MODERN TECHNOLOGY FOR PRODUCING BRAKE PADS FOR VEHICLES // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. Azimov S. [и др.]. 2024. 6(123). URL: (дата обращения: 27.03.2025).
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Currently, artificial intelligence is widely used to solve various problems in production, science and education. Artificial intelligence technologies are developing very quickly - this is already a given that should be taken into account. Therefore, in the field of education, when training technical specialists, the use of digital artificial intelligence technologies becomes a necessary element. The introduction of artificial intelligence technologies can solve a number of issues that arise in the educational process when conducting classes and certifying students. For example, there is a real opportunity to move from a professional-subjective assessment of knowledge and skills to a more objective one. Artificial intelligence can act as a motivating factor for students when studying disciplines that require a high level of abstract thinking, which will help reduce the emotional and psychological load during the learning process. The use of artificial intelligence in practical and laboratory classes in the discipline “Electrical and Electronics Engineering” allows students to more effectively master the material in the classroom, especially when doing independent work remotely.


В настоящее время искусственный интеллект широко используется для решения различных задач в производстве, науке и образовании. Технологии искусственного интеллекта развиваются очень быстро – это уже данность, с которой следует считаться. Поэтому в сфере образования при подготовке специалистов технического профиля применение цифровых технологий искусственного интеллекта становится необходимым элементом. Внедрение технологий искусственного интеллекта может решить ряд вопросов, возникающих в учебном процесс при проведении занятий и аттестации студентов. Так, например, появляется реальная возможность перейти от профессионально-субъективной оценки знаний и умений к более объективной. Искусственный интеллект может выступать в качестве мотивирующего фактора для студентов при изучении дисциплин, требующих высокого уровня абстрактного мышления, что будет способствовать снижению эмоционально-психологической нагрузки в процессе обучения. Использование искусcтвенного интеллекта в практических и лабораторных занятиях по дисциплине “Электротехника и электроника” позволяет студентам более эффективно овладевать материалом на занятиях, особенно при выполнении самостоятельной работы дистанционно.


Keywords: brake discs, brake pads, carbon materials, brake linings, brake, clutch, basalt plastic, composites, polyacrylonitrile, friction materials.

Ключевые слова: тормозные диски, тормозные колодки, углеродные материалы, тормозные накладки, тормоз, сцепление, базальтопласт, композиты, полиакрилонитрил, фрикционные материалы.


Over the past few years, vehicle brake manufacturers have been investigating the suitability of new brake disc materials, in particular silicon carbide reinforced aluminum SiC. Disc brake testing is being carried out using carbon materials that are currently used in modern Formula 1 racing cars, and are also being studied in several scientific laboratories. Table 1 shows the new materials known today and their properties [1].

Table 1.

Materials of friction pairs for disc brakes

Friction pair

Maximum speed, km/h


Limit temperature, °C

Gray cast iron – organic matter


Thermal shock

400 - 450

Steel - metal ceramics


Thermal stress

800 - 450

Al – SiC – organic matter


Maximum temperature

400 - 900

Carbon - carbon


Oxidation, low temperature sensitivity

1200 (approximately)


Compositions such as cast iron, graphite, carbon black, copper, quartz sand and kaolin can satisfy the technical safety requirements for vehicle brake linings [2]. Because they have the following properties:

- Cast iron – regulates the friction coefficient,

- Graphite and soot – slip and color,

- Copper - heat transfer,

- Quartz sand and kaolin – as filler.

Compositions and technologies for the production of products from basalt plastic composite materials based on basalt filler and a polymer binder have been developed.

Basaltplastic provides:

- high friction characteristics;

- high wear resistance;

- reduction of counterbody wear;

- high manufacturability of products due to a reduction in the number of components used.

The developed material does not contain asbestos, which determines the environmental friendliness of the production and operation of products made from it [3].

