Jumakulova M.Kh.
Jumakulova M.Kh. PEDAGOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF USING THE METHOD OF STIMULATION IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS // Universum: психология и образование : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 10(124). URL: (дата обращения: 28.10.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniPsy.2024.124.10.18206



Currently, education based on modern pedagogical technologies not only improves the quality of learning, but also enhances student engagement during the learning process. Using incentives to foster student creativity and strengthen inner motivation is essential for this purpose. This article discusses the significance of methods of encouragement in the educational setting. It explores the etymology of the term ‘encouragement’ and the perspectives of educators and psychologists on this topic.


В настоящее время образование, основанное на современных педагогических технологиях, не только повышает качество обучения, но и усиливает вовлеченность учащихся в учебный процесс. Использование стимулов для развития творческих способностей учащихся и укрепления внутренней мотивации имеет важное значение для этой цели. В данной статье обсуждается значение методов поощрения в образовательной среде. В ней исследуется этимология термина «поощрение» и точки зрения педагогов и психологов на эту тему.


Keywords: motivation, behavior, upbringing, education, educational motivation, method, stimulus, reaction, behaviorism.

Ключевые слова: мотивация, поведение, воспитание, образование, учебная мотивация, метод, стимул, реакция, бихевиоризм.


Today, when talking about Uzbekistan country, the phrase ‘New Uzbekistan’ is mentioned. The trend ‘New Uzbekistan is a new worldview’ determines the fundamental reforms in the field of education, the priorities of building a modern education system, in a word, the strategic tasks of the field. And it will be true if we say that in the coming years, a completely new stage of development has been entered, and as a recognition of the achieved achievements, it is the foundation for a new renaissance in Uzbekistan, the so called the Third Renaissance. In the words of our President, ‘Today’s Uzbekistan is not the Uzbekistan of yesterday. Our nation today is not the nation of yesterday.’ [1]. In particular, it would be correct to say that what has been achieved and is being achieved today in the new Uzbekistan is based on fundamental reforms in the field of science and education. A lot of effort and funds are directed to the goals of comprehensive development of the educational system and training of qualified personnel.

It is certainly a good thing that the laws on education are being adopted in our country, and the state is taking the main task of educating the next generation and becoming mature specialists in every field. Among such decisions are the normative documents that fall in accordance with the educational plans of the general education school in the Law ‘ Education’ [2], which was introduced on September 23rd 2020 and is widely applied in practice. it is intended that they are focused on their mastery and that they will use all types of learning effectively. As an example, we can consider another decision ‘The development concept approval of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030’ adopted on October 8th, 2019. The main goal of the concept is to effectively educate young people who will be our future heirs, who will be the leaders in all fields, who will be our future successors.  To create all facilities for teachers in the process of teaching, to expand and gradually increase all kinds of information bases, and as a result, to help students, professors and young researchers in scientific research related to education all materials including; it was taken into account the need to create a modern electronic list of literature and to organize free sites for everyone to use, and to promote all of them in the educational process.

Effective use of modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process, their continuous improvement, guarantees the quality and effectiveness of education. Qualitative changes and high efficiency in education depend more on the extent to which the historical roots of pedagogy and modern achievements have been assimilated into the minds of students, and it becomes a solid foundation for the education of a mature generation. There is a problem of organizing the educational process based on the latest achievements of science and technology, taking into account the requirements of the time.

The concept of motivation in pedagogy dates back to the earliest times of human history. As a result of people’s need to teach young people the accumulated life experience, their need for life and work, education and training appeared as an independent social activity since ancient times.

Reward and punishment methods of education are very common in the history of pedagogy. Incentives and punishments in the educational process help to increase the efficiency and quality of education.

Greek scientists Democritus, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, as well as the famous Roman pedagogue Quintilian created pedagogical theories about education in their works. Democritus noted that the use of the method of stimulation, taking into account the interests of students in the educational process, gives several advantages. He did not support the use of coercion and punishment methods in the educational process.

Plato believed that in the process of education, the student should be regularly supervised by the teacher, the student's obedience should be encouraged, and the methods of punishment should be applied if he disobeys.

The Roman pedagogue Marcus Fabius Quintilian in his work ‘talks about the appropriate use of methods of encouragement and punishment by the teacher in the educational process [3].

The development of social and philosophical thought of the Middle Ages is closely related to the name of the thinker Abu Nasr Farabi. Farabi promoted methods of encouragement, habituation, and coercion in education. Alloma’s pedagogic teaching is based on the philosophical view that the formation of a perfect human being is social in its essence, that is, perfection is achieved only in society, in the process of mutual relations [4].

In the 20th century, he emerged as the true face of the American school of psychology. Its founder John Watson (1878-1958) caused the formation of this trend as a real leader. When translated, the concept of behaviorism means psychology of behavior. Researchers such as N. Miller, D. Dollard, R. Sears, Thorndike, Tolmen, Bandura, B. Whiting, B. Skinner put forward the theory of behaviorism. From the point of view of behaviorists, a person consists of a set of behavioral reactions characteristic of this person. The stimulus-response (S-R) formula is the leader in behaviorism. The theory of behaviorism recognizes the role of internal motivation in behavior and emphasizes the importance of its motivator function. fear, anxiety are secondary triggers. In psychoanalysis, the principle of satisfaction, the main controller of behavior, was changed by them to the principle of support (stimulation).

