Ruzmetov R., Kuliyev T., Tuychiyev T.O. TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY FOR EFFICIENT DRYING AND CLEANING OF COTTON WITH HIGH MOISTURE AND CONTAMINATION // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 10(127). URL: (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2024.127.10.18449



After drying the 3rd grade cotton with the initial moisture content of 18%, the total amount of impurities of 17.6% and small impurities of 8.4% in a two-stage drying drum 2SB-10, the cotton moisture content was 11.6%, the total amount of impurities was 16.6%, and small foreign impurities were 7.35%. After drying and cleaning this cotton on the improved equipment 6A-12M in the technological system, the cotton moisture content was 10%, total contamination was 14.9%, and fine dirt was 2.7%, and compared to cotton produced by the existing design of the 6A-12M cleaner, the moisture decreased by 1.6 (abs)%, total dirt by 0.5 (abs)%, and fine dirt by 0.83 (abs)%. At the same time, the efficiency of cleaning the equipment for small impurities was on average 63.3%, which showed that it was on average 11 (abs)% higher than that of the existing 6A-12M cleaner.


После сушки хлопка 3-го сорта с исходной влажностью 18%, общим количеством примесей 17,6% и мелкими примесями 8,4% в двухступенчатом сушильном барабане 2СБ-10 влажность хлопка составила 11,6%, общее количество примесей - 16,6%, мелкие сорные примеси составило 7,35%. После сушки и очистки данного хлопка на усовершенствованном оборудовании 6А-12М в технологическом системы влажность хлопка составила 10%, общая загрязненность - 14,9%, мелкая грязь - 2,7%, а по сравнению с хлопком произведенного существующей конструкцией очистителя 6А-12М, влага снизилась на 1,6 (абс) %, общая грязь на 0,5 (абс) %, мелкая грязь на 0,83 (абс) %. При этом эффективность очистки оборудования по мелким сорным примесям составила в среднем 63,3%, что показало, она в среднем на 11 (абс)% выше, чем у существующего очистителя 6А-12М.


Keywords: Dryer-cleaner, technological system, saw gin, fiber cleaner, temperature, cotton, fiber, seeds, dirt, cleaning efficiency, quality.

Ключевые слова: Сушилка-очиститель, технологическая система, пильный джин, очиститель волокна, температура, хлопок, волокно, семена, грязь, эффективность очистки, качество.


Introduction. Due to the fact that the drying and cleaning process of low-grade cottons with high humidity and dirt in the technological system and drying-cleaning equipment used in cotton-ginning enterprises is not sufficiently improved, the cleaning efficiency of the equipment is low, which has a negative effect on the quality of the produced fibre [1]. In order to improve the cotton drying and cleaning process, the 6A-12M equipment and, accordingly, the cotton drying and cleaning technological system in the initial processing were improved on the basis of theoretical and practical research (Fig. 1, 2).


Figure 1. Overview of cotton drying and cleaning equipment


In order to study the effectiveness of the improved 6A-12M drying-cleaning equipment and the corresponding drying-cleaning technological system, comparison-research was carried out with the existing 6A-12M cotton cleaning equipment from small impurities and the existing cotton drying-cleaning technological system in the initial processing. The research work was carried out at the cotton ginning enterprise of the Khorezm region, "KHOREZMTEX" LLC. Experiments were carried out on Khorezm-127 selective grade III grade 3 cotton with an initial moisture content of 18%, total dirtiness of 17.6%, and fine dirtiness of 8.14% [2, 3]. The results are presented in Figures 3-5.

Figure 2. Scheme of the proposed technological process


Initially, research work was carried out with the current technology. 150 0C heat was given to the 1st stage 2SB-10 drying drum when processing Khorezm-127 selection III grade 3 cotton with an initial moisture content of 18%, total dirtiness of 17.6%, and fine dirtiness of 8.14% [4]. After drumming, the moisture content of the cotton was 14.6%, the total dirtiness was 17%, and the small dirtiness was 7.73%. After this cotton was heated to 140 0C in the drum in the 2nd stage and dried, the moisture content of the cotton was 11.8%, the total dirtiness was 16.7%, and the fine dirtiness was equal to 7.4% (Figure 3). Then, after the cotton is cleaned from small dirt cleaning equipment of the current 6A-12M model, the moisture content is 11.6%, the total dirt is 15.4%, and the small dirt is 3.53%, and the cleaning efficiency of the equipment for small dirt is 52.3% on average. was equal [5].


