Xaydarova M.A. Kodirov Z.Z.
Xaydarova M.A., Kodirov Z.Z. EFFECTIVE METHODS FOR IDENTIFYING SYNTHETIC DYES IN SOFT DRINKS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 2(119). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/16920 (дата обращения: 18.03.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2024.119.2.16920



To provide recommendations on the use of the most convenient and simple physico-chemical methods based on high technologies in the verification and certification of the chemical composition of non-alcoholic beverages, to develop methodological manuals on the methods of quick identification of non-alcoholic beverages made from natural fruits from counterfeit products, and to implementation.


Даны рекомендации по использованию наиболее удобных и простых физико-химических методов, основанных на высоких технологиях, при проверке и сертификации химического состава безалкогольных напитков, разработаны методические пособия по методам быстрой идентификации безалкогольных напитков, изготовленные из натуральных плодов от контрафактной продукции, и до реализации.


Keywords: E500, tartrazine, carmoisine E 122, erythrosine, food, E100, E600, toxic, organism.

Ключевые слова: Е500, тартразин, кармоизин Е 122, эритрозин, пища, Е100, Е600, токсично, организм.


Currently, there are more than 1,000 types of food additives intended for use in food products in different countries of the world, and 500 names of food additives are used in the production of food products. In the countries of the European Union, 300 names of food additives are used in the production of products. The European Union countries have introduced the use of a numerical code marked with the letter "E" for the use of food additives in food products based on an efficient and rationally harmonized system. This digital code marked with the letter "E" is the digital code of food additives in the international system (International Numbering System-INS) of FAO/WHO (World Food and Agriculture Organization under FAO-OON); (included in the Codex Alimentarius, Ed.2, V.1) of WHO-World Health Organization (WHO).

When marking food additives with a numerical code, the letter "E" is followed by a three- or four-digit number. Food additives marked with this numerical code are interpreted as follows:

  • the safety of this substance has been checked;
  • it is possible to recommend using the product according to safety standards in accordance with the technical conditions;
  • for the quality of the food product, the level of purity of this substance is determined.

On the labels of food products, it is necessary to indicate the types of substances belonging to separate categories of food additives used in this product with the numerical code "E".

For example: sodium benzoate or E 211 preservative.

The main classes of food additives are designated by the numerical code with the letter "E" in the following order:

E100 - E182 - coloring substances, E200 and above – preservatives, E300 and higher – antioxidants (antioxidants), E400 and higher-thick-liquid, density regulators, E 450 - E 499 - a substance that helps to form an emulsion, E500 - E599 - acidity regulators, softeners, E600 - E699 - flavor and aroma enhancers, E700 - E800 - reserved indexes for other possible information, E900 and higher - antifoaming agents, bread quality improvers [1].

People have been using food additives for many centuries: salt, pepper spices, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, and honey as a flavoring agent.

The widespread use of food additives expanded in the late 19th century due to the growth of the population and their gathering in cities, the need to improve traditional food technologies, the achievements of chemical science, and the creation of special types of products.

Regardless of the opinions of some consumers, the question of whether or not the severity, speed and severity of diseases caused by food additives is dangerous or not.

Most food additives are made of synthetic substances, and the issue of the toxic nature of the chemicals contained in them should not be overlooked. Toxicity of chemicals refers to the damage they cause to living organisms. But it should be said that based on the theory that the desired chemical substance has toxicity properties under certain conditions, it is correct to talk about the safety of using the products in a certain set standard [2].

It should be noted that the amount of the substance (the amount of the substance entering the body during the day), the duration of consumption, the way it enters the body, etc. play a big role. The level of their impact on the body can be different (acute, semi-acute, cumulative, etc.).

In accordance with hygienic requirements, the permissible average level of substance concentration (REO'D) (mg/kg) is determined by the amount of concentration that does not have a negative effect on the body during long-term chronic consumption [3].

It is also important to show the standards of daily consumption of food additives. This indicator is defined as/mg per day for a 60 kg human body.

Among the substances that improve the appearance of products, coloring substances occupy an important place. Consumers are used to associate certain color of food products with their quality. At the same time, in the conditions of modern food technology, products often lose their primary natural color, and in some cases, they become unpleasant, which undoubtedly reduces the consumerism of food products, affects appetite and digestion. makes a secret. Color additives are widely used as a means of enhancing the color of food products and filling them [4].

Investigation of synthetic dyes in soft drinks by thin layer chromatography (TLC), "PRAIDE" Strawberry, Asia Black Currant, Slake, Arktika Cola, "AQUA ANANAS", "SIBUR APELSIN" and "Asia+ Buratino" produced in Uzbekistan ", "Super Drink" Lemon produced in Kazakhstan, used in the preparation of soft drinks, INVITE Orange and INVITE blackcurrant concentrate produced in Russia, peach-flavored yellow essence, apricot-flavored, produced in Germany consisting of the investigation of synthetic colorants in red essence, cherry-flavored dark red essence and apple-flavored green essence by thin layer chromatography (TLC), UF-254 and UV-2201 ultraviolet spectrophotometry methods.

Necessary equipment: UF 254 and UV-Vis Rekordinc Spectrophotometer UV-2201 ultraviolet spectrophotometers, computer, printer, Silufol-wide pore silica gel fluorescent indicator for UF 254 and sorbfil PTSX-AF-V-UF plates for thin layer chromatography, white 2 (two) prismatic glass chambers with a tight closure, TSX-UPS-1m equipment for dropping samples onto a silifol plate, pipettes, 150 ml glass flasks and beakers, a measuring cylinder, a hair dryer, a chamber for LUQX; pulverizer; 10 μl micro syringe or glass capillary tubes, drying cabinet, sorbfil video densitometer.

