Jafarzoda S.
Jafarzoda S. PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE CONTEXT OF CREATIVE TIME MANAGEMENT AT UNIVERSITY // Universum: психология и образование : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 11(113). URL: (дата обращения: 22.10.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniPsy.2023.113.11.16188



This article clarifies pedagogical technologies in the context of creative time management at a university. Possible models of value-semantic time management in the interrelation and complementarity of structural components, proposed models and teaching technologies are identified.


В данной статье уточнены педагогические технологии в контексте творческого управления временем в вузе. Определены возможные модели ценностно-смыслового управления временем во взаимосвязи и взаимодополнении структурных компонентов, предложенных моделей и технологий обучения.


Keywords: professional development, employers, educational technologies, time management at university, model.

Ключевые слова: профессиональное развитие, работодатели, педагогические технологии, управление временем в вузе, модель.


The current socio-economic situation in each individual country and in the Republic of Tajikistan is characterized by rapid scientific and technological progress, dictating the need to train specialists taking into account processes that adequately respond to these changes. In the world, according to Maksakovsky, there are 16 global problems of humanity, among which maintaining peace and overcoming backwardness occupies a special place [1].

The process of training specialists, taking into account the upcoming transformations, is one of the mottos of the world congress "results of the millennium" refers to the creative work of talented people - the basis for the progress of prosperity and well-being of the inhabitants of the earth [2].

In the process of modeling and evaluating pedagogical technologies, learning outcomes suggest that “this is a system-forming measurement carried out by methods and means of pedagogical diagnostics and prognosis with the adopted measure and the formation of personality models of the future specialist depending on the specified goals of this process” [3].

Considering different options for assessing students’ knowledge, both in the traditional form and using software packages using information and communication technologies, one should include pedagogical technologies in the context of mastering a university curriculum and readiness for self-realization taking into account these achievements.

According to the annual monitoring of the National Testing Center under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, it shows that this issue is very relevant. Indicators that correspond to the lower threshold of assessment in some cases are more than 25%. In the context of the implementation of intensive pedagogical technologies for students, a fairly high level of knowledge and skills in the field of mathematics and other exact sciences is shown [3].

Considering this problem and designing it at each stage of education, we formulated the task of how to move from one semester to another, from one level of education to a higher one. In this context, the commensurability of the generated knowledge can adequately reflect the target objectives of educational and innovative teaching technologies of each discipline.

Groups of disciplines are accepted in the evaluation system of the structure of each university, taking into account global experience and the autonomy of universities. In particular, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan adopted the following rule. In the conditions of implementation of credit technology of training programs in 40% of the studied disciplines provide for passing exams in the form of test control. And 60% is based on the traditional form of testing and assessing knowledge in accordance with the rules established by universities, taking into account their autonomy.

Taking into account the fact that the basic ideas of introducing credit education technology in theoretical terms also include the search for methods and approaches that contribute to the creation of motives and motivations in learning. Assuming at the same time that the desire to achieve the desired results is, as it were, “indirectly” reflected in the basic ideas and principles [3].

It should be noted that these models allow the introduction of a problem-oriented approach to learning. According to the authors, the models allow students to focus their attention on analyzing and resolving a specific problem situation, which becomes the starting point in the learning process. Under these conditions, individualization and personal orientation of learning are most clearly manifested not at the planning stage, but at the stage of implementation of the educational trajectory. Moreover, this happens on both sides, both on the part of teachers and on the part of students [1, 3].

Considering different options for assessing students’ knowledge, both in the traditional form and using software packages using information and communication technologies, it should be noted that students have mastered the training program at the university and their readiness for self-realization, taking into account these achievements.

We will consider the concept of “development” both from the point of view of personal development and the influence of factors that influence the processes of professional and mental development of the individual, the formation of an educated and humane personality. In our opinion, it is advisable to consider the second phrase “developing” in three complementary projections of reflection of this conceptual essence.

This definition allowed us to present the following matrix in the form of a logical-information model, taking into account and including the following terms, which take into account all stages of the design and implementation of the proposed models for organizing the educational process in the innovative educational environment of the university. The systematic implementation of pedagogical technologies in the context of creative time management at a university can be represented as a logic-information matrix (Fig.).


Figure 1. System matrix for the implementation of pedagogical technologies in the context of creative time management at a university:

1 – basic matrix of mutual influence of factors; C – human (student) abilityO – humane person, humanity; З- knowledge; M – minimax-strategy; E – models for achieving success; R – text editors.


From the position of the basic terminological word “personal development” (CP1 – the essential concept of the development factor according to the first projection). The concept of “development” in the context of the influence of external factors (CP2 – the essential concept of personal development under the influence of the external environment). The influence of globalization processes occurring in the world (CP3- and requiring the individual to choose adequate models of development and self-development, education and self-education, choosing a career growth strategy according to the third projection) (Fig.).

Based on the analysis and scientific theoretical justification of the pedagogical technology of commensurability (OM1, OM2, OM3) in the relationship between value-semantic time management, it is also necessary to clarify the concept of “developmental”, which in combination is presented as “motivational-developmental technologies” (Fig.).

When constructing a time model, it is of interest to which period of training this measurement belongs to (VT1). Secondly, to what extent, if the educational goals were not achieved during this period, or achieved at what level (BT2). Thirdly, if the corresponding level of achievement is compared with the requirements of employers or other interested parties (effective use of time) (BT3) (Fig.).

Thus, conducting a systematic search based on the selection of adequate models and didactic principles that provide for the implementation of pedagogical technology in the context of creative time management at a university helps future specialists to shape the use and management of time in an innovative educational environment. We clarified and analyzed the validity and effectiveness of the proposed models during pedagogical experiments.



  1. Максаковский В.П. Географическая карта мира: В 2 кн. Кн. I: общая характеристика мира. – М.: Дрофа, 2003. – 496 с.
  2. Веселков Ф.С., Веселков А.Ф., Сто идей-резервов высшей школы России. – СПб: Изд-во Осипов, 2007. – 276 с.
  3. Шоев Н.Н., Хушвактов А.А., Шоев А.Н., Конкурентология и саморазвитие личности: учебное пособие для вузов. – Душанбе: «Ирфон», 2016. – 508 с.
Информация об авторах

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities and Law of the Institute of Technology and Innovation Management of the city of Kulyab, Republic of Tajikistan, Kulyab

канд. техн. наук, доцент кафедры гуманитарных наук и права Института технологии и инновационного менеджмента города Куляб, Республика Таджикистан, г. Куляб

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54438 от 17.06.2013
Учредитель журнала - ООО «МЦНО»
Главный редактор - Ходакова Нина Павловна.