Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department Power Supply, Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan, Tashkent
The article examines the efficiency of using solar photovoltaic installations within the power supply systems of electric vehicle charging stations. It also presents a range of advantages associated with incorporating photovoltaic power plants into the energy supply system for electric vehicle charging stations. A virtual power plant is proposed, which facilitates the integrated management of solar panel charging, energy storage systems, and batteries within a unified network.
В статье рассмотрены вопросы эффективность использования солнечных фотоэлектрических установок в системе электроснабжения зарядных станций электромобилей. А также представлен ряд преимуществ использования фотоэлектрических электростанций в системе электроснабжения зарядных станций электромобилей. Предлагается виртуальная электростанция, позволяющая управлять зарядкой солнечных панелей, систем хранения энергии и аккумуляторов в единой сети.
Keywords: charging stations, renewable energy sources, electric vehicles, photovoltaic power plants.
Ключевые слова: зарядные станции, возобновляемые источники энергии, электромобили, фотоэлектрические установки.
The effectiveness of using solar photovoltaic power plants in the power supply system of electric vehicle charging stations depends on several factors. This issue is an important step towards improving the stability and efficiency of each system. Below are some ways to use them more effectively [1,2]: use of solar energy resources; integration into the power supply system; ensuring efficiency; environmental and economic efficiency; battery storage systems; location of charging stations.
Solar photovoltaic power plants allow you to get electricity from sunlight. This energy is mainly used to charge electric vehicles as an environmentally friendly and renewable energy source. Using the electricity generated in this way allows you to create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly system without adding additional load to the power grid. These batteries store excess energy and provide charging for electric vehicles at night or on cloudy days. When integrating photovoltaic power plants into the power supply system, the necessary infrastructure and energy storage capabilities of the power grid must be available [3,4]. The amount of solar energy connected to the charging station network helps to increase the maximum capacity of the system or ensure the stability of the network. At the same time, it will be necessary to introduce mechanisms for controlling the supply and balance of energy to prevent overloading of the network [5].Given that the efficiency of alternative photovoltaic plants depends on many factors, including the intensity of solar radiation, location, panel efficiency, and system installation technology. Regular cleaning, installation at an optimal angle, and maintenance of solar cells are important to increase efficiency, and solar panels are now being manufactured with devices that point 900 to the sun. When building charging stations, solar-optimized systems, such as control systems that automatically adapt the solar photovoltaic system to the needs of the energy supply, can also increase efficiency.
Figure 1. Connecting the solar photovoltaic device directly to the charging station
If the generated power is not enough, the grid or energy stored in the panel can be used. In Figure 1 below, a solar photovoltaic device is directly connected to a charging station. Solar energy is used to charge electric vehicles.
Analyzing Figure 1 above, the collected power is used to charge electric vehicles when needed, and at other times it directly transfers energy to the grid.
Some basic approaches and their schemes for integrating solar photovoltaic power plants into electric vehicle charging systems and increasing efficiency are presented. To improve the efficiency of integrating solar photovoltaic power plants into the electric vehicle charging system, several technologies need to be used together. These technologies ensure the most efficient use of solar energy and improve the stability of the network. The above scheme shows effective ways to improve the overall efficiency of the system, integrate with energy storage systems. These schemes provide for improving the overall efficiency of the system, energy management with energy storage systems, demand management and real-time charging optimization.
In Figure 2 below, virtual power plants allow solar arrays, energy storage systems, and charging stations to be managed on a single network. Virtual power plants provide centralized control of the system, ensuring the efficient operation of all components.
Figure 2. Scheme for running virtual power plants using solar panels and charge storage systems
Figure 2 above shows a scheme for virtual power plants that manage solar panels, energy storage devices, and charging stations in a single network. Currently, scientific work is being conducted on this by foreign scientists.
The energy produced by each PV panel is fed into the grid or into local storage devices (batteries). Excess energy produced by the solar panel is stored in the batteries and transmitted to the grid or charging stations as needed.
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