Friction carbon - carbon materials are reinforced composites containing carbon fibers, which are oriented predominantly parallel to the working surfaces of the brake discs, and a carbon matrix. For their manufacture, carbon fibers obtained from viscose, polyacrylonitrile (PAN) and pitch can be used. For a number of technical and economic reasons, preference is most often given to PAN-based carbon fiber [4]. Friction materials are reinforced with both discrete and continuous fibers. For these purposes, chopped fibers and felts made from them, fabrics and weaves with various textile structures are used.

The technology for manufacturing products from carbon - carbon friction materials includes, as a rule, two stages: the formation of a workpiece that forms the fibrous frame of the future disk, compaction of the workpieces in order to give it the necessary density and strength [5]. There are two main methods for producing blanks: stitching together layers of carbon felt expressed in accordance with the size of the disk with carbon threads or pressing a mixture of fibers with an organic binder (resin or pitch) followed by heat treatment (carbonization) in order to convert the latter into a carbon matrix of a fibrous composite. Mixing the fiber with the binder can be done in various ways. The most promising seems to be the formation of a frame, recently developed in Russia and used in the manufacture of disks from the Termer-ADF-OS material. [6]. This method is based on mixing pitch powder with discrete fibers suspended in an air flow and depositing the mixture in a mold for subsequent pressing.

Compaction of porous workpieces is carried out by impregnation with gaseous or liquid organic reagents and lysis of the reagents inside the pores.

Gas-phase compaction uses gaseous hydrocarbons (most often natural gas, containing mainly methane), in the flow of which the workpieces are heated in a vacuum oven to a temperature of about 1000 ° C. This process is very lengthy. To achieve maximum density (usually slightly greater than 1.7 g/cm 3), compaction is required over several months. Materials obtained by the described method based on carbon felt with a so-called pyrolytic carbon matrix are widespread abroad [7].

Liquid-phase compaction of workpieces is carried out by impregnating them with molten pitches at 200÷300 °C and carbonization. With this compaction method, the required density is also achieved after several repeated cycles of cycles. The use of advanced technology developed in Russia, based on impregnation and carbonization on a single technological equipment at high pressures (20-100 MPa), makes it possible to reduce the number of cycles and the duration of each of them, while the density of the material can be increased to 1.9 ÷ 2.0 g/cm3 [8].

The characteristics of the Russian friction carbon-carbon materials Termar-DF-P and Termar-ADF-OS in comparison with the characteristics of their main prototype - iron-based friction metal-ceramics (FMK - 8, FMK - 11, MKV-50) are given in Table. 2 [2].

It should be noted that carbon materials have significantly higher wear resistance compared to metal-ceramics, which determines their significant superiority in the service life of friction discs.

Physico-mechanical and frictional characteristics of carbon-carbon and metal-ceramic materials

Table 2.

Physico-mechanical and frictional characteristics of carbon-carbon and metal-ceramic materials




Metal ceramics

Density, g/sm3




Tensile strength, MPa: - in bending - in compression






Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/mK: - parallel to the working surface - perpendicular to the working surface






Friction coefficient*




Friction coefficient stability *




Linear wear, µm/braking *




Note* - based on the results of tests on a friction machine, simulating the operating mode of the brake under aircraft landing conditions; ** - for cast iron ChNMH;*** - wear of the counterbody - cast iron



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Информация об авторах

Senior Lecturer, Department of Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

старший преподаватель кафедры материаловедения и машиностроения Ташкентского государственного транспортного университета, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

PhD doсent, Department of Materials science and Mechanical Engineering, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

PhD доцент кафедры материаловедения и машиностроения Ташкентского государственного транспортного университета, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Assistant, Department of Materials science and Mechanical Engineering, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

ассистент кафедры материаловедения и машиностроения Ташкентского государственного транспортного университета, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Assistant, Department of Materials science and Mechanical Engineering, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

ассистент кафедры материаловедения и машиностроения Ташкентского государственного транспортного университета, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Assistant, Department of Materials science and Mechanical Engineering, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

ассистент кафедры материаловедения и машиностроения Ташкентского государственного транспортного университета, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Assistant, Department of Materials science and Mechanical Engineering, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

ассистент кафедры материаловедения и машиностроения Ташкентского государственного транспортного университета, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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