Orzikulova G.
Orzikulova G. DEVELOPMENT OF PEDIATRIC ORTHOPEDIC FUNCTIONAL CLOTHING // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 11(128). URL: (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2024.128.11.18485



This article analyzes the most common dysplasia in children. The physical and mechanical properties of fabrics for special children's clothing, necessary for the period of illness, have been determined, and based on the research results, recommendations have been developed for basic and additional materials for children's clothing with orthopedic defects. Five sizes were recommended based on the research results. Based on the results of research on the design of special clothing for children with orthopedic defects, taking into account the natural and climatic conditions of Uzbekistan, a set of special clothing for children from local cotton fabrics was formed.


В данной статье проанализирована распространенная дисплазия у детей. Определены физико-механические свойства тканей для специальной детской одежды, необходимой в период заболевания, и на основе результатов исследования разработаны рекомендации по основным и дополнительным материалам для детской одежды с ортопедическими дефектами. По результатам исследования было рекомендовано 5 размеров. На основе результатов исследований по проектированию специальной одежды для детей с ортопедическими дефектами с учетом природно-климатических условий Узбекистана сформирован набор специальной одежды для детей из местных хлопчатобумажных тканей.


Keywords: Dysplasia, custom clothing, Freak tire, sizes.

Ключевые слова: дисплазия, специальная одежда, шина freak, размеры.


Introduction. In our republic, much attention is paid to the education of the younger generation. The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. M. Mirziyoyev “On improving the quality and further expanding the volume of assistance provided to women of reproductive age, pregnant women and children” determines the issues of further improvement of the system of modern, highly qualified, technical, specialized medical care for women of reproductive age, pregnant women and children [1]. In addition, in 2019-2025, it is planned to implement measures to develop the healthcare system of the Republic of Uzbekistan, medical and social rehabilitation and rehabilitation of disabled children, and create conditions for their participation in society [2]. Therefore, it is required to bring our fundamental reforms to a new level in terms of protecting and strengthening the health of the population, using advanced achievements abroad. World experience shows that investments spent on educating the young generation into adulthood bring a lot of benefits to society. At the same time, first of all, the main pillars are the development of education and upbringing, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the promotion of science and innovation [3-8].

In the Republic of Uzbekistan, there is a trend towards an increase in orthopedic diseases among young children, and the production of clothing for this category of children remains relevant. The creation of clothing that is comfortable for the child and the mother, helps the healing process, and imposes high hygienic and ergonomic requirements remains relevant. The problem is that such clothes are not produced in our republic, and models of foreign production are expensive and scarce [9-10].

Hip dysplasia and congenital dislocation are the most common pediatric orthopedic conditions. Untimely diagnosis and untimely treatment often lead to severe complications and disability. As part of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, hip dysplasia and congenital dislocation of the hip joint account for up to 73.2% of cases. In newborns, the hip joint is more common - underdevelopment of the hip joints (dysplasia) than dislocation. Up to 70% of dysplasias, 20% of subluxations and 10% of dislocations occur in newborns in the first 3 months of life. The analyzes carried out show that hip dysplasia occurs in 15-16 children out of 1000 newborns, and the frequency of the disease depends on climate, natural conditions and national customs [11-12].

Materials and Methods. So, in some countries of Central Asia and the Middle East, as well as in the Caucasus, due to the fact that children are traditionally wrapped up, congenital dislocation is observed in 9% of newborns. Part of the population of Africa and the Indian subcon-tinent where children are carried cross-legged due to the hot climate. For this reason, hip dysplasia is rare. According to our study, the incidence of hip dysplasia is 30 cases per 1000 newborns [6]. These numbers have been increasing in recent years. World statistics show that hip dysplasia in newborns is 2-3%, but there are racial and ethnic characteristics of its distribution. For example, in the Scandinavian countries, the congenital malformation of the hip joint in newborns is 4%, in Germany - 2%, in the USA it is higher among the white population than among African Americans and is 1-2%, hip dysplasia practically does not occur in American Indians [13].

In 2008-2019, when studying the comparative indicators of disability in the Republic of Uzbekistan, it was shown that this indicator has a certain upward trend at the na-tional level. A retrospective analysis of indicators in children with the consequences of congenital dislocation of the hip joint, who underwent rehabilitation at the RCCO, showed that over the past 12 years, the number of parents visiting the RCCO was 5.5%. that it increased from up to 13.2% [14].

Taking into account the results of the above analysis, in the Republic of Uzbekistan, orthopedic diseases in young children tend to increase, therefore, the production and manufacture of clothing for this category of children was set as a goal.

