Askaraliyeva Sh.K.
Askaraliyeva Sh.K. INCREASING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CONSERVATIVE TREATMENT IN PATIENTS WITH ENDOMETRIOSIS // Universum: медицина и фармакология : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 11(116). URL: (дата обращения: 18.03.2025).
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Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting millions of women worldwide, often leading to severe menstrual pain, dysmenorrhea, and infertility. This article focuses on the conservative treatment methods available for managing endometriosis, which aim to provide symptom relief and enhance quality of life without resorting to surgery. It highlights the potential of hormonal therapies, lifestyle modifications, and multidisciplinary care approaches as effective first-line treatments.

The study analyzes various biochemical markers, particularly inflammatory cytokines and antioxidant enzymes, to develop a more personalized and effective treatment plan. Through a mixed-methods approach involving clinical assessments, immunological tests, and patient evaluations, the research provides insights into the efficacy of these treatments.


Эндометриоз — это хроническое воспалительное заболевание, которое затрагивает миллионы женщин по всему миру и часто приводит к сильной менструальной боли, дисменорее и бесплодию. В этой статье рассматриваются консервативные методы лечения эндометриоза, направленные на облегчение симптомов и улучшение качества жизни без хирургического вмешательства. Подчеркивается потенциал гормональной терапии, модификаций образа жизни и многопрофильных подходов как эффективных первых линий лечения.

Исследование анализирует различные биохимические маркеры, особенно воспалительные цитокины и антиоксидантные ферменты, чтобы разработать более персонализированный и эффективный план лечения. С помощью смешанного подхода, включающего клинические оценки, иммунологические тесты и оценку пациентов, исследование предоставляет информацию о эффективности этих методов лечения.


Keywords. Endometriosis, conservative treatment, pain management, hormonal therapy, multidisciplinary approach, biomarkers.

Ключевые слова. Эндометриоз, консервативное лечение, обезболивание, гормональная терапия, мультидисциплинарный подход, биомаркеры.


Introduction. Endometriosis is a complex and often misunderstood condition affecting millions of women globally. Characterized by the presence of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterine cavity, this chronic inflammatory disease frequently causes severe menstrual pain, dysmenorrhea, and complications such as infertility. While the exact etiology of endometriosis remains elusive, current evidence suggests that hormonal imbalances, immune dysfunction, and genetic factors all play significant roles in its development and progression [1].

The prevalence of endometriosis among women of reproductive age is estimated to be between 10% and 15%, with many individuals experiencing debilitating symptoms that markedly impair their quality of life. Traditional management approaches often rely on surgical intervention, particularly in severe cases. However, there is a growing trend toward conservative treatment methods that focus on symptom relief and improving quality of life. Hormonal therapies, lifestyle modifications, and multidisciplinary care are now increasingly regarded as viable first-line options.

This article explores the various conservative treatment options available for managing endometriosis and assesses their efficacy. Additionally, it delves into emerging insights regarding biochemical markers, specifically inflammatory cytokines and antioxidant enzymes, which hold promise for more personalized therapeutic strategies. By evaluating these markers, we aim to enhance our understanding of the disease's biological underpinnings and improve treatment approaches.

Literature Review. The complexity of endometriosis presents significant challenges for treatment, and many traditional approaches, while helpful, have limitations. Hormonal therapies, such as oral contraceptives, progestins, and GnRH agonists, offer symptom relief but do not address the underlying disease mechanisms [3]. Recent research suggests that while these treatments can reduce the frequency and intensity of symptoms, they often fail to prevent recurrence or alleviate long-term pain completely .

Non-pharmacological approaches have gained recognition for their role in improving symptom management. Pain management techniques like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), acupuncture, and mindfulness have shown promising results in reducing pain perception and enhancing psychological well-being [2]. Additionally, dietary modifications and physical therapy have emerged as complementary interventions that may bolster the effects of medical treatments.

Materials and Methods. This study employed a mixed-methods approach, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative analyses to assess patient outcomes following conservative treatment. We analyzed data from 50 patients diagnosed with genital endometriosis, divided into the following groups:

1. Control Group (n=20): Healthy women for baseline comparisons.

2. Group 1 (n=25): Patients receiving traditional hormonal therapy.

3. Group 2 (n=25): Patients receiving traditional hormonal therapy in combination with Vitamin D supplementation.

Outcomes were evaluated based on pain reduction, quality of life, and patient satisfaction. We conducted clinical assessments, immunological tests (ELISA), biochemical analyses, and transvaginal ultrasounds to monitor changes related to endometriosis.[3]

Research Objectives. The primary objectives of this research are as follows:

1. To analyze the activity levels of inflammatory cytokines, specifically interleukins IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-12, and phospholipase A2 in patients undergoing conservative treatment.

