Keshchian E.
Keshchian E. LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY FOR SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS: A BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER'S PERSPECTIVE ON SAFE FOOD PRODUCTS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 3(120). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/17081 (дата обращения: 22.07.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2024.120.3.17081



This article examines the integration of technology into sustainable food systems, focusing on Elizabeth Keshchian's efforts as a Business Analyst and Business Development Manager. Highlighting the use of blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT), it showcases how these technologies can revolutionize food safety, efficiency, and sustainability. The article outlines the role of business analysis and Agile methodologies in deploying these innovations effectively and underscores the importance of strategic partnerships in amplifying their impact.


В данной статье рассматривается интеграция технологий в устойчивые пищевые системы, с акцентом на усилиях Елизаветы Кещьян в качестве бизнес-аналитика и менеджера по развитию бизнеса. Освещая использование технологий блокчейна, искусственного интеллекта (ИИ) и Интернета вещей (IoT), статья демонстрирует, как эти инновации могут радикально изменить безопасность, эффективность и устойчивость пищевых продуктов. В статье излагается роль методологий бизнес-анализа и Agile в эффективном внедрении этих инноваций и подчеркивается важность стратегических партнерств в усилении их воздействия.


Keywords: sustainable food systems, technology integration, artificial intelligence (ai), internet of things (iot), agile methodology, strategic partnerships, food safety.

Ключевые слова: устойчивые пищевые системы, интеграция технологий, искусственный интеллект (ии), интернет вещей (iot), методология agile, стратегические партнерства, безопасность пищевых продуктов.



In an era where sustainability and health are paramount concerns for consumers worldwide, the imperative to integrate technology into the development of sustainable food systems has become increasingly pressing. The work of Elizabeth Keshchian, with her extensive background as a Business Analyst and Business Development Manager, exemplifies the confluence of technology and food safety, advocating for innovative approaches to revolutionize the food industry. Her insights provide a roadmap for harnessing technology to ensure food systems are sustainable and capable of producing safe, nutritious products.

The Intersection of Technology and Sustainability

The creation of sustainable food systems is a complex challenge that requires a balance between environmental stewardship, economic viability, and social equity. Keshchian's strategic initiatives at Lactocore Group highlight her commitment to integrating advanced technologies into food production processes. Her vision for Lactocore and the broader food industry suggests that innovative functional foods represent the future of our diet, where technology plays a key role in achieving sustainability.

The integration of technology in agriculture and food production has been the focus of extensive study. George and Al-Ansari, in "Blockchain for Food Supply Chain: A Review," discuss blockchain technology's capacity to enhance traceability and transparency across the supply chain [4, p. 39]. Similarly, Shah’s "Transforming Agricultural Technology by Artificial Intelligence and Robotics" explores how AI can optimize resource use and reduce waste, contributing to the sustainability of food production systems [6, p. 124]. These and other scholarly contributions, such as those by Burlingame, Dernini, Little, Cribb, and Post, collectively illustrate a future where technology-driven innovations empower sustainable food systems.

Harnessing Cutting-Edge Technologies

Emerging technologies like blockchain, AI, and the Internet of Things (IoT) play crucial roles in achieving food safety and sustainability. The application of blockchain, as discussed by George and Al-Ansari, enhances the security and transparency of food transactions. AI, as detailed by Behera, predicts crop yields and optimizes farming practices [3, p. 142]. Moreover, Aamer and Al-Awlaqi's discussion on IoT in "The internet of things in the food supply chain: adoption challenges" highlights how real-time monitoring can prevent spoilage and waste [1, p. 2523]. The convergence of these technologies promises to transform the food industry by improving efficiency, transparency, and sustainability.


Figure 1. Impact of technologies on food safety and sustainability


The diagram illustrates the impact of various cutting-edge technologies—Blockchain, AI & Machine Learning, and IoT—on food safety and sustainability. It compares these technologies based on their contributions to supply chain transparency, optimized resource use, and real-time monitoring. The impact levels are represented through a hypothetical scale, highlighting the relative importance and focus of research by George and Al-Ansari, Aamer and Al-Awlaqi, and Behera in each area [4, 1, 3]. This visualization emphasizes the transformative potential of these technologies in creating more sustainable and resilient food systems.

The Crucial Role of Business Analysis

Elizabeth's proficiency in Business Analysis, including her expertise in SDLC, Agile/Scrum, and Waterfall Methodology, plays a critical role in her approach to developing sustainable food systems. Through rigorous Impact Analysis, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Gap Analysis, Risk analysis, and SWOT Analysis, she evaluates projects' feasibility, ensuring that technological solutions not only meet current market demands but also align with long-term sustainability goals. The work, reflecting the sentiment that every individual can make a difference, as expressed by Jane Sutherland, showcases Keshchian's ability to navigate complex challenges and ensure that technology implementations are effective and sustainable [9, p. 181].

The experience in utilizing tools like MS Visio, HP Quality Center, and Jira for developing use case scenarios enables the designing and development of applications that are critical for the efficient management of sustainable food systems. This technological backbone is essential for tracking the lifecycle of food products, from sourcing to production to distribution, ensuring transparency, safety, and sustainability.

