Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of Namangan Textile Industry Institute, Uzbekistan, Namangan
This article provides information about the types of gauze used for school uniforms. Speaking about the content and essence of hygienic quality indicators of fabrics, its importance in the organization of the microclimate of clothing was determined. Several different properties of national fabrics are based on an experimental study. The production process of fabrics used in school uniform Sewing has been analyzed.
В данной статье представлена информация о видах ткани, применяемой для школьной формы. Говоря о содержании гигиенических качественных показателей ткани, определяют ее значение в организации микроклимата одежды. Несколько различных свойств национальных тканов были исследованы и обоснованы на опыте. Проанализирован процесс изготовления тканей, используемых при пошиве школьной формы.
Keywords: batist, marquisate, maya, volta, vual, kiseya, scotlandka, sherstyanka, kashemir, poplin, hygienic quality indicator, air permeability, hygroscopicity of gases.
Ключевые слова: Батист, маркизет, майя, вольта, вуаль, кисея, шотландка, шерстянка, кашемир, поплин, показатель гигиенического качества, воздухопроницаемости, гигроскопичности ткани.
Hygienic quality indicators should characterize compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and ensure a comfortable microclimate under clothing. The hygienic compatibility indicator indicates the level of air Exchange under clothing. For example, hygienic indicators of clothing intended for a high-temperature external environment depend on the hygienic properties of the gauze. This indicator in turn depends on the air permeability of the clothing package, vapor permeability and the rational constructive solution of the clothing. Fabrics in the summer group include thin, light, high-air permeability fabrics: fabrics such as batist, marquisate, Maya, volta, vual, kiseya. Suitable fabrics for seasonal school uniforms are produced from threads obtained by the method of card and re-combing. The gasses included in this grouping are slightly thicker, denser and heavier than those in the summer group (surface densities are up to 220 g/m2).
Formulation of the problem
Types of gauze for sewing school uniforms are as follows: Scotch, sherstyanka, cashmere, poplin, etc. It is this grouping that includes a number of different types of men's shirt-top gowns. They are usually produced in a polotno or mixed braid, bleached, cedar-colored, or woven from threads of different colors. The fiber content of such fabrics is up to 33 percent lavsan fiber. It is due to the fact that the properties of the gauze do not crumble and maintain the shape of the garment will be high. Shirtbop and suitbop dress to the group of fabrics, summer suits, fabrics designed for sewing robes and other clothes are included. About 50 new articular gasses are being released each year. Types of gauze for sewing school uniforms are as follows: Scotch, sherstyanka, cashmere, poplin, etc. It is this grouping that includes a number of different types of men's shirt-top gowns. They are usually produced in a polotno or mixed braid, bleached, cedar-colored, or woven from threads of different colors. The fiber content of such fabrics is up to 33 percent lavsan fiber. It is due to the fact that the properties of the gauze do not crumble and maintain the shape of the garment will be high. Shirtbop and suitbop dress to the group of fabrics, summer suits, fabrics designed for sewing robes and other clothes are included. About 50 new articular gasses are being released each year.The surface density of shirtbop gasses will be 100-220 g/m2, and that of kostyumbops-250-290 g/m2. The number of clothespins entering the group of pure linen fibers is low. They are reddish, semi-white and whitish in satin or fine braid from threads with a linear density of 85 Tex.
Analysis of the obtained results
Satin, adras and immaculate fabrics were selected for the sample from the National types of fabrics in order to identify the National fabrics that match these fabrics. Experiments were carried out with the aim of identifying a number of different indicators of them. Below are a few of them described:
Air permeability of samples. (sm3 / sm2sek). In this, the air permeability property of the gasket; depends on its fiber composition, density and finish. Air permeability. AR-360 CM is checked using a tool.Before starting the experiment, the amount of water in the oblique and vertical manometer is checked.Depending on the thickness of the gauze, a stool is selected. The sample is placed in the chamber using a lighter. The instrument fan is lowered. Hydrostatic pressure in the oblique manometer 12.7 when it arrives, the process is stopped and the hydrostatic pressure in the vertical manometer is determined. Using a special table, the indicator is determined.
Figure 1. Air permeability of samples Figure 1. Air permeability of sample gaskets
Air permeability of samples Figure 1. Air permeability of sample gaskets.The results are put into the following formula and the indicator is determined:
Ut= ; Ua=
Where L1, L are the initial dimensions of the gasket in tanda and arc; L2, L are the dimensions of the gasket in tanda and arc after the test. The experimentally obtained indicators are given in the graphs below.
Figure 2. Hygroscopicity of sample gases
Sample carbonation input % enters when the item is washed, soaked, wetted, ironed and pressed. To determine this indicator, a sample size of 10x10 CM is prepared, soaked and dried. The dried specimen measures in length and in width in the direction of the tanda and the arch.
For Primary School student girls, it is important to take into account the above characteristics of national fabrics in the manufacture of the addition of national types of fabrics to the school uniform. Among national fabrics, adras gauze is considered resistant to breakage, tough due to its high density as well as polotno harvests; the creaminess of the national fabric, the restoration of The Shape of the fabrics after deformation, and the weaving of natural fibers fully meets the hygienic indicators of the gauze, increases the level of hygroscopicity.
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