Akhmedjanova F.A.
Akhmedjanova F.A. WAYS TO IMPROVE THE RANGE AND QUALITY OF CERAMIC PRODUCTS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2021. 12(93). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/12802 (дата обращения: 22.12.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2021.93.12.12802



The article presents the results of the analysis of the range of ceramic products and shows the ways to improve the range and quality of ceramic products for manufacturers.


В статье представлены результаты анализа ассортимента керамических изделий и показаны пути совершенствования ассортимента и качества керамических изделий производителей.


Keywords: assortment of ceramics, porcelain, faience, majolica, pottery, commercial expertise, quality indicators.

Ключевые слова: ассортимент керамических изделий, фарфор, фаянс, майолика, гончарные изделия, коммерческая экспертиза, показатели качества.


The organization of commercial activities in the prosperity of market relations, free competition and ensuring the well-being of the population, first of all, is based on the essence, content and direction of research in the commercial sphere, the importance of commercial expertise in the organization, management, planning and control of gross commercial activity-is manifested as one of the main features of modern commercial.

The high level of Organization of commercial expertise, their scale, the sum of the methods used in the analytical and processing processes, the initial stage in the design, implementation of the commercial strategy of the enterprise and the firm directly, is the "base point". In today's environment, where the consumer market is increasingly enriched with new goods and services, the importance of commercial expertise in identifying and using new opportunities is increasing day by day. [1]

The importance of commercial expertise in the study of the scale of the consumer market, the position of the goods, the breadth of the commodity assortment, customer demand, the role of imported goods in the local market and information about competitors is paramount. On the basis of conducting commercial expertise, it is possible to study the movement of goods in the consumer market.

Research methodology: Several methods are used in the organization of commercial expertise of tokens. Especially widely used are the methods of observation, experiment, and survey and group discussion.  However, information on their basis, weapons, the order of choice can be different.

In our study, we selected the selective tracking type of the method of tracking of commercial expert of tokens. Selective tracking is a more applicable technique in commercial expertise.

Based on selective observation, we conducted a commercial expert of the assortment of ceramic products sold in commercial stores. The conducted commercial expertise was carried out according to the factors that formed the assortment of ceramic products, namely the type of ceramic, the place of manufacture, the types of the work piece and the decoration given to the ceramic articles. These factors are the main factors that form not only the assortment, but also the characteristics of consumption. [2]

Analysis and results: From the analysis of the commercial expert on the type of ceramics of the assortment of ceramic products, it is known that the ceramic products sold in commercial stores are 71% porcelain, 13% faience, 9%-pottery, 7% majolica (Diagram-1)


Figure. Analysis of the assortment of ceramic products by type of ceramics


One of the factors that form the assortment of ceramic products is the place of manufacture. 58% of the ceramic products sold in commercial stores-if they correspond to the products produced in local industrial enterprises, 42% - come from foreign countries and correspond to the items sold. 28% of ceramic products imported from abroad - products manufactured in China, 10% - products manufactured from the sides of Russian manufacturing enterprises, and the remaining 4% - ceramics imported from Ukraine, Turkey, Iran and sold.

The range of ceramic products of local manufacturers includes products of the Tashkent ceramic factory-30%, Samarkand ceramic factory "Asl Nafis" -18% and Kuvasay ceramic factory-10%.(Diagram-2).

Today, special attention is paid to the production of competitive, high-quality products in our country, filling the domestic consumer market with local, high-quality consumer goods. In particular, a wide range of tax incentives were introduced in order to stimulate the production of consumer goods in local conditions. Several important decisions were taken aimed at the regulation of wholesale and retail trade, the development of a network of wholesale trade markets, shops, catering and consumer service enterprises in the territory of the Republic. Nevertheless, still almost half of the ceramic products sold in the domestic consumer market are occupied by foreign products. This can also be seen from a commercial expert conducted at the place of manufacture of ceramic products.


