Mominov M.A. Kodirov Z.Z.
Mominov M.A., Kodirov Z.Z. BIOECOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF GRAPES AND IMPORTANCE FOR HUMAN ORGANISM // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 2(119). URL: (дата обращения: 18.03.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2024.119.2.16843



The state, prospects and types of crops grown in horticulture and viticulture in Uzbekistan, the delicious taste and useful properties of their products, their role in the national economy and export, primarily as environmentally friendly products, if necessary, depends on the skill of growing this or that product, to what extent such products are in demand in the domestic and foreign markets. One of the most important questions is to know for which harmful substances (mycotoxins, heavy metals, mineral fertilizers) the product should be tested, and their permissible levels, as well as to develop safety criteria. The article discusses methods of chemical control of pests and diseases of vineyards and on this basis raises the problem of growing environmentally friendly products.


Состояние, перспективы и виды сельскохозяйственных культур, выращиваемых в садоводстве и виноградарстве в Узбекистане, восхитительный вкус и полезные свойства их продукции, их роль в народном хозяйстве и экспорте, в первую очередь как экологически чистая продукция, при необходимости, зависит от мастерства выращивая тот или иной товар, насколько такая продукция востребована на внутреннем и внешнем рынках. Один из наиболее важных вопросов - это знать, на какие вредные вещества (микотоксины, тяжелые металлы, минеральные удобрения) следует тестировать продукт, и их допустимые уровни, а также разработать критерии безопасности. В статье рассматриваются методы химической борьбы с вредителями и болезнями виноградников и на этой основе поднимается проблема выращивания экологически чистой продукции.


Keywords: vine, bark, root, varieties, medicinal, sugar, agrotechnical, carbohydrate, penconazole.

Ключевые слова: виноград, кора, корень, сорта, лекарственный, сахар, агротехнический, углевод, пенконазол.


It is known that the implementation of fundamental reforms in the agrarian sector of the economy in our country is one of the priorities of the Action Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021; in particular, effective processing of agricultural products on time is one of the problems of today's agricultural sector.

About 16 million tons of fruits and vegetables are grown in our region every year. About 300 kg of vegetables, 75 kg of potatoes and 44 kg of grapes are available per capita. This is three times more than the optimal consumption rate, which is considered acceptable.

The condition, prospects and types of fruit crops grown in Uzbekistan, the delicious taste and useful properties of the harvest obtained from them, their place in the national economy and export, first of all, the fact that they are environmentally friendly products, if necessary, the skill of growing a specific product, the value of such products in local and foreign markets depends on the buyer. In this regard, it is important to know which harmful substances (mycotoxins, heavy metals, mineral fertilizers) the product should be tested for and their permitted level, and to develop safety criteria.

Taking into account the above, we focused on the study of the bioecological properties of the vine plant and its chemical composition. Vine - grape (vitis) - belonging to the family of grapes, it has about 70 species. It is distributed in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of the globe, it grows mainly in dense forests, valleys, mountain slopes and riverbanks, and some species grow as shrubs or tall trees. Most of the world's vineyards are grown in America, Australia, Africa and Europe.

The natural climatic conditions of our country are optimal for growing grapes, and vineyards are grown in Tashkent, Andijan, Samarkand, Kashkadarya, Namangan, and Fergana regions.

A grape fruit consists of a cluster of fruits, and the cluster forms a grape head. The fruit consists of a pulp covered with a peel, the peel of which is covered with a natural powdery layer. The formation of grape heads and fruits consists of 3 stages:

  • formation of grape head
  • ripening of the grape head
  • to pass away

P. Serdsev studied the information on the ripening of grapes and divided them into the following stages:

  • dynamics of grape ripening
  • mechanical properties of the grape head
  • chemical and organoleptic properties of grape heads and fruits

Fruit indicator is measured by the amount of fruit in 100 g of fruit. Indicators known through human organs (eyes, hands, taste, smell, etc.) are considered organoleptic indicators.

The natural climatic conditions of our republic are favorable for the cultivation of various types of grapes, especially for the preparation of high-quality musallas and sweet wines for consumption. In the conditions of Uzbekistan, there are sufficient conditions for the production of high-quality musallas, champagne and cognacs, and there is the necessary amount of raw materials.

