Babaeva I. Penkov V.
Babaeva I., Penkov V. NOOSPHERIC CONSCIOUSNESS FORMATION IN SCHOOLCHILDREN BY MEANS OF TOURIST RALLIES // Universum: психология и образование : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 1(103). URL: (дата обращения: 22.07.2024).
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The article describes the problem of noospheric consciousness formation in schoolchildren, substantiates the role of the school in its solution. A brief description of the study is also given, the results of noospheric consciousness formation in schoolchildren through tourist rallies are indicated.


В статье описывается проблема формирования ноосферного сознания школьников, обосновывается роль школы в её решении. Также даётся краткое описание проведённому исследованию, обозначаются результаты формирования ноосферного сознания школьников посредством проведения туристических слётов.


Keywords: schoolchildren, noospheric consciousness, tourist rallies, ecology, environmental problems.

Ключевые слова: школьники, ноосферное сознание, туристические слёты, экология, проблемы экологии.


At this stage of human development, many problems have been solved. However, there are several serious unresolved problems, one of which is the problem of environmental responsible individual development.

In his works, I.A. Vasilchenko considers the characteristics of an ecological personality and notes that its feature is “the functional interaction of a person in the “man-environment” system, in which the concept of “environment” covers not only the natural world, but goes far beyond the limits of ecology itself, including the personal world. A person with their own way of thinking, motivational direction, emotional attitude and value-semantic sphere [6, p. 60].

According to Z.A. Sharmardanov, an ecological personality “is aware of the fact that not only society has an impact on the outside world, but the nature of society’s development is also influenced by its surroundings” [5, p. 113].

The most expedient for us is the introduction of system of environmental education within school-based system. To ensure that environmental education not unfounded, “the formation of environmental consciousness is required,” which is indicated in the works of D.S. Ermakova and I.T. Suravegina. An ecologically trained personality, according to the authors, knowing what certain acts are prejudicial to nature. If a person is ecologically competent, then the standards and rules of ecological behavior will be sound and become the beliefs of that person. At a level that students can access, the links between inanimate and living nature, between various components of living nature (plants and animals), between nature and man are taken into consideration. Through knowledge of these bonds and relationships, students learn about the world around them, and ecological bonds also help them in this regard [2, p. 97].

The favorable period in this case is the intermediate stage of school teaching. It is this period which is characterized by the highest vulnerability of children, consistency. A child goes into adolescence, but information is more easily perceived, due to curiosity as well as experiential and empathy abilities. This is caused by number of the most important psychophysiological structures of the personality. The very process of ecological personality formation, according to S.D. Deryabo and V.A. Yasvin, implemented in stages. A schematic representation of these stages is as follows: “awareness - practical actions - the ecological personality formation” [1, p. 175].

The formation of child’s noospheric consciousness is leaded by sharping of ecological personality. Noospherical consciousness per se in terms of school age is seen as a new level of consciousness development, wherein the child consciously selects a new style of relationship with nature. [3, p. 271].

Thus, at the present stage of pedagogical development, practical researchers are seeking effective methods to formate the noospherical consciousness of a learner. One of the formation methods, gaining popularity, is tourism. In a broad term, tourism is a specific type of human activity that is of great importance for society, which is only increasing every year.

Consider the very concept of tourism. As stated by the scientist P.G. Oldak, the modern concept of tourism is somewhat different from the previously adopted one. Modern tourism is the set of possible options for the displacement of the population, that are not caused by a residence or work changes. [4, p. 27].

In the school system, the usage of tourism seems to be necessary if the school is faced with the task of educating a concerned with the environment., physically and psychologically healthy person. Activities in hiking trips allow children to replenish knowledge about features of the natural environment, as well as develop an emotional and value attitude towards nature and its riches. That is why we have chosen such a form of environmental education as a tourist rally to form the noospheric consciousness in schoolchildren.

In order to determine the noospherical consciousness level of modern school children, we organized a study based on the Razumenskaya No. 1 high school. The study was conducted in secondary school, the experiment involved 30 respondents in classroom 7-“A”.

To identify the level of the noospheric consciousness formation among choolchildren according to the selected criteria (cognitive, emotional-value, operational-activity), the diagnostic methodology of motivation of the interaction with nature “Alternative” (Yasvin V.A.), the method for diagnosing the intensity of subjective attitude to nature “Naturafil” (S.D. Deryabo, V.A. Yasvin), questionnaire of environmental consciousness (V.I. Panov). The results of the noospherical formation consciousness at the determining stage of the experiment are shown in Fig.1.


Figure 1. The level of noospheric consciousness formation at the ascertaining stage of the experiment


We can note that a low level the noospheric consciousness formation prevailed amongst the subjects. The highest results were revealed by the emotional value criterion, which indicates that schoolchildren are able to empathize with nature, they feel its problems as their own. The lowest results were diagnosed according to the cognitive and operational-activity criterion, which indicates that schoolchildren do not feel motivated to protect nature, do not have knowledge about correct and environmentally correct handling of natural objects, and also do not seek to apply their existing skills in practice.