GOST 32119-2013 “Products for newborns and preschool children. General technical conditions”, GOST R 54408-2011 “Special clothing for the disabled. Despite the availability of documents “General technical conditions”, GOST R 51079-2006 (ISO 9999:2002) “Classification of technical means for the rehabilitation of the disabled”, children with orthopedic diseases must have special clothes made taking into account the functional capabilities of the child.

Analysis and results. Given the above, the creation of clothing with hygienic, aesthetic, functional, protec-tive properties and providing comfort for children with orthopedic defects is one of the main tasks of research work.

 In the course of a research study among the parents of sick children at the Republican Children's Orthopedic Center in Tashkent and Jizzakh, a questionnaire was asked containing 17 questions for the development of special clothing for the treatment of hip dysplasia in young children, and correspondence was conducted. There were 150 respondents, including 40% housewives, 15% students, 15% representatives of the intelligentsia, 30% representatives of families. The questionnaire contains questions about what should be paid attention to when designing workwear, its advantages, disadvantages, design, type of clothing, construction. The survey was conducted among students of higher educational institutions, teachers, medical workers and housewives [17].

Based on the analysis of the results of the survey, the following recommendations were developed for the design of special clothing that is comfortable for children from all sides: overalls should consist of a zipper (or a button); use predominantly light colors for special clothing; special clothing should be in the form of semi-overalls to ensure comfort in any weather; when designing special clothing, the design is taken into account so that the child is comfortable in all respects.

Given the above, according to the results of a survey conducted to design special clothing for the treatment of hip dysplasia, a type of orthopedic disease in young children, it is convenient and highly reliable for both children and mothers. it is recom-mended to sew a special dress in the form of semi-overalls made of natural light-colored fabric with a metal strap (or button).

Gases used in children's clothing must first of all meet hygienic requirements (air permeability, water permeability, etc.) at a sufficient level, at the same time they must not restrict movement and have high elasticity [18]. The results of the ongoing research show that the use of gauze made from natural fibers in the manufacture of clothing, taking into account climatic conditions, can improve its hygienic properties.

Taking into account the above points, knitted fabrics were chosen as the main material for the development of special clothing. The physical and mechanical parameters of knitted fabrics were determined in the laboratory "" of the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry [19]. The knitted top fabric selected for the recommended model is mainly composed of cotton threads, but since cotton threads are not elastic, they are intertwined with up to 10% synthetic and man-made fibers. Artificial and synthetic fibers do not affect the overall positive properties, if they do not exceed 10%. The research results show that the fiber content is 92% cotton, 8% lycra, surface density 178 (g/m2), thickness 0.85 mm, air permeability 68 (dm3/m2s), humidity. % sweat absorption rate and moisture absorption time of 32 s is recommended for the production of special clothing for children with orthopedic disorders.

Discussion. Considering the above, for special children's clothing intended for the treatment of hip dysplasia, a type of orthopedic disease that occurs in young children, knitted-outer gauze with high hygienic properties and shape-preserving foam for the base part were developed. selected. . According to the results of the study, it is recommended to wear special clothes in the form of semi-overalls, which are comfortable and highly reliable for children and mothers.

According to research, the most widely used treatment at the moment is Freak pillows for sick children up to 11 months, depending on their body weight. As with all leg straighteners, the splint's function is to rotate the child's leg 90°. This condition is considered the basis of the treatment of the disease. Dimensions are determined by the distance between the knees. Based on the foregoing, 180 children aged 0 to 11 months were examined and examined in Tashkent and Jizzakh region. The results of the study are presented in table 4.

Paying attention to the analysis of the mean value of the results, children aged 0 to 11 months were divided into 5 groups. The most widely used pelvic girdle device was the 5 size Frejka splint (Table 1).

Table 1.

 Grouping of knee span sizes in children

Child's age range, monthly

The size of the knee, sm


Tire size

















Older than 11 month





Based on the results of the study, children from 0 months to 3 months should be given a size 1-S product, children from 4 to 6 months a size 2-M product, and children from 7 to 9 months a size 3-L product. children from 10 months to 11 months were included as candidates for the size 4-XL product, and children over 11 months were included as candidates for the size 5-XXL product.

The design of children's overalls was built on the basis of U. Aldrich's "English method of design and modeling in CHILDREN'S CLOTHING" and a package of children's overalls was formed using local raw materials produced in Uzbekistan for the outer layer of clothing [20] (Fig. 1).


Figure 1. A new model of clothing for children with orthopedic disabilities


Conclusion. In conclusion, it can be said that taking into account the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan, based on the results of the research conducted on the design of special clothing for children with orthopedic defects, a package of special clothing for children was formed from local cotton fabric.



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Информация об авторах

Assistant at the Department of Technology for processing natural fibers and fabric, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan, Jizzakh

ассистент кафедры Технология переработки натуральных волокон и тканей, Джизакский политехнический институт, Узбекистан, Джизак

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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