IMPROVING SOIL STRUCTURE WHEN IRRIGATING ALMONDS AND PISTACHIOS WITH SNOW AND RAIN WATER IN MOUNTAIN AREAS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. Khasanova O. [и др.]. 2023. 12(117). URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).
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In this article, if the soil is left in a plowed state for a long time (5-8 years), the mineralization of humus in the soil can accelerate, soil structure is disturbed, air-water properties deteriorate, soil dusting and birch subsoil are formed.


В данной статье при длительном (5-8 лет) оставлении почвы в вспаханном состоянии в почве ускоряется минерализация гумуса, нарушается структура почвы, ухудшаются воздушно-водные свойства, почва пылит, и прикрыта березовая тагзаминовая формация.


Keywords: plowing, row spacing, local and mineral fertilizers, feeding; irrigation methods, timing and techniques, moisture treatment.

Ключевые слова: вспашка, междурядья, местные и минеральные удобрения, подкормки; способы орошения, сроки и приемы, влагообработка


In recent years, fundamental reforms have been implemented in agriculture as well as in all sectors and industries in our country. In this process, ensuring the value and interests of a person is prioritized as a priority.

At the conferences of the leaders of the Central Asian countries, as well as during the visits of the President of Uzbekistan to the neighboring countries, the issues of rational use of transboundary water resources in cooperation are discussed at a high level, and the problems awaiting a long-term solution are being solved. is taking the initiative to expand the possibilities of using modern technologies in water management.

In order to increase the efficiency of the use of land and water resources, the efficiency of the use of sustainable water resources, the strategy of water resources management and development of the irrigation sector in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2021-2023 and the concept of water management development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030 were approved. It is to provide the population of Uzbekistan and all sectors of the economy, to improve the reclamation of irrigated lands, to widely introduce market principles and mechanisms and digital technologies to water management, to ensure the reliable operation of water management facilities.

According to the information of V.P. Komorov and B.K. Mirzabaev, there was a small increase in the percentage of open nuts on the pistachio tree, even distribution of the crop on the branches, compact growth of the branches, and less shedding of the crop under the influence of the wind. According to S.M. Ablaev, the pistachio tree the feeding area and the planting scheme were studied separately, and as a result of the conducted research, it was possible to get a high yield of pistachios in the planting scheme of 10x10 meters, M.M. Inamova, N.Z. Khudainazarova said that when growing pistachio seedlings in a closed root system, it is necessary to determine the size of the container based on the planting period directed.

G.M. Chernova also said that pistachio trees are distinguished by their late onset of vegetation compared to their natural location, and resistance to spring frosts.

As a result of observations, the beginning of the vegetation period in these varieties starts 8-12 days later than the local pistachio varieties. In addition, the beginning of leaf development, the beginning of full leaf development, and the flowering period will be late. But it was found that the period of growth of kurta depends on the moisture in the soil and the individual characteristics of the form. Analytical results of irrigation of gardens and orchards by the method of drip irrigation on their productivity were analyzed and it was determined that only orchards were drip-irrigated. However, the scientific research on improving the methods of drip irrigation of almond and pistachio varieties with snow and rain water in the conditions of the mountain areas in mitigating the water shortage has not been sufficiently studied. In this place, it was planned and carried out research on improving the irrigation of almonds and pistachios with snow and rain water.

Almonds, apricots, peaches, figs, cherries, currants are more demanding on soil aeration, and currants are less demanding. Soil aeration is improved by deep plowing and soil loosening.

Irrigation techniques, periods and amounts are little different from grafted seedlings. Also, after grafting, the field is irrigated immediately so that the shoots take hold well.

The purpose of working the first field is to ensure good growth of grafts. It is important to always keep the rows and between the rows clean and soft of weeds. Most fruit crop species grow best on cultivated gray soils with medium to light sandy loam topsoil. When planting a garden, it is advisable to choose rich in nutrients, grassy, non-saline land with deep gray soil, so that the trees grow well and give abundant harvest.

