Dadamirzaev M., Toshboyeva S., Boqirova F. RESEARCH OF ORGONOLEPTIC, MICROBIOLOGICAL AND PHYSICO-CHEMICAL INDICATORS OF A NEW TYPE OF VEGETABLE SEMI-FINISHED SAUCES-PASTES // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 8(101). URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2022.101.8.14138



The article analyzes the organoleptic, microbiological and physico-chemical parameters of semi-finished vegetable sauces-pastes, develops a scale of special qualities of semi-finished products, presents the results of tasting and general conclusions. It has been established that the microbiological indicators of semi-finished vegetable products meet the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations.


В статье проанализированы органолептические, микробиологические и физико-химические показатели овощных полуфабрикатов соусов-паст, разработана шкала особых качеств полуфабрикатов, представлены результаты дегустации и общие выводы. Установлено, что микробиологические показатели овощных полуфабрикатов соответствуют требованиям санитарные правила и нормы.


Keywords: sauce-paste, semi-finished product, organoleptic index, quality scale, tasting, consistency, microorganism, pathogen.

Ключевые слова: соус-пасты, полуфабрикат, органолептический показатель, шкала качества, дегустация, консистенция, микроорганизм, патоген.


In the context of the rapid growth of fruit and vegetable growing all over the world, it is important to conduct scientific research on the creation of technologies for their storage, deep processing and production of semi-finished food products. Providing the population with high-quality finished products and semi-finished products with high nutritional value in a short time is one of the urgent problems of our time. Based on the foregoing, the purpose of the research was to develop a new type of semi-finished products of canned sauces and pates that perform a functional task based on vegetable raw materials [1].

According to the research methodology, the organoleptic indicators of the semi-finished vegetable sauce-paste were determined according to the modified Tilgner method, the amount of total carbohydrates according to Dubois, proteins according to Lowry, lipids according to the Soxhlet apparatus, microbiological indicators according to sanitary rules and regulations 0283-10, and mycotoxins by photometric methods.

Organoleptic analysis is the oldest method for determining food quality indicators. The quality of a product refers to the totality of attributes of a product's ability to meet certain requirements depending on its use.

Nutritional value is also one of the quality indicators, it determines the nutritional properties of the product components, expresses the quantitative ratio of the product content, expresses the aroma of the product, its color, structural and mechanical properties. When evaluating individual and generalized indicators of food products, comparative evaluation methods are used: scoring, organic and diluted.

In the scoring method, the result is expressed through a scale of points corresponding to different levels of quality. In this case, only one product is evaluated at a time, and the quality indicators are determined sequentially. With the method of integral (sequential) assessment, the quality of comparable products is sorted in descending order and the place of the quality of the product being determined in this series is determined.

When conducting organoleptic studies of semi-finished products of sauce pasta, a scoring system was used to determine the level of significance of the indicators. The appearance of semi-finished vegetable sauce pasta is of decisive physiological and psychological importance. When choosing food products, the consumer is mainly guided by reviews. Another important indicator of the quality of semi-finished products of sauce pasta is their consistency. In the study of the consistency of semi-finished products from sauce paste, the state of aggregation (liquid, solid, pasty) and the level of uniformity (homogeneous, layered, floating) were investigated depending on the degree of significance. These two indicators correspond to the requirements for manufactured semi-finished products, that is, semi-finished products have a pasty consistency, and sauces made from this semi-finished product have a uniform consistency.

The main organoleptic indicators of semi-finished products of sauce paste are taste qualities. Sauces from semi-finished products should complement and improve the taste of food. The taste indicators of sauces meet the requirements and are typical for this type of sauces.

The necessary conditions for organoleptic analysis were created, a new terminology for expressing quality indicators and a system for expressing the resulting sensations were developed.

In the course of the study, a scale was created that represents partial quality indicators and the calculation of the results of tasting semi-finished products, the average quality score (points) was calculated for organoleptic indicators Table 1 and Figure 1.

Table 1.

Scale of private qualities of semi-finished tomato sauce

Name of





Characteristics of private qualities, score








Homogeneous mass, without films and grease on the surface

Homogeneous mass, without films, separation of fat droplets on the surface is observed.

Homogeneous mass with separate lumps of browned flour, separating fat on the surface

Inhomogeneous mass with lumps of browned flour




Pasty, slightly viscous

Pasty, viscous

Pasty compacted

Pasty, hard




Dark red


bright red

pale red


Taste, smell


Peculiar to this type of semi-finished product, with a characteristic smell and taste of tomatoes, meat broth

Characteristic of this type of semi-finished product, the smell and taste of tomatoes and broth is not clear

Peculiar to this type of semi-finished product, with a taste of passivated flour

Peculiar to this species with a pungent smell of burnt flour with the presence of impurities


When conducting an organoleptic analysis of sauce semi-finished products, the influence of various indicators on the results obtained was taken into account. The sensitivity of the taste organs is affected by the air temperature in the room.


