the Set - 9022 19 000 0"
Applications: The obtained peach kernel oil is widely used in the food industry. It is included in the composition of diet products, used in salads, and in light frying processes. Additionally, its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties provide a foundation for its use in pharmaceutical and dermatological preparations. The significance of peach kernel oil in the cosmetics industry is also unparalleled. It is considered valuable as a natural softening agent for the skin, particularly as a component of products designed for dry and sensitive skin. The oil helps renew skin cells and keeps the skin elastic and healthy in appearance. Peach kernel oil has a soft, light texture that is quickly absorbed by the skin, making it highly valued, especially in the field of cosmetology. Due to its natural antioxidants, vitamins, and unsaturated fatty acids, peach oil nourishes, hydrates, and rejuvenates the skin.
Conclusion: The chemical composition, various applications, and health benefits of peach kernel oil have been thoroughly discussed. In the future, with the development of this technology and the implementation of innovative approaches, the range of products based on peach oil will expand, contributing to the provision of dietetic food products for the population.
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- Z.T. Madaminova, A.M. Khamdamov, A. Xudayberdiyev. "Varieties of Peach Fruits Growing in Uzbekistan," in Proceedings of the Republican Scientific-Practical Conference on "Relevant Issues in Education, Science, and Production," November 7, 2023, pp. 35-38.
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- Z.T. Madaminova, A.M. Khamdamov, A. Xudayberdiyev. "Technology for Producing Oil from Peach Seeds Grown in Namangan Region," in Collection of Materials from the International Scientific-Practical Conference on Innovative Solutions to Problems in Chemical Technology, Chemistry, and Food Industry under the Conditions of Integration of Science and Production, Namangan, 2023, pp. 537-541.