Agile Methodology: Driving Innovation

Keshchian's implementation of Agile methodologies throughout project management, particularly highlighted during her tenure at GlavVrash and Ball Corporation, underscores the importance of adaptability and customer-centricity in developing sustainable food products. Agile practices, such as Sprint Planning and Velocity Planning, facilitate rapid iteration and continuous feedback, allowing for the swift incorporation of technological innovations into product development processes. This approach, enabling rapid prototyping and testing, ensures that products meet safety standards and consumer preferences.

Table 1.

Agile Methodology: Catalyzing Innovation in Sustainable Food Product Development

Agile Methodology Component

Implementation by Keshchian

Impact on Sustainable Food Product Development

Sprint Planning

Utilized at GlavVrash and Ball Corporation to organize project activities and set short-term objectives.

Ensures focused efforts on immediate goals, enabling flexibility and quick adjustments to project directions based on consumer feedback and technological advancements.

Velocity Planning

Employed to measure the rate at which teams deliver project iterations, emphasizing efficiency and productivity.

Facilitates the prediction of project timelines, allowing for more accurate planning and resource allocation. Enhances the ability to introduce new technologies into product development swiftly.

Rapid Prototyping

Integral to Agile's iterative process, encouraging the development of prototypes for immediate testing and feedback.

Accelerates the innovation cycle, enabling the exploration of new ideas and technologies to enhance product sustainability and consumer safety.

Continuous Feedback

A cornerstone of Agile, ensuring ongoing communication with stakeholders and consumers to refine and improve products.

Aligns product development closely with consumer preferences and safety standards, ensuring that products are well-received and fit for market demands.


Agile's flexibility allows for quick pivots in strategy and product features in response to market changes or technological opportunities.

Critical for navigating the complexities of sustainable food systems, ensuring products remain relevant and competitive in a rapidly evolving market.


This table encapsulates the implementation of Agile methodologies at GlavVrash and Ball Corporation significantly contributes to the innovation and development of sustainable food products. By embracing adaptability and customer-centricity, Agile practices like Sprint and Velocity Planning, alongside rapid prototyping and continuous feedback, Keshchian ensures that technological innovations are effectively integrated into product development processes. This approach not only meets safety standards and consumer preferences but also exemplifies the efficacy of Agile in fostering innovation in the complex field of sustainable food product development, echoing the insights of Sutherland and the Poppendiecks [8, 9].

Fostering Strategic Partnerships

A key aspect of Elizabeth's strategy involves fostering strategic partnerships and collaborations. Her role as a Strategic Partnerships and Novel Products Advisor for Lactocore Group exemplifies how business development and technology intersect to drive the food industry forward. By advocating for and implementing strategies that promote public health and innovation, Elizabeth has contributed significantly to the national interest and the advancement of the biotech and functional foods sector. Her efforts in forging strategic partnerships leverage collective expertise and resources, aligning with the views of Kania, Kramer, Eyben, and Underhill on the power of collaboration to address food sustainability challenges [7, p. 39].

The Path Forward

Keshchian's dedication to integrating technology into sustainable food systems aligns with the vision of ensuring adequate food for all, as advocated by Norman Borlaug [2, p. 24]. Her work, resonating with the research of Hawken, emphasizes the critical role of innovation in agriculture and the need for sustainable practices to address global challenges of food security and climate change [5, p. 174].

In conclusion, the journey towards sustainable food systems, championed by Keshchian, offers a strategic blend of technological innovation and business analysis, illuminating the path for achieving global food security and sustainability. Her contributions call for embracing technology as a tool for nourishing and sustaining the global population, laying the groundwork for a future where technology and sustainability converge to create resilient food systems.



  1. Aamer A.M. The internet of things in the food supply chain: adoption challenges // An International Journal. - 2011. Vol. 28. № 8. – P.2521-2541.
  2. Borlaug N. The Essence of the Green Revolution: Nobel Lecture. – Oslo: Norwegian Nobel Institute, 1970. – 43 p.
  3. Behera B.  Bridging the Gap: The Crucial  Role of Agricultural  Extension  in  Advancing  Digital  Agriculture  in  India // Advanced  Farming Techniques. – 2023. Vol. 41, № 4. P.140-156.
  4. George W. Review of Blockchain Applications in Food Supply Chains // Blockchains, 2023. Vol. 1. № 1. P. 34-57.
  5. Hawken P. Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming. - 1st edition. – London: Penguin Books, 2017. – 256 p.
  6. Shah M. Transforming Agricultural Technology by Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. - Taylor & Francis Group, 2023. – 196 p.
  7. Kania, J., Kramer M. Collective Impact // Stanford Social Innovation Review. – 2011. Vol. 9. № 1. – P.36–41.
  8. Poppendieck M., Poppendieck T. Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit: Agile Software Development Series. – Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2003. - 240 p.
  9. Sutherland, J. Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time. – NYC: Random House Business Books, 2015. – 256 p.
Информация об авторах

Business Development Analyst, Canadian Canning Inc., USA, Boston

аналитик по развитию бизнеса, Canadian Canning Inc., США, г. Бостон

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