Mekhmonaliyev L.
Mekhmonaliyev L. ROTOR SUPPLY FOR PNEUMOTRANSPORT DEVICE // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 10(127). URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2024.127.10.18323



During the pneumatic transportation of raw cotton stored in the territory of cotton mills, the clogging of the device increases. To overcome these problems, a vacuum-loaded discharge pipe separating the cotton raw material is connected to the pipe by an external pneumatic conveying system.

Due to the constant increasing of the cotton’s  volume stored in cotton mills, it can lead to damage to the natural properties of raw cotton in pneumatic conveying devices. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure a uniform flow of raw cotton in pneumatic transportation.


При пневматической транспортировке хлопка-сырца, хранящегося на территории хлопкопрядильных фабрик, засорение устройства увеличивается. Для устранения этих проблем к трубопроводу внешней пневмотранспортной системой подсоединен вакуумированный отводящий патрубок, отделяющий хлопковое сырье.

Из-за постоянного увеличения объема хлопка, хранящегося на хлопкопрядильных фабриках, это может привести к нарушению естественных свойств хлопка-сырца в пневмотранспортирующих устройствах. Поэтому необходимо обеспечить равномерный поток хлопка-сырца при пневмотранспорте.


Keywords: pneumatic conveying, raw cotton, fiber grade, mass, adjustment, device, hopper, deformable, strain gauge.

Ключевые слова: пневмотранспорт, хлопок-сырец, сорт волокна, масса, регулировка, устройство, бункер, деформируемый, тензодатчик.


In this article H.A. Ziyayev and O. Ishmuratov, we have analyzed the flow of cotton in the pneumatic conveying device, which not only prevents the cotton from falling out of the drum cells, but also clogs the cotton. Hence, it is necessary to improve the equipment to transfer the raw cotton to the next process. It is known that overcoming these problems is very important to ensure sustainable efficiency in cotton mills.

A high-pressure fan VTS 8 is used in the yard pneumatic conveying system at cotton ginning factories, which ensures the transfer of 12-15 tons of raw cotton per hour from the storage facilities to the drying and refining shop at a distance of 140-170 m. Due to the constant increase in the volume of cotton stored on the territory of cotton factories, it is necessary to increase the radius of action of pneumatic installations to 200-250 m. To this, it is impractical to use a high-pressure fan of higher power or a series connection of two conventional fans, since the resulting high vacuum leads to an increase in energy consumption. Therefore, in practice, the issue of increasing the radius of action of pneumatic installations is often solved by arranging two independent installations, one of which works at the transshipment point, and the other from it supplies raw cotton to production. The disadvantage of this solution is that stationary transshipment installations impede the rational laying of pneumatic lines, which ultimately leads to an increase in energy consumption.

An increase in the radius of action of yard pneumatics can be achieved by using a mobile transfer station. However, in the ginning industry there is still no industrial design of such an installation, so many ginneries create them themselves. The most widespread is a suction-type transfer pneumatic unit, complete with a separator, a fan and two cyclones TSP-3 for collecting dust and litter. Due to the low efficiency of single-stage exhaust air purification, a significant amount of dust and free fiber is emitted into the atmosphere, polluting the air and creating unsanitary conditions on the territory of the plant. Thin air purification from dust in the areas of raw cotton transshipment due to the installation of effective dust collectors requires large capital expenditures.

To check the operability and establish the technical characteristics of the rotary feeder, it was tested on an experimental pneumatic unit. In the course of the research, the stability and reliability of the operation of a pneumatic unit with a new feeder was assessed at different productivity for raw cotton. The test results showed that the use of rotary feeders will ensure the stability and cost-effectiveness of the operation of the suction-injection transfer units.

Table 1.


Feeder body diameter, mm.....................................................


The gap between the blade drum and sidewalls, mm..............


Blade drum rotation frequency, rot/min..................................


Number of blades, pcs............................................................


Raw cotton throughput, t/h …………………………………….


Resistance of the feeder in clean air, Pa ……………………….


Installed power, Kw …………………………………...............



To clarify a number of issues related to the establishment of the optimal operating mode of the feeder, its economic efficiency, advantages in comparison with a vacuum valve and the effect on the quality of raw cotton and seeds, it is planned to manufacture an experimental model of a mobile transfer unit with a suction-injection action with the described rotary feeder.


Analyzing the article, we propose that the proposed device be installed in used separators during the transportation of seed cotton to the production shops by air in ginneries. This device allowed to effectively clean the seed cotton from fine contaminants without any damage, without excessive costs, while separating the cotton from the air.

The vacuum-wheel dropper blades in the device are placed at an oblique net surface at a distance along its length.

The task is performed as follows. Unlike the separators used, the vacuum-wheel dropper has a special net surface along the length of the blades, which allows the separation of fine impurities from the seed cotton from the separator working chamber into the vacuum wheel dropper. The waste side pockets are fitted with waste collection pockets. It is possible to expel contaminants through these pockets. The purpose of proposing the device to place the net surfaces at an angle is to create an opportunity to clean the contaminants in the cotton pieces falling into the vacuum wheel dropper without consuming additional energy.


Figure 2. General view: 1 inlet pipe, 2 net discs located on the side walls of the separation chamber, 3 shafts, cotton scrapers attached to the net surfaces attached to 4 shafts, 5 dust suction pipes, 6 workers vacuum-wheel dropper parallel to the chamber, 7-vacuum-wheel dropper shaft, 8-blade, elastic part attached to the edge of the 9-blade, 10-net surface placed at a distance of 10 inclines.



Due to the constant increasing of the cotton’s  volume stored in cotton mills, it can lead to damage to the natural properties of raw cotton in pneumatic conveying devices. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure a uniform flow of raw cotton in pneumatic transportation.



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Информация об авторах

Basic doctoral student, Andijan Machine Building Institute, Uzbekistan, Andijan

докторант Андижанского машиностроительного института, Узбекистан, г. Андижан

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