Figure 1. The results of tasting semi-finished sauces-pastes


At temperatures above 360C, sensitivity to sour and bitter tastes decreases, and at temperatures below 150C, it becomes difficult to detect salty tastes. Cooling the surface of the tongue to 0°C or heating above 45°C causes a sharp decrease in the sensitivity of taste buds. The optimum temperature for tasting is 20°C and we took these characteristics into account when conducting the tasting. The room where the tasting of semi-finished sauces and pâtés is held must be well and evenly lit. In the tasting room there should be no foreign odors that affect the quality of semi-finished sauces. Organoleptic analysis of semi-finished vegetable sauces was carried out in compliance with all these rules and requirements [2].

According to organoleptic indicators, semi-finished vegetable sauce-paste must meet the requirements specified in Table 2.

Table 2.

Organoleptic characteristics of semi-finished vegetable sauces-pastes

Naming special qualities

Vegetable semi-finished product


Taste and smell

Clean, pronounced, characteristic of this type of vegetable and cooked raw, without foreign flavors and odors



It is pasty and homogeneous throughout the mass



Homogeneous, characteristic for the type of semi-finished products of vegetable sauce-paste


It can be seen from the table that the smell and taste of semi-finished products from vegetable sauce paste are pronounced, without foreign smell and taste characteristic of this type of vegetable, it is pleasant, the consistency is homogeneous paste, and the color is typical for the same prepared vegetable raw materials.

The introduction of new technologies, the emergence of new types of food products, in turn, require a more advanced system of indicators of the chemical and microbiological safety of new types of products.

The study of microbiological and bacteriological indicators of food products is one of the complex processes, which is associated not only with the diversity and abundance of microflora in them, but also with the use of microorganisms in the production of many products. Any new type of food product manufactured must comply with established regulatory requirements, including microbiological and bacteriological requirements [3].

Microbiological and bacteriological indicators of a new type of vegetable sauce-pate semi-finished products were experimentally studied. Vegetable sauce paste semi-finished products were tested in the laboratory of the State Sanitary and Enforcement and Enforcement Service according to the "Hygienic requirements for food safety" - CанПиН-0283-10 [4,5].

Sampling methods for microbiological analyzes - GOST 31904-12, sample preparation according to GOST 26669, determination of the amount of MAFAnM (number of mesophilic, aerobic, facultative and anaerobic microorganisms) according to GOST 10444.15-94, determination of E. coli bacteria according to GOST 31747-12. The detection of Salmonella bacteria was carried out according to GOST 31659-12, yeast and mold fungi according to GOST 28805 and sulfite-reducing clostridia according to GOST 29185, Staphylococcus aureus according to GOST 10444.2-94.

According to the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations, the amount of MAFAnM is determined to be no more than 5 * 103, and in the product we are studying, the indicator is 810 CFU/g, the intestinal group of bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, sulfite-reducing clostoridia, pathogenic microflora, incl. salmonella, as well as yeasts and molds, were not found in 1.0 g of the product. The quantity and species composition of the microflora testified to the safety of the products. The finished product fully complies with the requirements of Sanitary rules and regulations [6].

Physical and chemical indicators of semi-finished vegetable sauces-pastes are shown in Figure 2, the content of solids in semi-finished products is 39-42%, lipids are 0.92-2.12%, pumpkin sauce semi-finished products have a higher content due to fats in pumpkin and sunflower seeds - 2.12% an important aspect of this indicator is that the carotene contained in pumpkin is almost completely absorbed in the human body due to its fat solubility.

In addition, these sauces are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. The protein content in the semi-finished vegetable sauce-paste is 3.87-7.4%. The protein index in pumpkin semi-finished sauce is high, equal to 7.4%. The high protein content of semi-finished pumpkin sauce can be explained by the addition of chickpea flour.


Figure 2. Physico-chemical parameters of semi-finished vegetable sauce-pastes


It can be noted that the high content of proteins and lipids in tomato, gluten-free vegetable sauce-paste semi-finished products is due to the broth used in their preparation [7,8,9].

The mass fraction of carbohydrates was 5.25-4.3%, and the amount of fiber was 3.8-5.3%. The high fiber content in semi-finished vegetable sauces and pâtés enhances their healing properties. After all, the fiber in vegetables improves digestion, prevents excess weight, the work of the cardiovascular system, colon cancer, and urolithiasis. The amount of vitamin C in the semi-finished product of tomato sauce is 38.9 mg/100 ml, and in the remaining samples it is in the range of 30-7.8 mg/100 ml, is 12-1.25% and meets the requirements of the standard.

Summary. The smell and taste of vegetable sauce-pate semi-finished products are pronounced, without foreign smell and taste characteristic of this type of vegetable, pleasant, the consistency is a homogeneous paste, the color is typical for cooked vegetable raw materials. Based on microbiological and bacteriological analysis, it was found that the shelf life of semi-finished vegetable sauces-pastes is 48 hours at a temperature of 4-6°C. No pathogenic microorganisms were found in semi-finished vegetable sauces-pastes, which indicates their biological harmlessness.



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Информация об авторах

(PhD), Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan

канд. техн. наук (PhD), Наманганский инженерно-строительный институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Наманган

Researcher, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan

исследователь, Наманганский инженерно-технологический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Наманган

Master, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan

магистр, Наманганский инженерно-технологический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Наманган

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