Tokhtakoziev A., Rozimatov M.A. STUDYING THE PARAMETERS OF THE PLANK SOIL MACHINE INFLUENCE ON ITS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 12(129). URL: (дата обращения: 14.03.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2024.129.12.18840



The development and use of energy-resource-efficient, high-performance and high-quality machines used in the preparation of grain fields for sowing occupies one of the leading positions in the world. "Currently, the world spends 1.8 billion annually to plant seeds of agricultural crops. taking into account the cultivation per hectare" [1], the machines used in the preparation of land for planting must first of all be energy-resource efficient, work quality and productivity high. In this regard, it is important to improve the existing technical means used in preparing land for planting on a scientific basis and to develop new ones. In the article, the influence of the parameters of the planar roller on its performance is analyzed.


Разработка и применение энергоресурс сберегающих, высокопроизводительных и качественных машин, используемых при подготовке зерновых полей к посеву, занимает одно из ведущих мест в мире. «В настоящее время мир ежегодно тратит 1,8 миллиарда долларов на посадку семян сельскохозяйственных культур с учетом обработки на гектар» [1] машины, используемые при подготовке земли к посадке, должны, прежде всего, быть энерго эффективными, качественными и производительными. В связи с этим важно на научной основе совершенствовать существующие технические средства, используемые при подготовке земель к посадке, и разрабатывать новые. В статье анализируется влияние параметров плоского катка на его производительность.


Keywords: Tractor, machine, frame, technology, aggregate, roller, disc, groove, planch, plow, chisel, cultivator, tines, prutok, harrow, towbar, bracket, soil.

Ключевые слова: Трактор, машина, рама, техника, агрегат, каток, диск, паз, планка, плуг, долото, культиватор, зубья, пруток, борона, фаркоп, кронштейн, почва.



In the world, targeted scientific and research work is being carried out, aimed at creating new models of resource-saving technologies of land preparation for sowing seeds of agricultural crops and the technical means that implement them, and developing the scientific and technical basis for improving the existing ones. In this direction, the development of the tandem roller construction used in the combined machines used in the preparation of land for planting, the implementation of targeted scientific research works on the justification of its parameters that ensure the agrotechnical indicators in the processes of interaction with the soil are at the level of requirements [2].

Currently, in the composition of combined machines, individual rollers with planar, segmental, tubular, flat surface, toothed and ring-toothed rollers are widely used. But these coils have various disadvantages that adversely affect their performance. In particular, plate and segment rollers are mainly effective in softening the soil surface layer, crushing lumps, leveling and partial compaction, but due to their low mass, they cannot provide the required level of soil density. Rollers with a tube and flat surface provide soil compaction at the required level, but they sink into the soil without properly crushing the lumps on the surface of the soil. Toothed and ring-toothed rollers have better performance compared to other types of rollers, that is, they provide good soil compaction and compaction. But the main disadvantage of this type of coils is their complexity of construction, large mass and low technological and technical reliability. In order to eliminate these noted shortcomings, the existing rolling stock was improved in the Agricultural Mechanization Research Institute in the direction of increasing performance, and on this basis, a planed rolling stock of a new design was developed. Below we will analyze the parameters of the planar roller and their effect on performance.

The main purpose of pre-planting tillage is to retain moisture in the soil during autumn-winter and early spring, to eliminate germinating weeds and to create conditions for uniform sowing and germination of seeds. Therefore, it is necessary to soften the soil to the specified depth, level it, compact it to the required level and, most importantly, achieve the formation of a soft soil layer on the surface of the field. In all regions of our republic, the pre-sowing treatment of land includes early spring harrowing and pre-sowing treatment [3].

Currently, in foreign countries, various options of combined aggregates have been created to prepare the soil for planting, and various planed rollers and levelers are used as working parts for soil cultivation.


The main purpose of pre-planting tillage is to retain moisture in the soil during autumn-winter and early spring, to eliminate germinating weeds and to create conditions for uniform sowing and germination of seeds. Therefore, it is necessary to soften the soil to the specified depth, level it, compact it to the required level and, most importantly, achieve the formation of a soft soil layer on the surface of the field. In all regions of our republic, the pre-planting treatment of land includes early spring harrowing and pre-planting treatment [4].