Thorndik’s law of effect specifies the relationship between S and R, which is positive when reinforcement occurs, when pain, punishment, bad luck, critical warning occur, when an expected outcome is obtained, material incentive or will be negative. A person’s behavior often waits for positive support, but sometimes negative forces do not cause him to avoid it.

Psychologist Tolmen changed the S-R reaction according to the results of his scientific research. He expressed this scheme in the S-I-R way. Here are mental processes that depend on the heredity, physiological conditions, and previous experience of the I-individual.

Skinner focused on the study of two types of behavior: unconditioned reflex - conditioned reflex and operant behavior. Response (reaction) behavior manifests itself as a response to special stimuli. As a behavior of a reflexive nature, the knee reflex can be cited as an example. Impulses are applied and a response occurs. This happens automatically.

Bandura’s research in the 1960s is considered one of the bridges to cognitive models of learning in behaviorism. A. Bandura recognized the same importance of indirect support, i.e. observation of model stimulation and positive assessment of self-supporting behavior.

According to R. Sears, the interaction of parents with their children is a combination of encouragement and punishment, and should be carefully thought out and used in moderation. Social behavior is subject to the general laws of any behavior, but believes that the stimulating, stimulating effect of the environment is based on the behavior of other people [5].

The first theoretical principles, conditions and laws of pedagogical stimulation from Russian scientists were given by I.Z. Glikman, L. Yu. Gordin, V.G. Pryannikova. It was studied by Z.I. Ravkin et al. In educational theory, incentives are classified into:

  • means of increasing moral development of the individual, social activity
  • educational methods and tools
  • methods of developing the individual’s need for moral self-education
  • tools that ensure the success of communication with peers and adults in the social development of the child [6].

L. Yu. Gordon argues that pedagogical stimulation is nothing more than specific stimuli for student activity that connect goals with means of achieving them and form intermediate stages in the system [7].

A.I. Kochetov defines pedagogical stimulation as a purposeful process of managing personal self-development.

Thorndike writes, ‘Encouragement generally favors and reinforces all attractive relationships, while punishment often (but not always) has the property of changing relationships from definite to vague.’ [8].

According to Ravkin, pedagogical stimulation is the process of activating a person's personal internal driving forces with the help of external motivational tools. The effectiveness of these tools depends on the social and individual significance of the stimulated activity [9].  It is impossible to achieve and record positive results in the social development of a person without a properly structured system of pedagogical stimulation of moral relations. Pedagogical stimulation methods affect the child’s mind and emotions (searching for ‘resonance zones’), form his attitude to people, to himself, stable moral views and beliefs.


Pedagogical stimulation has great potential in working with students of different ages and in different educational environments. The role of motivation methods in the educational process has been recognized and comprehensively studied by scientists from all over the world. To ensure mastery, knowledge acquisition and implementation of learning in the education process, there should be methods of stimulation in lessons.

Motivation is one of the effective ways to ensure students' learning and mastery. Stimulation helps to get the students interested in the educational process, create an environment for expressing their thoughts, increase their cognitive activity, and increase their mastery rate. Reasonable and targeted incentives used by teachers ensure their success. Of course, incentives should not exceed the norm. Incentives used correctly at the right time stimulate students’ learning motivation and cognitive activity.



  1. The speech of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the solemn ceremony dedicated to the twenty-ninth anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan on August 31, 2020.
  2. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" dated September 23, 2020 No. 637. [Internet resource]. URL:
  3. Shyedrin D.S. Metody pooщreniya i nakazaniya. Saratov: – 2023.  54 s. // Ofitsialny sayt GBPOU SOUOR. [Elektronny resurs]: URL: [in Russian].
  4. Kamiljon Hashimov, Sanobar Nishonova PEDAGOGICAL HISTORY Publisher of the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi, Tashkent - 2005, 82 pages.
  5. L. Olimova, A. Nazarov Psychology of children with deviant behavior // Study guide Tashkent "Tafakkur Avlodi" 2020, pp. 39 - 40.
  6. Shyerbinina Olga Stanislavovna. Pedagogicheskoye stimulirovaniye sotsialnogo razvitiya odarennogo rebenka kak psixologo-pedagogicheskaya problema // Istoricheskaya i sotsialno-obrazovatelnaya mysl. 2014. № 2 (24). [in Russian].
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  8. N. Khalilova, G. Alimova, R. Mirsamikova, M. Bafayev. Theory and history of psychology. Part 2. -Tashkent: Innovation Ziya, 2020. - 214 pages (163).
  9. Ravkin Z.I. Stimulirovaniye kak pedagogicheskiy protsess / Z.I. Ravkin // Problemy pedagogicheskogo stimuli-rovaniya i metodologii issledovaniy istorii sovetskoy shkoly / pod red. 3. I. Ravkina. – Yoshkar- Ola: MGPI, 1972. [in Russian].
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Doctoral student of Andijan State University, Uzbekistan, Andijan

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