1- technological stage using the current 6A-12M type cleaner; 2- technological stage using the proposed 6A-12M type cleaner.

Figure 3. Changes in the content of impurities in cotton according to the current and proposed technological steps


This indicator is equal to 10.6% moisture and 2.1% dirtiness of cotton after UXK aggregate, and average cleaning efficiency of the aggregate was 86.4% (Fig. 4).

After the UXK aggregate, the cotton was sucked using the SS-15A type separator and given to PD by the 5DP-130 gin supplier in the technology [6, 7]. When the cotton was cleaned in the supplier and given to the gin working chamber, the moisture content and its dirt content was 1.45%. In this case, the efficiency of cleaning the supplier was equal to 19.5% on average. After the cotton was cleaned in the supplier, the ginning process was carried out [8]. The productivity of cotton ginning was 1196 kg/h on average. In cotton ginning, seed hairiness after ginning was equal to 11.6% and damage to 3.8% [9, 10]. The mass fraction of defective fibre and impurities in the post-ginning fibre was 3.88%. The fibre produced from gin was fed to a 1VPU-type fibre cleaner installed after gin using air through a nozzle and cleaned of impurities [11, 12].

The mass percentage of defective fibre and dirty impurities in the fibre after the cleaner is 2.47%, and the quality indicator belongs to grade III "Good" according to the state standard O‘zDst 632:2010. Then, in order to study the effectiveness of the proposed equipment and technological system, 1st-stage 2SB-10 type drying was carried out when processing Khorezm-127 selection III grade 3 cotton with an initial moisture content of 18%, total dirtiness of 17.6%, and fine dirtiness of 8.14%.


1- current technological stage, 2- proposed technological stage.

Figure 4. Cleaning effectiveness of current and proposed technological stages in the cleaning of Khorezm-127 selection III grade 3-class cotton


150 0C heat was given to the drum. After drumming, the moisture content of the cotton was 14.8%, the total dirtiness was 17.1%, and the small dirtiness was 7.72%. Since the moisture of the cotton dried from the 1st drum is higher than the moisture supplied to the cotton cleaning technology during the initial cotton processing, the cotton drying process was carried out in the 2nd drum [13].

Considering the moisture content of the cotton, the second drum was heated to 140 0C and the cotton was dried. After the drum, the moisture content of the cotton was 11.6%, the total dirtiness was 16.6%, and the small dirtiness was 7.35% [14]. Then, the improved 6A-12M drying-cleaning equipment was given a heat agent of 130 0C, and the cotton was dried and cleaned from small impurities at the same time. After cleaning, the moisture content of the cotton was 10%, the total dirtiness was 14.9%, and the fine dirtiness was 2.7%. In this case, the cleaning efficiency of the equipment in terms of small dirt was equal to 63.3% on average, which showed that it was on average 11 (abs)% higher than the existing 6A-12M cleaner. This indicator showed that the moisture content of cotton after UXK aggregate was 8.9% and the dirtiness was 1.43%, the cleaning efficiency of the aggregate was equal to 91% on average, and it showed that the cleaning efficiency of UXK aggregate in the current technology was on average 4.6 (abs)% higher.

After the UXK aggregate, the cotton was sucked using the SS-15A type separator and fed to the 5DP-130 gin supplier of the technology. In the feeder, the cotton was cleaned of small impurities. Then, cleaned cotton was fed from the feeder to the gin worker chamber. The moisture content of the supplied cotton was 8.6%, and its dirt content was 1.12%. In this case, the cleaning efficiency of the supplier was 22% on average, which was 2.5 (abs)% higher than the cleaning efficiency of the existing technology 5DP-130 gin supplier. After the cotton was cleaned in the supplier, the ginning process was carried out. In cotton ginning, the ginning process was carried out after the gin was cleaned in the work supplier. In cotton ginning, the ginning process was carried out after the gin was cleaned in the work supplier.