Currently, in foreign countries, various options of combined aggregates have been created to prepare the soil for planting, and various disc rollers and levelers are used as working parts for soil cultivation.


In order to verify the results of the theoretical studies and justify the optimal values ​​of the planar rolling parameters, the following issues were included in the experimental research program:

- to study the influence of the size, sharpening angle, thickness, width of the plank tracks, vertical load applied to the planks and the speed of aggregate movement on the quality of soil treatment and energy consumption of the slats;

- using the method of mathematical planning of experiments, to determine the optimal values ​​of the parameters of the planar winding, which ensure high quality of work with low energy consumption.


Figure 1. Brand new reel construction


A laboratory-field device was designed and prepared for conducting experimental studies. Figure 1 shows the structural structure of the device. A device equipped with softening pawls and a leveler and a suspension device, consisting of a frame, a softening pawl, and a roller. The roller consists of frames, shafts, discs and plates. The roller blades are designed with a cutting part of the soil, which ensures good soil crushing and increases productivity. The number of planks is 9 and the distance between them is 10 cm.

Experimental studies on the determination of agrotechnical and energetic performance indicators of slatted rolling mills were conducted in the fields of the Agricultural Mechanization Research Institute, which were plowed to a depth of 30-32 cm after being freed from winter wheat and given moist water for the cultivation of repeated crops. The soil of the experimented fields is gray soil of medium-heavy mechanical composition, which has been irrigated before, and underground water is located at a depth of 10-13 m. Before carrying out the experiments, GOST 20915-11 " Testing of agricultural machinery. According to Methods for determining test conditions " [5] soil moisture, hardness and density in 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm layers were determined. Their results are presented in Table 1.

0-10 cm as an evaluation criterion when conducting experiments

Table 1.

 Soil moisture before conducting experiments, hardness and density

Soil layer, cm

humidity, %

Hardness, MPa

Density, g/cm3


















The compaction quality of the soil in the layer, the density of the soil in the 10-20 and 20-30 cm layers and the tensile strength were accepted. In this case, the agrotechnical indicators of the machine Tst 63.04:2001 "Ispytaniya selskokhozyaystvennoy tekhniki. Machines and tools for surface processing. Programma i metody ispytaniy", energy indicators Tst 63.03.2001 "Ispytaniya selskohozyaystvennoy tekhniki. Metody energeticheskoy otsenki" [6] was determined on the basis of normative documents.


Soil tillage rollers can be classified according to nine main features: design of working elements, type of outer surface, shape, type of impact on the soil, method of aggregation, location in relation to the direction of movement, method of pressure regulation, depending on the availability of transmission and the principle of grinding the pieces in the plow. Rollers are evaluated according to the quality and density of the soil surface layer (0-10 cm) of compaction. The new brand tillage machine has the following values ​​for the soil and climate conditions of our Republic according to agrotechnical requirements:

  • in the 0-10 cm layer, the amount of fractions smaller than 25 mm (by mass) should not be less than 80%, and fractions larger than 100 mm are not present at all;
  • the density of the soil in the 0-10 cm layer is 1.1-1.3 g/cm3. In addition, pre-sowing treatment of the soil (0-10 cm) has good results if it is carried out when the moisture in it is 16-18 percent [7].


There are several rollers used to prepare land for planting. Most of them are developed in foreign countries, so importing them to our republic is expensive. The price of the new brand flat roller is cheap and its use ensures the leveling of the fields at the required level, the sufficient amount of compaction and the formation of a soft layer on the surface of the field, and the use of such rollers ensures the performance of the specified technological processes at the required level and energy saving. This leads to quality planting of seeds and uniform germination, better development of plants and increased productivity. The proposed tillage machine is aggregated with 1-2 class tractors and was named by us as a resource-saving roller used in tillage, and based on the above, this work is directed to its development and justification of its parameters.



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Информация об авторах

DSc, Professor, Mechanization of agriculture Professor of scientific research institute, Uzbekistan, Andijan

профессор, Механизация сельского хозяйства профессор научно-исследовательского института, Узбекистан, г. Андижан

Basic doctoral student of Andijan machine building institute, Uzbekistan, Andijan

базовый докторант Андижанского машиностроительного института, Узбекистан, г. Андижан

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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Главный редактор - Звездина Марина Юрьевна.