Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara
Gas hydrates are solid crystalline compounds in which gas molecules are located inside cells formed by hydrogen-bonded water molecules. Gas hydrates are divided into natural and man-made. Natural hydrates occur in scattered form and in the form of accumulations in the bowels of the Earth, and man-made hydrates are formed in gas and oil fields under certain thermobaric conditions in the bottomhole zone of the formation, tubing wells. in pipelines and gas treatment plants.
In this article, the main directions of work on improving the technology of preventing the formation of technogenic hydrate were identified and an analysis of the results obtained is presented.
Газовые гидраты представляют собой твердые кристаллические соединения, в которых молекулы газа расположены внутри ячеек, сформированных связанными водородными связями молекулами воды. Газовые гидраты подразделяются на природные и техногенные. Природные гидраты встречаются в рассеянном виде и в форме скоплений в недрах Земли, а техногенные гидраты образуются на газовых и нефтяных месторождениях при определенных термобарических условиях в призабойной зоне пласта, НКТ скважин. в трубопроводах и установках подготовки газа.
В данной статье были определены основные направления работ по совершенствованию технологии предотвращения образования техногенного гидрата и представлен анализ полученных результатов.
Keywords: natural gas, inhibitor, dew point, gas drying, gas hydrates, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, glycol, absorbent, adsorbent, absorption, adsorption
Ключевые слова: природный газ, ингибитор, точка росы, осушение газа, газогидраты, сероводород, монооксид углерода, гликоль, абсорбент, адсорбционный материал, абсорбция, адсорбция на основе сероводорода
Although there is many years of practical and scientific experience in the primary collection and preparation of natural and oil satellite gases in fields, in the processing of plants and in the transmission systems through magitral pipelines to prevent the formation of gas hydrates and eliminate formed hydrates, this problem is still relevant in the oil and gas industry of today. Today, the operating costs in the world to prevent the formation of gas hydrates in the world are on average $ 200-250 million [1].
Today, traditionally in the oil and gas industry, the term "fight against hydrate" has been used to this day, and on the basis of this term, directions are used to prevent gas hydrates using various technological processes and substances against the formation of Hydrate sediments. Hydrate-forming resistants, commonly called inhibitors, were first developed and applied in the United States [2]. These substances-that is, inhibitors-do not fit into full terminology because they alter the thermobaric conditions of hydrate formation (making them simple antifreezes or inhibitors in a thermodynamic approach) and so-called gas-liquid flow hydrate formation rate influencers (kinetic inhibitors) [3].
Kinetics of specificity of formation and decomposition of methane hydrates. The kinetics of the processes of methane hydrates formation and its decomposition are of great interest in practice, and it is necessary to develop a new class of inhibitors against hydrate formation in natural conditions to build a model of formation and structure, and to analyze gas hydrate layers using zamoanvean methods, to obtain and break it down, studying the structure of As a result of kinetic scientific and applied research to this day, the following specificity was manifested in the formation of methane hydrates and their prevention [4-5]:
• Slow decomposition of methane hydrates at pressures close to atmospheric pressure and temperatures of 0os. This condition is called the gas hydrates self-conversion effect.
• Formation of methane hydrates in clean water under the influence of a fraction of methane under static conditions under 0os temperature and 3-5 MPa pressure.
We will try to identify the main and promising areas of work on the development of technologies for the Prevention of the formation of man-made hydrate in gas industry systems. In our opinion, it is recommended to pay attention to the following aspects.
First of all, to clarify the mechanisms of action of these additives in detail, to carry out detailed physical and chemical studies on the kinetics of the formation and breakdown of gas hydrates in the presence of various surfactants, including kinetic inhibitors additives. Targeted attempts to identify metastable hydrates are also of interest, since the use of new types of inhibitors allows the phase diagram to penetrate deep into the gas hydrate region, and then form new forms of gas hydrates [6-8].
At the "beginning" of the technological process of drying, it is advisable to improve gas absorption (glycol) drying technologies from the northern fields in relation to the period of decline in production and connection of compressor stations (here it is advisable to focus on the options of two-stage technological schemes for drying glycol and "deep" gases at two temperature levels with effective use [9-10].
The development of completely new, practically "non-additive" technological processes of industrial and factory processing of natural gas is based on modern physico-chemical methods of intensifying them using "highly rotating" gas flows and achievements in gas dynamics of multiphase environments (promising "gas dynamic" means technologies. For example, at the new stage of the technological progress of outdated old ideas on drying technologies" gas hydrate", it is necessary to use Vortex tubes and sound-fast gas dynamic injection-type separators and" resuscitation", to clean natural gas and fractionate gas, now it should be considered fundamentally feasible).
Development of new methodological approaches to forecasting and normalizing the specific costs of methanol and glycols, based not only on a detailed forecast of changes in the operating parameters of gas field facilities, but also taking into account the features and prospects for improving industrial systems, in particular, reducing the technological losses of reagents.
The development of the above research directions reduces the technological losses of inhibitors and dryers in preventing the formation of conventional hydrate, and also finds the most suitable application of new class inhibitors. This will not only lead to a decrease in the cost of capital and exploitation for the construction and use of gas fields, but also significantly increase the environmental safety of technological processes for the collection of natural gas and the preparation of fields.
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