Reagents: For A-system of thin-layer chromatography: 100 ml of N-propanol, 30 ml of ethyl acetate, 30 ml of distilled water, 1 ml of ammonia; For system V: 20 ml acetic acid, 50 ml isobutanol, 20 ml distilled water.

Method of determination: The following two different systems A and V were used to form the mobile phase for silifol plates in a laboratory test glass chamber.

A reactant in system A was placed in the first prism-shaped chemical glass container. In this case, system A is prepared from a mixture of chemicals in the following amount.

N-propanol 100 ml, Ethyl acetate 30 ml, Water 30 ml, Ammonia 1 ml.

In the second chemical glass container in the shape of a prism, the reagent in the V system is placed. System V is prepared from a mixture of chemicals in the following amount.

Acetic acid 20 ml, Isobutanol 50 ml, Water 20 ml.

"Super Drink" Lemon produced by TOO "NTC" in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, INVITE Orange Concentrates produced by OOO "Yubileiny" in St. Petersburg, Russia, INVITE Black produced by OOO "Bystrov" used in the preparation of non-alcoholic beverages for inspection currant concentrate, peach-flavored yellow essence, apricot-flavored red essence, cherry-flavored dark red essence, and apple-flavored green essence produced by the German company "Donler" were sampled.

Plates for PTSX-AF-V-UF Sorbfil thin-layer chromatography for UF-254 are attached to the TSX-USP-1m equipment, a mark is made with a pencil at a distance of 1.5 cm from the edge of the plate, and 100 ml of concentrated 20-30 μg of samples were dripped in a capillary tube in the form of dots. The TSX-USP-1m device, to which the plates are fixed, is connected to the current and kept at a temperature of 50 0C until the samples on the plates dry.

About 10 ml of the mobile phase consisting of systems A and V was placed in a chamber with a tightly closed mouth, and the plates with drops of the tested samples were lowered into these chambers. The plates were kept in the chamber for 30 minutes, that is, until the rise of the solvent on the surface of the plate was 7-10 cm. Then, the plate was removed from the chamber and dried with a hair dryer. Based on the following table, the Rf values of coloring substances were found, and it was determined according to table 4, what name of coloring synthetic substance is present in the tested soft drinks.

Table 1.

Table of the Rf indicator of coloring substances in non-alcoholic beverages determined in A and V systems

The name of the coloring matter

The magnitude of Rf

(System A)

The magnitude of Rf

(System V)

Tartrazine E 102



Quinoline yellow E 104



Yellow "sunrise" E 110



Carmuazine E 122



Ponceau 4R E 124



Erythrosine E 127



Attractive red E 129



Patented blue E 131



Indigocarmine E 132



FCF glossy blue E 133



Green S E 142



Solid green FCF E 143




In system V, the separation of synthetic coloring substances on plates is illustrated in Fig. 1.


Figure 1. Separation of coloring synthetic substances in concentrates and essences used for the preparation of non-alcoholic beverages in a thin-layer chromatograph on silifol plates in the V system


Table 2.

Concentrates and essences used for the preparation of non-alcoholic beverages were separated according to the size of Rf in silifol plates in the V system by thin-layer chromatography


The name of the concentrate or essence


In the V system

the name of the coloring matter



"Super Drink" Lemon





INVITE + Orange



Tartrazine E 104




Peach-flavored yellow essence



GREEN solid FCF E143




INVITE + black currant


Carmuazine E 122



red essence with apricot flavor




GREEN solid FCF E143


Erythrosine E 127



dark red cherry-flavored essence




Ponceau 4R E 124



apple-flavored green essence





Green robust FCF E143

Tartrazine E 102


Erythrosine E 127


Figure 2. Separation of coloring synthetic substances in concentrates and essences used for the preparation of non-alcoholic beverages in a thin-layer chromatograph on silifol plates in system A


Figure 2 shows the separation of coloring substances in samples of concentrates and essences used in the preparation of non-alcoholic drinks studied in system A on a silifol plate.

According to the above thin-layer chromatography method research, "Super Drink" Lemon produced at TOO "NTC" in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan and used in the preparation of non-alcoholic beverages imported to our Republic, by OOO "Yubileyni" in St. Petersburg, Russia INVITE + orange concentrates, INVITE + blackcurrant concentrates, produced by "Bystrov" LLC, peach-flavored yellow essence, apricot-flavored, produced by the German company "Donler" and imported to our Republic for the preparation of soft drinks It was determined what kind of synthetic dyes were used in the preparation of red essence, cherry-flavored dark red essence, and apple-flavored green essence. According to the results of the inspection of the A and V systems, it was found that the red essence with apricot flavor and the green essence with apple flavor contain tartrazine E 102, green S E142, and erythrosine E127 coloring synthetic substances.



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  2. Toxicological Evaluation of some food colours, thickening agents, and certain other substances / The evaluation contained in this publication were prepared by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives which met in Geneva, 14—23 April. —1975. —Geneva: WHO, 1975. —89 p.
  3. Studies on the effect on Ponceau 4R on 59Fe retention in rats and on Ponceau 4R-iron interaction / Sinha R.K., Gautama D., Zimmerman T., McLeod T.G., Nielsen F.H. //J. Food Sci. and Technol. - 1986. - 23. —N 6. —P. 307—310.
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Информация об авторах

Master of production education, vocational school, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana

магистр производственного образования, профессиональное училище, Республика Узбекистан, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана

Assistant, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana

ассистент, Ферганский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана

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