It contains 15% glucose, fructose. That is the reason why the grapes are full. One kg of grapes gives heat up to 700 calories. It is a healing boon that improves the functioning of body organs. That is why our grandfathers ate bread and grapes in the morning and did not mix anything else. Grapes also contain other substances useful for humans. For example, there are organic acids (malic, citric acids), various mineral substances (potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus) and aromatic substances.

Grapes are successfully used in the early stages of tuberculosis, in some diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys, in chronic constipation, and in anemia.

Organic acids in grapes can erode teeth. Therefore, do not forget to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth after eating grapes. It is recommended to wash the grapes and remove the seeds. However, French scientists discovered that grape seeds contain cholesterol-lowering substances. They are using this method in pharmaceuticals.

Also, people with diabetes and obesity should not eat grapes. Grapes cause their condition to worsen.

Grapes are very useful. History even confirms that during the First World War, raisins were given to soldiers as a medicine. One hundred grams of raisins provide heat up to 200 calories.

At the same time, our people use it as an ornamental plant, decorating yards and gardens. It is used as an umbrella. It is also easy to reproduce; it is planted as a pen.

Table 1.

Below calories and nutrition of grapes value schedule given

Product name

The number of grams of the product



100 grams

72 kcal

grapes sour varieties

100 grams

65 kcal

white grapes

100 grams

43 kcal

red grapes

100 grams

64 kcal


100 grams

95 kcal

dried grapes raisins

100 grams

270 kcal


100 grams

0.6 grams


100 grams

0.6 grams


100 grams

15.4 grams

diet fiber

100 grams

1.6 grams


100 grams

80.5 grams


Calorie content of red grapes per 100 grams

Calorie content of red grapes per 100 grams is 72 kcal. 100 g of product contains 0.6 g of protein, 0.6 g of fat, 15.4 g of carbohydrates.

Calorie content of black grapes per 100 grams

The caloric content of black grapes is 70 kcal per 100 grams. 100 g of berries contain 16.8 g of carbohydrates, 0.7 g of protein, 0.2 g of fat.

The benefits of grapes

For those who do not know much about the benefits of grapes, consider the useful properties of the product. Grapes have such a positive effect on health and well-being:

  • flavonoids contained in the fruit help to strengthen blood vessels, normalize the activity of heart muscles;
  • regular use of grapes helps normalize blood pressure;
  • the benefits of grapes to increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood have been known since ancient times;
  • due to the fibers contained in grapes, this product provides effective cleansing of the body from toxins and toxins;
  • long-known benefits of grapes in the fight against nervous stress and stress;
  • grapes are a natural source of effective potassium;
  • Doctors and nutritionists often talk about the anti-inflammatory properties of grapes. In ancient times, grapes were actively used to treat coughs and sore throats;
  • many products use grape leaf extract to maintain healthy eyes and vision;

a high amount of vitamin C in the composition of the product strengthens the immune system, supports the health and youth of the skin.

In the protection of orchards and vineyards from pests and diseases, among the main pests of vines are vine mite, shingle worm, mealy grape and comstock worms, and bioecology of oidium or powdery mildew, anthracnose, and mildew diseases were studied and preparations were used against them.

When using the chemical method in scientific research works, the following chemicals were used according to the permit of the "State Chemical Commission":

Difenoconazole based (25% em.c. - 0.2 l/ha); Kresoxim-methyl base (50% s.d.g. - 0.2 l/ha); Penconazole based (10% em.c. - 0.3 l/ha); Based on Tebuconazole+Triadimefon (22.5% em.c. - 0.15-0.25 l/ha); Propiconazole+Tebuconazole (40% d.c. - 0.3 l/ha), indoxacarb-based (avaunt, 15% sus.c.-0.4-0.45l, nurel-D, agrofos-D 55% m.c -1.0 l/ha and others. 

When studying the biological and economic efficiency of these drugs, it was found that the results gave positive indicators. In the implementation of such control measures, environmental protection and food safety requirements were fully observed. As a result, a purely ecological product was produced. This, in turn, fully meets the State standards.



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Информация об авторах

Head of the education department, Professional institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana

начальник отдела образования, профессиональное училище, Республика Узбекистан

Assistant, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana

ассистент, Ферганский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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