Sadullayev J.M.
Sadullayev J.M. STORAGE OF FRUITS TECHNOLOGY // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 11(116). URL: (дата обращения: 18.12.2024).
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This article describes the technology of fruit storage. The storage resistance of apples and other types of fruits is determined by the characteristics of their ripening during storage. At the same time, their endurance status is yes


В данной статье описана технология хранения плодов. Стойкость при хранении яблок и других видов фруктов определяется особенностями их созревания при хранении. При этом определялся их статус выносливости.


Keywords: relative humidity, polyethylene bag, container, box, scum, carbon dioxide, controlled gas environment, ethylene, antiseptic agents, fumigation.

Ключевые слова: относительная влажность, полиэтиленовый мешок, контейнер, ящик, пена, углекислый газ, контролируемая газовая среда, этилен, антисептики, фумигация.


Apple storage technology. The shelf life of an apple is determined by its ripening during storage. Early varieties of apples can be stored for a short period, and late varieties can be stored for up to 7-8 months. Apples are placed in boxes for storage. In this case, apples are better stored if wrapped in paper. When apples are placed in boxes, paper or shavings can be placed between them.

The boxes are placed in the warehouse 25-30 cm from the wall, leaving a two-meter path between the boxes. There are 7-8 cells in one bed. 50-60 cm should be left between the uppermost box and the warehouse ceiling.

The boxes with apples are placed in pairs and threes in a checkerboard pattern. Boxes containing products of the same type, variety, quality, and size are placed on the shelves. It should be noted that unripe apples cannot be cooked at low temperatures, otherwise they will harden and their taste and aroma will not change. Therefore, it is necessary to change the temperature of the air in the warehouse depending on the ripeness of the apples.

Cold-resistant varieties of apples are stored at a temperature of -1– -20. Such apples are not stored for a long time at hot temperatures. Apple varieties such as Pepin saffron, Kandil sinap, Renet Simirenko, Golden delicacies, Boyken, Renet Kichunova, Sari sinap, Rosemary are frost-resistant. Cold-resistant varieties of apples are stored at 2-4°C. March, Suvorovets, April, Jonathan, Starking, Antonovka, Renet champagne, Normal antonovka varieties are among the frost-resistant varieties.

When storing apples, relative humidity of 85-95% is considered acceptable. Storage cooling is achieved by vigorous air mixing until storage temperature is reached, with a recommended air flow rate of 0.2-0.3 m/s between the racks.

Apples should be brought to the fruit warehouse no later than 4-8 hours after picking.

Table 1.

Dependence of apple quality on its storage method

A homologous variety of apple

Storage method

Fruit quality, %

standard fruits






Polyethylene bags, containers







Polyethylene bags, containers




Before storing apples, they are cooled in special compartments. Every day, 10-15% of the capacity of the fruit warehouse compartment is filled with apples. The compartment will be completely filled in 7-10 days. The air in the compartments is gradually cooled to 4-6°C, and then left at the temperature level required for the variety.

In the storage of apples, placing them in polyethylene containers is widely used. Polyethylene bags with a capacity of 1-3 kilograms are used for this. In such bags, within 1.5–2 months, the amount of oxygen reaches 14–16%, and carbon dioxide reaches 5–7%.

After placing the polyethylene bags in the warehouse, their mouths are left open for two to three days, after the apples are cooled, their mouths are closed. Polythene bags are placed in warehouses in containers.

The diversity of the apple variety makes it more difficult to store it. Because each variety requires a specific storage method. Apples should be inspected during storage. Apple boxes are checked once or twice a month. If there is a defect in the stored apples, they are re-sorted.

Pear storage technology.Storage-resistant pear varieties can be stored for 4-5 months, and autumn varieties for 1.5-2 months. Pears tend to ripen faster than apples, so care must be taken when picking and packing.

Pears are usually plucked before ripening and placed in clean, dry boxes. Paper is spread under the boxes, the other end of the paper is closed over the pear. The pulp is sprinkled on the paper or the cardboard is closed. It is also possible to arrange pears in a checkerboard pattern and sprinkle shavings between the rows. The boxes are stacked like apples.

Pears are stored in 300-350 kg containers in gas controlled warehouses.

When storing pears, the temperature should be 1-2°C. Often, at this temperature, fruits picked from very late ripening varieties ripen very slowly and remain hard without losing color until the end of the storage period. Such pears should be kept and ripened at 15-20°C for 4-7 days before sending them to market.

Pear can be stored for a long time in a controlled gas environment. In this case, the amount of oxygen is 2-3%, and the amount of carbon dioxide is 1-5% according to the varieties, which ensures their quality preservation.

Beekeeping technology. Quince is usually picked when the weather is dry. It is important that the hair on it is preserved during picking. Hair increases the storage resistance of quince.

When quinces are placed in boxes for storage, paper is laid on the bottom and shavings are placed between them. Quince is placed in 35 kg boxes or containers (in gas-controlled warehouses).

Beetroot is stored in warehouses with an air temperature of 0-1°C and a relative humidity of 85%.

Storing legumes. Grain fruits have low storage resistance, they quickly lose water and wither, and at the same time, they are prone to diseases.

Apricots are cut when they are ripe for storage. As much as possible, the apricot should be cut together with the bandi.

Large and medium-sized apricots are picked in straight rows, and small ones are placed in boxes in bulk. At the bottom of the box is put a scum, and a paper is laid on it, and scum is sprinkled on top of it.

Apricots can be stored in a controlled gas environment for 1.5-2 months. In this case, the amount of carbon dioxide should be 3-5%, the amount of oxygen should be 2-3%, and the amount of nitrogen should be 92-95%.

To store plums, they are placed in the boxes in a straight line. Small plums are poured into the bag. Plums are stored in warehouses with a temperature of 0-1°C and a relative humidity of 90-95%. When stored at a temperature of 1C, its flesh darkens after a certain time.

It can be stored in polyethylene bags at a temperature of -1C for 2–3 months.

When stored in a controlled gas environment, its composition is recommended to be as follows: carbon dioxide 3-4%, oxygen 3%, nitrogen 93-94%. Cherries are stored in warehouses with an air temperature of 0-1°C and a relative humidity of 85-90%. Cherries can usually be stored for 30 days, cherries for 10-15 days. However, it is possible to store 1 kg of cherries in polyethylene bags for up to one month, and up to 1.5 months in a controlled gas environment (SO2-10%, O2-11%, N2-79%).

Strawberries can be stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 0C and a relative humidity of 90-95% for 3-5 days, and in a controlled gas environment for 10-15 days. The composition of the gas environment is required to be SO2-5-8%, 02-3%, N2-89-92%.

Citrus fruits are picked in a checkerboard or diagonal way in 20-kilogram boxes. Each fruit is wrapped in thin paper. If 1 mg of diphenyl solution is soaked in the wrapping paper, the fruit is stored well.

Citrus fruits are stored at a temperature around 0C. Lemons can be stored for four to six months at a temperature of 2–3C and a relative humidity of 85–90%, while tangerines and oranges can be stored at a temperature of 1–2C.

Lemons can be stored in a controlled gas environment at 10C for up to six months. The composition of the gas environment should be 02-10%, N2-90%.

Ethylene is used to accelerate the ripening of citrus fruits. 10 mg of ethylene gas is mixed with 1 l of air.



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Информация об авторах

Assistant, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh

ассистент, Джизакский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Джизак

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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