The black plow improves the air and heat regime in the soil, promotes the passage of biological processes in the soil and the accumulation of nutrients, especially nitrates, cleans the land from weeds. Therefore, productivity increases after black plowing.

Table 1.

The rate of giving mineral fertilizers to fruit orchards

Fruit crops

The norm of providing mineral fertilizers in light gray soils kg/ha (pure)

Local fertilizer, tn

























It is recommended to apply 120 kg of nitrogen, 69 kg of phosphorus, 15-30 kg of potassium and 20-40 tons of local fertilizers per hectare when the harvest is 10 tons per hectare. If the trees do not grow well in the absence of local fertilizers, the norm of nitrogen and phosphorus is increased one and a half, two times.

When working between garden rows, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the soil does not become powdery, that it has good air and water permeability, and that it is cleaned of weeds. It is necessary to plow the garden between the rows, freed from crops and grass, and also soften the circles around the body and the distances between the bushes.

When plowing, the soil is plowed to a depth of 25-30 cm, which should be done without damaging the tree roots. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the depth of the roots. Around the trunk of the tree, especially young trees are plowed shallower, taking into account that the roots are more superficial.

In recent years, effective methods of watering are being sought everywhere, in this way the plant is fully supplied with water, and the evaporation of moisture from the ground and the plant is reduced to a minimum.

Conclusion. Soil moisture for fruit trees is considered favorable when it is 70-75-65% relative to field moisture capacity. In areas with an annual rainfall of more than 450 mm, the reserve moisture in the soil is sufficient for pistachio and almond trees, so they do not require additional irrigation.

Such data were also observed in 2016 (see Table 2). In 2016, the pre-irrigation soil moisture in the almond care process was irrigated at 60-65-60% compared to ChDNS, in the 1st option, the total irrigation in three years was 1040000 l/ha or the seasonal irrigation rate was 1040 m3/ha, in the same way, the pre-irrigation soil moisture 720,000 l/ha or seasonal irrigation norm 720 m3/ha or 320,000 l/ha or 320 m3/ha compared to the 60-65-60% method of drip irrigation compared to ChDNS, soil moisture before irrigation of pistachio 70-75-65% relative to the irrigated option, if the average three-year total irrigation is 890,000 l/ha or the seasonal irrigation norm is 890 m3/ha, then the soil moisture before irrigation of pistachios in the same method is 70-75-65% relative to ChDNS 615,000 l/ha or 615 m3/ha seasonal irrigation or 275,000 l/ha or 275 m3/ha water consumption was observed with drip irrigation. In our experiments in 2016, irrigation of almond and pistachio tree seedlings with snow and rain water was observed. in order to determine the norms, irrigation works were carried out in two options and the results in Fig. 2 were determined.


Figure 1. The rate of irrigation of almonds and pistachios with snow and rainwater and drip irrigation methods is 60-65-60 percent compared to ChNDS


In recent years, there is an increasing trend of temperature, which was especially evident in the summer of 1973-1990 and in the winter of 1981-1990. In Uzbekistan, human influence on climate change was first realized as a result of land reclamation and desertification. As a result of the establishment of reservoirs in the irrigated agricultural areas, the temperature in the summer months drops relatively, air humidity reaches 10-15%. But since it is in a very small area, the effect on the entire desert climate of Uzbekistan is hardly noticeable.



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Student of Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Republic of Uzbekistan, Andijan

студент Андижанского института сельского хозяйства и агротехнологии, Республика Узбекистан, г. Андижан

Student of the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Republic of Uzbekistan, Andijan

студент, Андижанского института сельского хозяйства и агротехнологии, Республика Узбекистан, г. Андижан

Student of the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Republic of Uzbekistan, Andijan

студент, Андижанского института сельского хозяйства и агротехнологии, Республика Узбекистан, г. Андижан

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