Further, we developed and implemented the formative stage of the experiment, in which, within the framework of tourist rallies, we created such conditions under which the noospheric consciousness formation in general and its criteria in particular would proceed more productively.

In the process of practical activities, we carried out three tourist trips:

1) tourist rally “Brave, dexterous, skillful!” - June 01, 2022 (on the ravine near the village of Krutoy log);

2) tourist rally “New Wave” - June 15, 2022 (on the Razumnaya River);

3) tourist rally “The Red Book of the Forest” - September 10, 2022 (in the Otrozhensky forest).

As part of the tourist rally called “Brave, dexterous, skillful!” we conducted a conversation named “Harm to the living” (emotional-value criterion), organized direct practical activities for planting seedlings of trees and bushes on the slopes of a ravine (operational-activity criterion), used a creative task like children created a terrain layout in subgroups (cognitive criterion).

In the process of the New Wave tourist rally, in order to implement the emotional and value criterion and set the participants on productive activity, we used the game called “Fish in a bag” (each child passed the bag in a circle, took out one of the stickers from it, read out what was written and reasoned aloud on whose behalf the inscription can be, what difficulties this character has encountered and how they feels at the same time). The operational - activity criterion was realized in the process of the action called “Collect the garbage”. We also created conditions for the cognitive criterion formation, for noospheric consciousness like the children made a sketch of the river and its surroundings with an accurate transfer of the reservoir features (the direction of movement, water transparency, inhabitants, etc.).

The autumn tourist rally called “The Red Book of the Forest” was the final one. To form the noospheric consciousness according to the emotional-value criterion, we divided the children into subgroups, each one had to draw up a plan of action in unusual situations (when a person harms nature). The operational and activity component consisted in free practical activity, when schoolchildren independently chose what benefits, they could bring to the forest (put grain in feeders, make a list of unnecessary books and magazines for waste paper, etc.). The final criterion of noospheric consciousness, formed in this gathering, was the cognitive criterion. For this, the “Photo-herbarium” competition was implemented. The purpose of the competition is to find and photograph the plants that are on the guide route. Such activities allowed schoolchildren to look at herbs and flowers not just as an aesthetically pleasing element, but as a living plant that has its own unique structure (leaf structure, stem length, presence or absence of a flower).

To identify the effectiveness of such activities, we conducted a second diagnostic - the control stage of the experiment, the data of which are presented in Fig. 2.


Figure 2. The level of noospheric consciousness formation at the control stage of the experiment


Therefore, based on Figure 2, we can note that the implementation of formative stage of the experiment (holding tourist rallies) had a positive impact on the noospheric consciousness formation in schoolchildren. The predominant level was high, while there were significantly fewer children with medium and low levels. Children have become much more responsive to the problems of nature, more observant. Students began to understand the importance of nature in human life, to realize what contribution they can make. Children are ready to help nature in practice, adhering to the rules of behavior in nature. The students have noticeably improved their powers of observation like nature is perceived not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also as a living mechanism that one wants to recognize and explore.

Consequently, the development of the noospheric consciousness of schoolchildren in such an educational form of environmental education as a tourist rally is more efficient and productive.



  1. Deryabo S.D., Yasvin V.A. Ecological pedagogy and psychology. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1996 – PP. 480 [in Russian].
  2. Ermakov D.S., Suravegina I.T. Environmental education: from studying ecology to solving environmental problems. – Novomoskovsk: NF URAO, 2005 – PP. 142 [in Russian].
  3. Moiseev N.N. Man and the noosphere. – Moscow: Young Guard, 1990 – PP. 352 [in Russian].
  4. Oldak P.G. The tourism industry is one of the leading directions in the development of modern economics. – Novosibirsk: Phoenix, 1970 – PP 173 [in Russian].
  5. Shakhmardanov E.A., Razakhanova V.P. Ecological education as a factor of society's sustainable development // News of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University. Psychological and pedagogical sciences. - 2014 - No. 4 (29). – PP. 101-103. [in Russian].
  6. Erdyneeva K.G., Kadashnikova E.B. Ecological competence as a phenomenon of pedagogical reality // Successes of modern natural science. - 2009 - No. 1 – PP. 59-62. [in Russian].
Информация об авторах

Master degree student, FSAEI HE “Belgorod State National Research University”, Russia, Belgorod

магистрант, ФГАОУ ВО «Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет», РФ, г. Белгород

Ph. D., Assoc., Prof. Department of Informatics and Natural Sciences and Teaching Methods FSAEI HE “Belgorod State National Research University”, Russia, Belgorod

д-р фил. н., доц., проф. кафедры информатики и естественнонаучных дисциплин и методик преподавания, ФГАОУ ВО «Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет», РФ, г. Белгород

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