Figure 2. Analysis of the assortment of ceramic products by place of production


The range of ceramic parts ensures the width of the item types. Each type of item has its own unique function. The assortment of ceramic products is divided into dishes, tea and velvet drinks, decorating the table top, storing dishes and various souvenir gifts according to their functional use. [2] Due to the culture of each people, the House will be a piece of cloth more used in fasting. For example, if the Uzbek people use a bowl for drinking, then Russian and other European peoples use cups and bowls for drinking.

According to the analysis on the targeted use of the assortment of ceramics, which is sold in commercial stores, it is known that 42% -of ceramic products – are ceramic cutlery for eating, 36% - utensils for consumption drinking tea, 17% - ceramic coffee products, 5% - ceramic products for various purposes (souvenirs, lamps and others).( Diagram-3)


Figure 3. Analysis of the assortment of ceramic products by product type functional purpose


Each functional group of used items includes types of ceramic items with different shapes and structures. From the analysis of the assortment of tea and coffee products sold in commercial structures, it turned out that - 30% comprises of the sold tea and coffee products - bowls, 22% - kettles, 19% - coffee pots, 18% - glasses , 11% - cups.(4-Diagram.)

Analysis of the range of ceramic tableware sold in commercial structures showed that 32% comprises plates, 23% - kise, 16% - dishes, 12%- vases, 9% - oil cans, 8% other containers.

Analysis of the assortment of ceramic products by type showed that the assortment of such products as: tureens,  vases for jam and vessels for milk are available in small quantities with other types of ceramic products.


Figure 4. Analysis of the assortment of ceramic products by item types


Another factor affecting the width, completeness, and structural structure of the assortment of ceramic products is the suitability of the items. According to the analysis of the assortment of ceramic products sold in commercial stores, 60% of are sold in the form of piece goods, 30% - kits, 10% - sets.(5-Diagram.)


Figure 5. Analysis of the assortment of ceramic products by completeness


One of the factors that affect the aesthetic properties of ceramic items, that is, their purchase, are decorations. Decorations not only affect the assortment and consumption characteristics of items, but also affect the price of items. Ceramic items are mainly given decalcomania, trafaret, printing, ribbon, drawing by hand, photocopy, stamp decoration [3]. An analysis of the assortment of ceramic products by type of decor showed that 23% of ceramic products were printed with decal, 23%-ribbon, 22%-stencil, 12%-printing, 13% -hand painting, 4%-completely covered with paint,  3%-without décor.

Summary and suggestions. Proceeding from the results of the conducted research, we offer the following in order to improve the quality and increase the purchasing power of the assortment of ceramic products developed at local industrial enterprises:

​- the main quality indicators of ceramic products are the level of whiteness, the given decorations, shape and structure, local industrial enterprises should constantly improve these quality indicators;

​- items with high demand in the market are mainly decorated with decal, stamp decoration. Proceeding from this, it is recommended that the local industrial enterprises first of all give decal decorations to the ceramics that are being produced. Because, if the decoration of decalcomania does not require much cost from the economic point of view, on the second hand, the decoration of decalcomania allows to propagate the history of Uzbekistan and its appearance by taking pictures of natural landscapes, historical monuments, great scientists, magnificent buildings;

 If the products are decorated with decor, this will hide the poor whiteness of the ceramics, which is a big problem for the enterprise. At the same time, as a result of the use of such ornaments as "Atlas", "White Gold", "Suzane", "Grapes", it becomes possible to popularize national ornaments;

- аs you know, it is the market that is one of the tools that shows the demand of consumers for ceramic products. If local industrial enterprises bring the range of produced ceramic products closer to the commercial one, then the filling of the market with local goods will lead to the fact that the population will meet their needs with goods, the prices of which are much lower.


List of used literature:

  1. Abdullaeva Sh. "Let us have our own brand in the consumer market. «Tashkent 2018y.
  2. Akhmedjonova F.A. "Objects of non-food commodity expertise». Tashkent, 2020 
  3. Moroz I. I. Improving the production of porcelain and faience products. M., "Light Industry", 1973.
Информация об авторах

Associate professor, candidate of technical sciences, Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service, Uzbekistan, Samarkand

канд. тех. наук, доцент, Самаркандский Институт Экономики и Сервиса, Узбекистан, г. Самарканд

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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