Beshimov M., Barakayev N., Barakayev I. RESEARCH ON THE PROCESS OF CONVECTIVE DRYING OF JERUSALEM ARTICHOKE TUBERS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF PULSED ELECTRIC FIELD // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 7(124). URL: (дата обращения: 18.12.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2024.124.7.18005



Commercially Jerusalem artichoke tubers are important crude fabric to create inulin, fructose, treacle and liquor. Quick diminishing of quality at conventional capacity as a tuber crude fabric makes troublesome to apply it amid a year. For that matter, drying is advertised as the foremost reasonable conservation strategy of Jerusalem artichoke tubers. With the help of the conducted experiments, the effect of treatment with pulsed electric field was determined, its effects on increasing the efficiency and reducing the energy consumption in drying ground Jerusalem artichokes were studied. Jerusalem artichokes were treated under the influence of 10, 20 electric field pulses with a voltage of 6, 7, 8 kV. Treated Jerusalem artichokes were cut into 2 mm thickness and dried in a convective dryer at 60oC.

Relationship was found between the amount of energy supplied during pulsed electric field pretreatment and the reduction of drying time; therefore, it is worth considering gentler conditions of treatment with an electric field to avoid overtreatment of the material.


В коммерческом отношении клубни топинамбура являются ценным сырьем для производства инулина, фруктозы, патоки и спирта. Быстрое снижение качества при традиционном хранении клубнеплодного сырья затрудняет его применение в течение года. В связи с этим в качестве наиболее подходящего способа консервации клубней топинамбура предлагается сушка. С помощью проведенных экспериментов определен эффект обработки импульсным электрическим полем, изучено ее влияние на повышение эффективности и снижение энергозатрат при сушке молотого топинамбура. Топинамбур обрабатывали под воздействием 10, 20 импульсов электрического поля напряжением 6, 7, 8 кВ. Обработанные топинамбуры нарезали толщиной 2 мм и сушили в конвективной сушилке при температуре 60°С.

Установлена ​​связь между количеством энергии, подводимой при предварительной обработке импульсным электрическим полем, и сокращением времени сушки; поэтому стоит рассмотреть более щадящие условия обработки электрическим полем во избежание переобработки материала.


Keywords: Jerusalem artichoke, convective drying, inulin, vitamins, minerals, moisture.

Ключевые слова: Топинамбур, конвективная сушка, инулин, витамины, минералы, влажность.


Introduction. The perpetual jerusalem artichoke plant has recuperating qualities. Tubers contain nitrogen compounds, natural and greasy acids, vitamin C and vitamin B complex, and the dissolvable polysaccharide inulin [1]. The minerals found in Jerusalem artichokes incorporate copper, magnesium, silica, zinc, phosphorus, press, and potassium. Various thinks about back the value of utilizing jerusalem artichokes as a utilitarian nourishment  [2-4]. Jerusalem artichoke tubers can be included to nourishment as a dietary supplement, particularly for diabetics experiencing broad treatment, to assist direct digestion system. The polysaccharide inulin, which may be a representation of the carbohydrates found in tubers, gives an clarification for this [5]. Inulin is broken down into fructose amid absorption. Fructose, on the other hand, is quickly changed over into glycogen, does not raise blood sugar levels, and is promptly retained by people. Jerusalem artichokes have the capacity to kill radioactive materials, salts, and overwhelming metals [6,7].

Different medicines some time recently the drying handle are connected increasingly regularly. By adjusting the properties of a specific tissue, they increment the drying rate and move forward the quality of the fabric [8]. As of late, the application of a pulsed electric field has been utilized more habitually as a pre-treatment strategy some time recently drying. It is one of the foremost promising nonthermal treatments some time recently drying. The most instrument of pulsed electric field is based on the tender opening of the cell layer as a result of electroporation, i.e. shaping irreversible or reversible pores within the cell film  [9]. Therefore, the pulsed electric field induces an increase in the permeability of the cell membrane. Pulsed electric fields can induce physical modifications in the treated tissue. Electric pulses of appropriate intensity damage the cell membrane of the material, which enhances the diffusion of water. This accelerates the drying process and thus reduces the degradation of important bioactive compounds. Therefore, this research aimed to determine the effect of a pulsed electric field pre-treatment on the convective drying of Jerusalem artichoke tubers and the selected properties of the obtained dried material (total phenolic content – TPC, antioxidant activity, microstructure)[10].

Material and methods. Material. The research was performed on the Jerusalem artichoke tubers variety "Mujiza". Freshly plucked Jerusalem artichoke tubers is cleaned. The most standard jerusalem artichoke tubers in terms of shape, colour, and maturity were selected for the tests. Before starting the technological operations, the initial dry matter content of the fresh jerusalem artichoke tubers was 80 ± 3%.

Result and Discussion. The drying procedure was performed on  jerusalem artichoke tubers, prepared by cutting the fruits into 2 mm thick slices. The convective drying of the untreated and pulsed electric field treated jerusalem artichoke tubers  was carried out in a laboratory convective dryer. Jerusalem artichoke tubers tubers are fed with 10, 20 pulses under the influence of an electric pulse field.  The marked temperature was set at the same 600 C for all processes.


Figure 1.This table shows how jerusalem artichoke tubers dries to different moisture content during the same time when 10 pulses of 6 7 8 kV are applied


In the course of drying, the root fruits treated with 6, 7, 8 kV electrical impulses 10 times had different moisture release over time. The product was dried for 3 hours. The final moisture content of the product was different.


Figure 2. This table shows how jerusalem artichoke tubers dries to different moisture content during the same time when 20 pulses of 6 7 8 kV are applied


As the drying industry uses different drying zones with low temperatures and residence times to keep the drying time short but product quality high, the first task of the study was to investigate the drying kinetics of the jerusalem artichoke tubers. As pulsed electric field pre-treatment alters the product characteristic and drying behavior in terms of an increase in cell disintegration as well as a facilitated moisture release and diffusion, it is important to adapt the drying profile to achieve all the process and quality benefits.

Conclusions. The impact of a pulsed electric field pre-treatment on the convective drying and quality of jerusalem artichoke tubers has been investigated. It was shown that applying a pulsed electric field pre-treatment of 6,7,8 kv and 10, 20 times to whole jerusalem artichoke tubers prior to drying resulted in a positive change in the drying kinetics. For drying at a constant temperature of 60 0C, the was achieved 60 min faster. Moreover, pulsed electric field treatment resulted in a 20% faster drying process. This allowed us to reduce the drying temperature for the second drying stage earlier, still resulting in an effcient,  drying process.

The present research shows that it is possible to optimize the convective drying of jerusalem artichoke tubers with pulsed electric field pretreatment. Pulsed electric field, by increasing the permeability of the cell membrane, led to a significant reduction in drying time. Relationship was found between the amount of energy supplied during pulsed electric field pretreatment and the reduction of drying time; therefore, it is worth considering gentler conditions of treatment with an electric field to avoid overtreatment of the material.



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Информация об авторах

Postgraduate student, Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute, Uzbekistan, Bukhara

магистрант, Бухарский инженерно-технологический институт, Узбекистан, г. Бухара

Rector, Renaissance University of Education, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

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Deputy dean, Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan, Bukhara

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