1, 3-current; 2, 4-in the proposed technological processes.

Figure 5. Khorezm-127 selection III variety 3rd grade cotton fibre and seed quality change depending on the technological process


The gin productivity in cotton ginning was 1235 kg/hour, which was 39 kg/hour higher than the productivity of the 5DP-130 gin in the current technology. After ginning, seed hairiness was 11.4%, damage was 3.4%, and seed quality improved by 0.4 (abs)% (Figure 5). The mass fraction of defective fiber and impurities in the post-ginning fiber was 3.54%. The ginned fiber was then cleaned in a 1VPU post-ginning fiber cleaner. The mass fraction of defective fiber and impurity in the cleaned fiber is 2.22% on average, and the quality indicator is improved by 0.25 (abs)% compared to the fiber produced from the 1VPU type fiber cleaner of the current technology, and according to the state standard O‘zDst 632:2010 III It was determined that the variety belongs to the "High" class [15]. 

Summary. The improved 6A-12M for drying and cleaning of cotton with high humidity and dirt and the correspondingly improved drying-cleaning technological system with the current equipment for cleaning cotton from small impurities 6A-12M and the corresponding drying-cleaning technological system in the current comparison - conducting research went It was studied that after drying cotton with initial moisture and dirtiness in the 1st and 2nd drying drums, the changes in moisture and dirtiness of cotton were close to each other in both options.

After the dried cotton was dried and cleaned from small impurities by applying a heat agent of 130 0C to the improved 6A-12M drying-cleaning equipment, the moisture content of the cotton was 10%, the total dirtiness was 14.9%, and the small dirtiness was 2.7%. In this case, the cleaning efficiency of the equipment in terms of small dirt was equal to 63.3% on average, which showed that it was on average 11 (abs)% higher than the existing 6A-12M cleaner. After this cotton was cleaned from small and large impurities in the UXK unit, the moisture content of the cotton was 8.9%, the dirt content was 1.43%, and the cleaning efficiency of the unit was equal to 91% on average, and compared to the cleaning efficiency of the UXK unit in the current technology, the average was 4.6 (abs), showing that it is higher by %. Then, when the cotton was ginned in a 5DP-130 saw ginner, the ginning efficiency of the ginner was 22%, which was 2.5 (abs)% higher than the current technology 5DP-130 ginning efficiency. When ginning cotton with a moisture content of 8.6% and impurity of 1.12% supplied from the supplier to the gin working chamber, the productivity of the gin was 1235 kg/h, and it was 39 kg/h higher than the productivity of the 5DP-130 gin of the current technology. After ginning, seed hairiness was 11.4%, damage was 3.4%, and seed quality improved by 0.4 (abs)%. After the ginseng fibre was cleaned in the 1VPU type fibre cleaner, the mass fraction of defective fibre and impurities in the fibre was on average 2.22%, and the quality index was improved by 0.25 (abs)% compared to the fibre produced by the 1VPU fibre cleaner of the current technology, and according to the state standard O‘zDst 632:2010, grade III belongs to the "High" class.

The result of the conducted test and comparison work is that the improvement of the 6A-12M cotton cleaning equipment and the corresponding cotton drying-cleaning technological system will improve the efficiency of the equipment in drying and cleaning low-grade cotton with high moisture and dirt, as well as the quality of fibre produced from low-grade cotton. improvement was achieved.



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Информация об авторах

Associate Professor, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

доцент, Ташкентский институт текстильной и легкой промышленности, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Associate Professor, “Paxtasanoat ilmiy markazi” JSC, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

профессор, «Пахтасаноат илмий маркази» АО, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Associate Professor, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

доцент, Ташкентский институт текстильной и легкой промышленности, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

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