Assistant, Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan
In the article, urgent tasks such as further improvement of the environment and ecological condition of cotton ginning enterprises were raised. The size of the vacuum valve at the bottom of the VZP-1200 cyclone designed for effective dust retention in production has been increased by 1.5 times. As a result, the dust retention efficiency of the VZP-1200 cyclone was increased from 90-91% to 95-97%. To obtain this positive result, scientific and practical research was carried out, and the optimal parameters of the centripetal force of the air in the cyclone, air speed - , the size of dust particles -
, and the percentage of dust capture efficiency were determined. Also, it was shown that scientific work on the optimal aerodynamic regime for effectively separating dust particles from the air in the cyclone was effective and good results were obtained.
В статье подняты такие актуальные задачи, как дальнейшее улучшение окружающей среды и экологического состояния хлопкоочистительных предприятий. Размер вакуумного клапана в нижней части циклона ВЗП-1200, предназначенного для эффективного пылеулавливания на производстве, увеличен в 1,5 раза. В результате эффективность пылеулавливания циклона ВЗП-1200 была увеличена с 90-91% до 95-97%. Для получения данного положительного результата были проведены научно-практические исследования и определены оптимальные параметры центростремительной силы воздуха в циклоне, скорости движения воздуха - , размера пылевых частиц -
и процента улавливания пыли. была определена эффективность. Также было показано, что научные работы по оптимальному аэродинамическому режиму эффективного отделения пылевых частиц от воздуха в циклоне оказались эффективными и получены хорошие результаты.
Keywords: ecology, environment, dust, technology, cyclone, vacuum valve, norm, dust collector, effect, result, atmosphere.
Ключевые слова: экология, окружающая среда, пыль, технология, циклон, вакуум-клапан, норма, пылеуловитель, эффект, результат, атмосфера.
In this article, we will examine the technical and technological conditions for cleaning dusty air and releasing cleaned air into the atmosphere in cotton ginning plants today, their effectiveness, existing shortcomings, measures to eliminate them, and innovative proposals.
As is known, dusty air is cleaned in three ways: coarse cleaning (in which the dust size is around 90-100 μ), medium cleaning (in which the dust size is 10-12 μ and larger), and fine cleaning (in which the dust is smaller than 8-10 μ). Currently, in the dust removal system of cotton ginning enterprises, six—and three-cubic dust collectors based on centrifugal force, i.e. devices called conical cyclones, are mainly used.
The technological scheme of this device is as follows:
Figure 1. 1-inlet pipe, 2-outer casing, 3-inner upper small casing, 4-rain protection cap, 5-pipe
In Figure 1, for dust removal, dust enters the cyclone through the inlet pipe, and the air is cleaned of dust by the force of aspiration to the center.
Problem setting and solution.
The dust removal process from the air in this cyclone is carried out as follows: When the dusty air entering the conical cyclone moves from top to bottom inside the cyclone with the force of aspiration to the center, the dust particles are cleaned from the air by hitting the cyclone wall. The air is cleaned from the center to the top and out, but it is never 100% clean. That is the whole problem.
Let's consider the arrangement of two-stage conical cyclones:
Figure 2. 1- six-meter cubic cyclone, 2- pipe, 3- fan, 4- three-meter cubic cyclone, 5- vacuum valve, 6- auger
In this figure, such a complex of devices is used to clean the dusty air coming from the dust removal system and then release it into the atmosphere. Such a cleaning system is called a two-stage complex cleaning system.
The total cotton dust retention efficiency in the existing dust removal system is expected to be 90-95%. A damper adjusts the system's aerodynamic state.
The dispersion state of the dust composition is as follows:
Table 1.
The dispersion state of the dust composition
Size of dust particles, |
0-40 |
40-65 |
65-85 |
85-155 |
155-185 |
185-245 |
245-490 |
490-1000 |
1000 and above |
Dust particles, % |
4 |
13 |
10 |
6 |
4 |
12 |
13 |
10 |
4 |
A local dust extraction system means extracting dust from the area where the dust is emitted. It is known that dust is released from all technical and technological equipment and machines in cotton ginning enterprises. The local dedusting system eliminates these dusts. The following formula, % determines the dust capture efficiency of local dedusting:
- mass of dust in developed (purified) air;
- mass of dust trapped in the dedusting device.
Dust collection efficiency can also be determined using another formula:
- the entry of dusty air into the dust holder;
- cleaned air coming out of the dust holder.
We consider the amount (volume) of dusty air extracted from the technology in the following table:
Table 2.
Following table
Machine - Equipment |
Dusty air to be extracted, m3/sec. |
Dusty air, mg/m3 |
Auger cleaner without suction device |
0.9 – 11 |
450 - 1050 |
Double drum cleaner |
0.8 – 0.9 |
550 – 1150 |
On vacuuming a large dirty mixture |
0.8 – 0.88 |
14 500 – 450 000 |
In the provider of the gin machine |
0.5 – 0.6 |
280 – 620 |
Four drum purveyors (demon's purveyor). |
1.7 – 1.9 |
45 000 – 160 000 |
Dusting the battery of eight lint machine systems |
1.75 – 1.85 |
450 – 820 |
Today, many shortcomings are observed in the above-mentioned dust removal systems and their operation:
1. The standard conical cyclones created several decades ago and introduced into cotton-ginning enterprises are outdated and no longer meet modern requirements. The main objection is that the existing dust removal equipment and structures do not provide the required level of efficiency.
2. The permissible dust content in the purified air in the production areas of cotton ginning enterprises, in the territory of the enterprise, and the ecological zones outside the enterprise is significantly higher. This is a negative indicator.
3. It is urgently necessary to create a new dust removal system shortly.
To significantly reduce dust removal in cotton ginning enterprises, it is proposed to install cylindrical cyclones of the VZP-1200 type instead of the existing conical cyclones:
Figure 3. VZP-1200 model cylinder cyclone
Scientific and practical research on this device in Figure 3 was conducted at cotton ginning enterprises in Tashkent, Samarkand, and Namangan regions, and high results were obtained. According to the results, dust was cleaned by 95-97%. Only this cyclone had to be reconstructed. The reason is that the VZP-1200 cyclone was manufactured for the wood processing industry in another republic.
1. The existing air dust removal system, technical technologies, devices, and developments in cotton ginning enterprises were carefully studied.
2. The dust removal system was analyzed according to the established standards. It turned out that the standards differ from the situation in the textile industry.
3. The existing devices in the dust removal system are quite outdated, and the efficiency of dust removal and dust retention from the air is not up to the required level.
4. There is an urgent need to create and introduce new devices for dust removal from the air.
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