Assistant professor, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh
In this article, the influence of Kashkadarya soil on the cultivation of rapeseed - oilseed crops was studied.It is used as edible oil - the quota of rapeseed in the production of technical plants containing it is increasing, which is due to the low content of oleic monounsaturated acids and diunsaturated and triunsaturated acids. As a result, oxidation is reduced and shelf life is increased.
В данной статье изучено влияние почвы Кашкадарьи на выращивание рапсово-масличных культур. Его используют в качестве пищевого масла - доля рапса в производстве содержащих его технических растений увеличивается, что обусловлено низким содержанием олеиновых мононенасыщенных кислот, а также диненасыщенных и триненасыщенных кислот. В результате снижается окисление и увеличивается срок хранения.
Keywords: rapeseed, technical crops, food, plant, olein, oxidation, phospholipids, chlorophyll.
Ключевые слова: рапс, технические культуры, пищевые, растения, олеин, окисление, фосфолипиды, хлорофилл.
Introduction. Raps – oil is a vegetable oil, which is taken from the seeds of raps. It was explored the effect of soil of Kashkadarya in the purpose of growing raps – oil industrial crops. It is used as a food oil in a number of specialist’s opinion the quota of raps is increasing in producing oil – containing industrial crops, which is related to predominance the monounsaturated acids of olein and small content of di-unsaturated and tri-unsaturated acids in it’s composition. The oxidation is descreased and the date of validity is increased because of it. At the same time processing of raps-oil is connected with taking away phospholipids, natural fatty asids, pigments of chlorophyll group from it and connection of sulphur.
The scientists named raps-oil as “ north olive oil ” because according to biological characteristics it keeps up with olive oil and even if surpasses it in respect of some elements. Raps – oil contains vitamin E and much unsaturated fatty acids such as polyunsaturated asids (Omega -6, Omega - 3), monounsaturated asids ( oleinic adid Omega -9). Food raps – oil which is not contained errucoic acid possesses nut aroma and specific taste, it’s colour may be from yellow up to brown. This oil is for preparing various kinds of dish ( salads, pastry cook’s, preserving, for frying ) and for food industry.
Methodology.The great interest is also increasing in raps-oil for getting diesel fuel.
Salinization of soil offers a great of calamity for agriculture. According to evidence FAO less than 50% of soil of the globe is subjected to salinization. Saline soils are occupied more than 950mln. Hectare all over the world. Approximately 500-600 thousand hectare of agricultural lands fall out every year, because of swamping and salinization.
It was found out the pecularities of accumulation of salts in root layer of soil in different conditions of irrigation effect of mineralized subsoil waters.
The effect of methods of horizontal drainage and washing technology of soil for crop capacity of non-errukive sort of raps were worked out by us.
NaCl, Na2SO4, MgSO4, NaHCO3, Na2CO3 refer to toxic salts and Ca(HCO3)2, CaSO4, CaCO3, attribute to non – toxic salts which are made poison effect on vegetable organism.
The reseaches showed that anions of chlor and sulphate related to sodium and magnesium are accumulated on irrigative soil of Kashkadarya mostly. All harmful salts are high-dissolble which conditioned their bad influence on plants. It was found that if content of ion HCO3 mounts to 0,09% but Ph is 87-9 in the arable horisont a maked deterioration of growth of raps will begin with carbonate-soda salinity.plants will perish with 0,1-0,2% of HCO3. a maked oppression of grow of the raps begins by containing chlorion 0,5-0,1% with chloride salinity.
Most of raps developed defectively by containing toxic salt 0,4-0,8% and it gave low harvest. But it didn’t grow with 1,5% and higher of toxic salts at all. The researches showed, that saline, getting into the plant suppress metabolic process. Assimilation of carbonic-asid gas and formation of chlorophyll is broken. The roots of raps cannot suck out water from saline soil. If concentration of saline soil exceeds the concentration of cellular sap roots, the plant will perish.
Result. Mostly salinity stability of plants depends on soil-climatic conditions. Salinity stability decreases on hard clay soils, loamy soils and hot climate conditions. On the contrary it increases on light soils and in damp conditions.
It was fixed that the best way of increasing the harvest of raps’s seeds is moving of the salinity from the upper layer (2m) of soil. That’s why one should wash off their layer from soil parts and substitute salini soil layer for insipide moisture. The delay of snow and rain water is effective for that.
Land – reclamation ploughing, deep friability which make improving effect on soil is effective too.
It was also determined, that it was recommended to bring in chemical meliorates for increasing the harvest of raps. One of these meliorates is manure, which neutralizes alkalinity of soil according to the acidity. Humus, formed by its decomposition improves the structure of soil and forms water-durable aggregates. Besides, manure contains the great quantity of nutrient elements and useful microorganisms which promote the increasing of crop capacity of raps. When laying out manure, the formation of carbonic acid gas intensifies, which tells on carbonate soils while doing their melioration. Manure should be carry in autumn, when the soil prepares for spring sowing.
Discossion. Potassium fertilizer and phosphoric fertilizer are recommended to bring in from chemical fertilizer. It is also desirable to carry in the portion of phosphoric fertilizer. It is necessary to bring in nitric fertilizer in spring in two motions – the first time in the period of flowering of the plant. Carrying in fertilizers influence on increasing oil growing seeds.
So, soil composition influences on crop capacity of raps, so does complex observance of land- reclamation measures and agrotechnical ways. On the other hand the growth of raps effects on increasing the fertility of soil well because it is natural meliorate – salini – hardy crops.
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