Kuldosheva F.
Kuldosheva F. SYSTEMATIC ANALYSIS OF THE PROCESS OF PRESSING GRAPE SEEDS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 12(117). URL: (дата обращения: 18.12.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2023.117.12.16377



In this article, a systematic analysis of the process of preparing grape seeds for pressing is considered. When developing a system analysis, it is necessary to mentally dissect the process into its component parts, and then study them, highlighting properties and signs, tracing connections and relationships, as well as identifying their role in the whole system.


В данной статье рассмотрен системный анализ процесс подготовки семян винограда к прессованию. При разработке системного анализа необходимо процесс мысленно рассчленить на состовляюшие части, а затем изучить их, выделяя свойства и признаки, прослеживая связи и отношения, а также вывляя их роль в целой системе.


Keywords: grape, seed, analysis, synthesis, processing, hierarchy, quality.

Ключевые слова: виноград, косточка, анализ, синтез, обработка, иерархия, качество.


The composition of grape seeds is a real natural storehouse of vitamins and essential compounds for the human body. Researchers believe that grape seeds have a beneficial effect on the human body, as well as slow down the aging process. And also grape seeds are a source of valuable vegetable oil. In this regard, grape seed oil is a full-fledged and useful edible oil.

Comprehensive measures are being taken in our country to develop the fat and oil industry, increase production volumes and expand the range of finished products to meet the needs of the population in the most complete way. To increase production efficiency, it is of great importance to search for new resource-saving technologies, which play a leading role in shaping the quality of the finished product.

Ensuring resource conservation is one of the mandatory requirements for equipment, technology, organization of production and non-production activities, economic mechanism. New equipment should require less resource consumption, both during its production and during operation. The new technology should be waste-free or low-waste, low-operational. A systematic approach to studying the current state of the fat and oil industry will allow us to obtain the most accurate results and correctly assess the possibilities of increasing the use of raw materials and reducing energy consumption in production [3,8].

The system analysis is examined together with the selected process taking place in them, its parameters are determined by the preliminary reasoning of their mutual influence. The study, analysis and synthesis of a technological line, a technological process based on a system analysis that takes into account the relationship between the hierarchy steps, hierarchy elements ultimately makes it possible to make the right decision [1].

In a systematic analysis of the process of preparing grape seeds for pressing, it is necessary to mentally dissect the process into its component parts, and then study them, highlighting properties and signs, tracing connections and relationships, as well as identifying their role in the whole system [2].

Considering the hierarchical system, it is possible to describe each step of the process itself.

Grape seeds were put into production. After receiving the seeds, an analysis of the indicators of grape seeds is performed. These indicators include the content of oil, moisture and foreign impurities in grape seeds. The acceptance of seeds is followed by the cleaning of seeds from foreign impurities and litter [4,7].

We have developed a six-level hierarchical structure for studying and analyzing the process of preparing grape seeds for pressing (Fig.1).

The next step is the moisture–heat treatment of grape seeds, which includes processing the crushed particles with steam and frying them. At the same time, the temperature and humidity change, the destruction of particle cells occurs, the composition and amount of heat changes, i.e. the heat transfer coefficient changes.

The moisture-heat treatment is followed by pressing of grape seeds, which contributes to the production of oil and cake from seeds. Accordingly, the oil yield index changes and the oil content of the cake changes, etc.

At the next level of the hierarchy, we consider the processes of phase interaction, heat exchange, mass exchange, as well as changes in the material balance. During heat exchange, the coefficient of heat capacity changes. When the material balance changes, the number of phases also changes.

At the final level of the hierarchy, we consider that due to changes in the amount of heat, such indicators as heat transfer coefficients, heat capacity, thermal conductivity and changes in thermal balance change, and due to changes in the composition of seed particles, the number of phases, mass transfer and diffusion coefficients change.

Thus, the application of the method of system analysis of the process of preparing grape seeds for pressing makes it possible to consider deep subsystems and phenomena and allows us to obtain results on the sensitivity and disadvantages of the process itself.




Conclusion: A systematic approach to studying the state of the fat and oil industry will allow us to obtain the most accurate results and correctly assess the possibilities of increasing the degree of use of raw materials and reducing energy consumption in production.

The application of the method of system analysis of the process of preparing grape seeds for pressing makes it possible to consider deep subsystems and phenomena and allows you to obtain results about the sensitivity and disadvantages of the process itself.



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Информация об авторах

Assistant, Bukhara Engineering - Technological Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara

ассистент, Бухарский инженерно-технологический институт, Республика Узбекистан, Бухара

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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