Makhmudov M.J., Hamroev R.J. SCIENTIFIC BASIS FOR THE FORMATION OF FOAM IN DEVICES FOR CLEANING GASES FROM SOUR COMPONENTS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 11(128). URL: (дата обращения: 18.12.2024).
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Today, the demand for solid, liquid and gaseous energy resources in the world is growing every year. Among these resources, natural gas occupies a special place, since hydrocarbon raw materials, in particular natural gas, have a high economic efficiency in relation to other energy resources, their production, processing, transmission and storage of which is compared to other natural resources. This article presents a description of the main physicochemical properties of natural gases and modern technologies for their drying.


Сегодня спрос на твердые, жидкие и газообразные энергоресурсы в мире растет с каждым годом. Среди этих ресурсов природный газ занимает особое место, поскольку углеводородное сырье, в частности природный газ, обладает высокой экономической эффективностью по отношению к другим энергетическим ресурсам, их добыча, переработка, транспортировка и хранение по сравнению с другими природными ресурсами. В данной статье представлено описание основных физико-химических свойств природных газов и современных технологий их осушки.


Keywords: natural gas, inhibitor, dew point, gas drying, gas hydrates, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, mercaptan, glycol, absorbent, adsorbent, absorption, adsorption

Ключевые слова: природный газ, ингибитор, точка росы, осушение газа, газогидраты, сероводород, монооксид углерода, меркаптан, гликоль, абсорбент, адсорбционный агент, абсорбция, адсорбция-поглощение


In devices for cleaning natural gases from sour components using MDEA, the structure and properties of SMF surface layers are important indicators for the stabilization and Prevention of foaming and the choice of foam absorber. Shallow films are divided into 4 [1-2]:

1. Gaseous films;

2. Liquid stretch films;

3. Liquid films;

4. Hard tiles.

And the surfactants are divided into the following groups [2-5]:

  • anion active ingredients. The superficial activity of these substances in solutions occurs in the presence of anions. Among them are alkaline salts of fatty acids (soap), alkylarylsulfates and alkylsulfates of alkaline metals, etc.
  • cation active ingredients. The superficial activity of these substances, on the other hand, occurs under the action of cations. They include ammonium quaternary salts, Amine salts, etc. o non-ionogenic active ingredients. These substances do not dissociate into ions in aqueous solutions. These substances include oxyethylated amines, oxyethylated fatty acids and acids o amphoteric active ingredients. These substances exhibit anionic faolic properties (in alkaline media) or cationic activity (in acidic media), depending on the pH of the solution. These substances include alkylamincisloths and other substances.

One of the main properties of foams is their stability or strength and the time of their decomposition.

The stability of foams will depend on the nature and structure of the foaming surfactants. In Amine solutions, in which devices for cleaning gases from sour components are used, all of the substances belonging to the four groups mentioned above are present.

The stability or strength of foams is characterized by the total volume of foams over a certain period of time or by a certain amount of it. Quantitative estimates of foam stability typically use a method to determine the duration of the residence period of foams or tiles.

The first to determine the strength of individual foam balls was by Hardy in 1925 [6-8]. Later, other scientists also conducted many scientific studies in the field. By them, it has been found that foam stability depends on the chemical nature of the foam-forming agent. With an increase in surfactants concentration in solutions, the stability of the foam increases and reaches the maximum of the critical concentration of micellar formation, followed by a decrease in foam stability.

It is difficult to assess the effect of temperature on the stability of the foam, which will depend on the course of many processes. In this case, with an increase in temperature, the evaporation of the solvent and the foaming substances increases, and the concentration of the foaming agent and the stability of the foams increases or decreases depending on its structure. At the same time, with an increase in temperature, the solubility of the foam maker increases, which in turn can negatively affect the course of the technological process.

The mechanism and kinetics of spontaneous foaming is complex, and this phenomenon has been studied by many scientists [9-10].

The spontaneous decomposition of the foam is caused by the thinning of the films to a critical thickness, resulting in holes or cracks in the foam, and at the same time the exposure of liquid and gas is also reduced.

Various methods are used to reduce foam formation in industrial devices [11]: mechanical, physical, technological and chemical foam breaking methods.

Methods of technical decomposition of foams include changing the mode of technological processes (reducing the power of the process, lowering the rate of gas transfer, etc.

Physical methods of breaking down foams include thermal exposure (heating), acoustic waves (mostly ultrasonic), generating high capillary pressures in foam, vibration, etc.

Mechanical methods of breaking down foams include apparatus that generate various centrifugal forces (mixers, centrofugs, discs, etc.

The method of chemical decomposition of foams is the most widely used method for combating foaming in the gas processing industry. This method is performed using special chemicals, and these substances are known as anti-foam landings, foam absorbers and foam formation or foam absorption inhibitors.

The chemical method of breaking down foams is based on the reforming of stable floors by mixing special substances into foams or a foaming solution. In this case, the deactivated surface-active effect is the foam stabilizer.

Foam absorbent substances are divided into two groups, depending on the principle of action:

• The first group includes foam absorbers based on the principle of interacting with the foam-forming, forming insoluble or low-soluble compounds. The elimination of foaming by this method has little application for the high probability of contamination of the working solution.

• The second group includes foam absorbers, which are common in industry, and they do not chemically interact with the foam-forming one. Their mechanism of action is complex and has not yet been fully studied. The effectiveness of this method depends on the physicochemical indicators and properties of foam films.

Various colloid-chemical processes occur in the interaction of foam absorber with foam stabilizers and result in melting of surfactants films, film plasticization, dispersion of foam absorber particles into foam film yachts and formation of defects in them, solubilization of foam absorber molecules with surfactants molecules, desorption of surfactants from the surface of foam phase films, or mechanical breakdown of foaming yacheyks that change in foam absorber particles.

All these above processes lead to a decrease in the mechanical strength of foams and coalescence of foaming yachts.

Depending on the chemical nature of foaming solutions, foaming agents, and stabilizers, the composition and character of foaming absorbers may vary.

The condition of foams is significantly influenced by foam quenching conditions (static and dynamic foams, the rate of formation of foams, and the time of availability, temperature, and surfactants concentration). According to the method of introduction into the foam system, foam absorbers belonging to this group are divided into two groups. Foam absorbers of the first group are introduced into the working solution before the formation of foam in the case of solution or emulsion, and through this prevent the formation of foam. Foam suckers of another group are inserted into the formed foam system and break it down.

Today, five types of foam suckers are used in industry, depending on the mechanism of action of foam suckers, the method and conditions of their application, the speed and duration of exposure:

  • Solvents;
  • The plasticizers;
  • The squeezers;
  • Beaters;
  • Those that produce the defect of the moment.

Among these foam absorbers, the fast acting class is the solvents of adsorption films of foams. They include lower molecular organic solvents that are partially or completely soluble in foaming solutions and well soluble in foaming surfactants.



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Информация об авторах

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara

д-р хим. наук, профессор, Бухарский инженерно-технологический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара

Independent researcher at Karshi Engineering Economics Institute, Karshi, Uzbekistan

научный исследователь Каршинского инженерно-экономического института, Узбекистан, г. Карши

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
Учредитель журнала - ООО «МЦНО»
Главный редактор - Ахметов Сайранбек Махсутович.