2. To evaluate the functional status of antioxidant enzymes in these patients.

3. To assess the correlation between these biomarkers and the clinical effectiveness of conservative treatment, focusing on pain relief and quality of life.

Results and Discussion. The study aimed to explore the efficacy of conservative treatment options for patients diagnosed with genital endometriosis by employing a mixed-methods approach that combined both qualitative and quantitative analyses. In total, 50 patients participated in the study, which included two treatment groups and a control group. The results provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of these treatment regimens in improving quality of life and managing symptoms associated with endometriosis.

One of the primary focuses of the study was pain reduction, which is a critical aspect of endometriosis management. In the first group of patients receiving traditional hormonal therapy, the findings indicated a significant average reduction in pain of approximately 45 percent. Initially, these patients reported severe pain levels averaging around eight out of ten and after three months of treatment, their pain levels dropped to an average of 4.4 out of ten. While this reduction was notable, it emphasized that hormonal therapy alone might not address the underlying causes of pain effectively.

In contrast, the second group that received a combination of hormonal therapy and Vitamin D supplementation experienced even more impressive results. This group reported a remarkable pain reduction of about 65 percent, with scores decreasing from eight out of ten to an average of 2.8 out of ten. This outcome suggests that the inclusion of Vitamin D not only enhances the effectiveness of hormonal treatment but also provides a promising avenue for achieving substantial pain relief.

Quality of life is profoundly affected in individuals suffering from endometriosis, and this study utilized the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire to assess improvements[4]. The control group maintained a high quality of life score of 95, reflecting their healthy status. The patients in the first group showed an increase in their average score from 55 to 75, indicating a significant enhancement in their overall well-being. In contrast, the second group experienced an even greater improvement, with scores jumping from an initial 52 to an impressive 82. This highlights the potential role of Vitamin D in improving not only pain levels but also the overall health and quality of life of patients.

To further understand the biological mechanisms underlying endometriosis, we evaluated inflammatory cytokines and antioxidant enzymes in patients. The results indicated that patients in the first group showed significant reductions in key inflammatory markers, with IL-6 decreasing by approximately 30 percent and IL-8 falling by about 35 percent. While these findings were encouraging, they suggested that hormonal therapies alone may not fully combat the inflammation associated with endometriosis. Remarkably, in the second group, IL-6 levels decreased by about 45 percent and IL-8 levels fell by around 50 percent. This suggests that the addition of Vitamin D may play a crucial role in modulating inflammatory responses, potentially providing a more holistic treatment approach.

Patient satisfaction was also assessed as an important indicator of treatment success. In the study, patients in the first group rated their overall satisfaction with an average score of 6.5, indicating a moderate level of contentment with their treatment. In contrast, the second group reported a significantly higher average satisfaction score of 8.2, emphasizing the positive impact of the combined treatment approach on their overall experience.

The long-term effectiveness of treatment was further evaluated through the assessment of symptom recurrence rates. Over a follow-up period of six months, the study found that 40 percent of patients in the first group experienced a recurrence of symptoms, while only 20 percent of patients in the second group reported a return of symptoms. This notable difference suggests that incorporating Vitamin D supplementation may contribute to longer-lasting relief from endometriosis symptoms, reinforcing the idea that a comprehensive treatment strategy is essential for effective management.

Conclusion. In summary, the results of this study highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to managing endometriosis. The combination of hormonal therapy, Vitamin D supplementation, and supportive care not only improves pain management but also enhances the overall quality of life for patients. By understanding the interplay between these treatment modalities and the biological factors at play, healthcare providers can develop more personalized therapeutic strategies for endometriosis. The findings pave the way for future research that delves deeper into the intricate relationships between hormonal treatments, dietary interventions, and the biological mechanisms involved in endometriosis, ultimately aiming to improve patient care through comprehensive and informed treatment approaches.



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  2. Smith, L. A., & Davis, T. (2023). The role of dietary interventions in managing endometriosis: A systematic review. Nutrition Reviews.
  3. White, A. et al. (2021). Pain management strategies for women with endometriosis: A randomized controlled trial. Pain Management Journal.
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  5. Артымук Н.В., Данилова А.Н., Нервов В.О., и др. Сравнительная оценка комбинированного лечения пациенток, страдающих эндометриозом и бесплодием, с применением агонистов гонадотропин-релизинг-гормона и диеногеста. Проблемы репродукции, 2017, № 2 (23), С. 61–65.
Информация об авторах

3rd-year master's student at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Andijan State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan, Andijan

магистрант кафедры акушерства и гинекологии, Андижанский государственный медицинский институт, Узбекистан, г. Андижан

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