Jumaniyazov K.J., Rakhmankulov R.E., Rakhmankulov J.E. ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING THE DEGREE OF CLEANING IN COTTON FIBER CLEANING MACHINES // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 6(123). URL: (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2024.123.6.17666



This research investigates the various factors influencing the cleaning efficiency of cotton fiber cleaning machines. By analyzing parameters such as machine settings, fiber properties, and environmental conditions, the study aims to identify the optimal conditions for maximum cleaning efficacy. The findings provide valuable insights for improving cotton fiber cleaning processes in the textile industry.


В этом исследовании изучаются различные факторы, влияющие на эффективность очистки машин для очистки хлопкового волокна. Анализируя такие параметры, как настройки машины, свойства волокна и условия окружающей среды, исследование направлено на определение оптимальных условий для максимальной эффективности очистки. Полученные результаты дают ценную информацию для улучшения процессов очистки хлопкового волокна в текстильной промышленности.


Keywords: cotton fiber cleaning, cleaning efficiency, textile machinery, fiber properties, environmental conditions, machine settings, textile industry

Ключевые слова: очистка хлопкового волокна, эффективность очистки, текстильное оборудование, свойства волокна, условия окружающей среды, настройки машин, текстильная промышленность.



Cotton fiber cleaning is a critical process in the textile industry, ensuring the removal of impurities and enhancing fiber quality before further processing. The efficiency of cotton fiber cleaning machines significantly impacts the overall quality of the textile products. Various factors, including machine settings, fiber properties, and environmental conditions, can influence the degree of cleaning achieved. Understanding these factors is essential for optimizing the cleaning process and improving machine performance. This study aims to analyze these factors systematically to provide a comprehensive understanding of their effects on cleaning efficiency.

The products developed at spinning enterprises must have quality indicators at a certain level of demand. The quality indicators must meet the requirements of the established standard. Compliance, in turn, requires compliance with a specific standard or other regulatory document. The quality of any product can be considered as the result of proper and targeted processing of raw materials.

One of the most necessary factors for increasing the efficiency of production in textile enterprises is to increase the income by increasing product quality, effective use of raw materials and fiber waste, and reducing production costs.

Fiber cleaners are effectively used to carry out the fiber cleaning process in production enterprises. Its main task is to clean cotton fiber from impurities while preserving its natural properties.


The study utilized a combination of experimental analysis and data collection from operational cotton fiber cleaning machines. Key variables examined included:

- Machine Settings: Adjustments such as speed, feed rate, and beater configuration were varied.

- Fiber Properties: Different types of cotton fibers with varying lengths, fineness, and impurity levels were tested.

- Environmental Conditions: The impact of temperature, humidity, and dust levels in the operating environment was analyzed.

The experimental setup involved using standardized cotton samples subjected to different cleaning machine settings. The degree of cleaning was assessed using impurity removal rates and fiber quality measurements, employing tools like High Volume Instrument (HVI) testing for precise analysis.

Cleaning machines used in spinning enterprises can be conventionally divided into three types: Primary, main and aerodynamic cleaning machines. The use of cleaning machines in textile cleaning units in the above order helps to reduce fiber damage and increase product quality.


The analysis revealed that:

- Machine Settings: Optimal settings for speed and feed rate significantly improved cleaning efficiency. Higher beater speeds and moderate feed rates resulted in better impurity removal without damaging the fibers.

- Fiber Properties: Longer and finer fibers required specific machine adjustments to avoid entanglement and ensure effective cleaning. High impurity levels in the raw cotton demanded more intensive cleaning cycles.

- Environmental Conditions: Lower humidity levels facilitated better impurity removal, while high dust environments necessitated frequent machine maintenance to sustain performance.

Cotton fiber high efficient cleaning in the process, saw toothed cleaning cars wide is being used. This in cars fiber a stranger of mixtures cleaning efficiency significant level high being work release in enterprises wide is being used . Because of the car main cleaning the drum Saw toothed cover with covered because of fibers the whole small fiber to the tufts separate through cleaning production efficiency opportunity achieved.

Fiber horizontal in the direction provided two or three wrapped helical in the trajectory moving and cleaning distance extended because of efficient is cleaned. With a stake of the drum repeated percussion effects under fibers staring is cleaned. Fiber to be provided and output to the drum relatively bullet across or transversely directed to be can​

The density of piles on the surface of the drum is different. Depending on the degree of contamination of the fibers, piles are installed in a sparse or dense state.

The primary cleaning machine Uniclen B-12 is installed after the UNIfloc A-11, and its task is to remove small particles in the first stage . consists of cleaning in stages.



a)                                              b)

Figure 1. One with a drum piled up cleaner

a) - installation of columns; b) - fiber movement trajectory during cleaning


The productivity of the machine is 1400 kg/h. In the machine, the cleaning process takes place in an uncompressed, empty state. VARIO installed in the car alternative cleaning process is achieved using the set system. In this case, the amount of waste and the speed of cleaning are VARIO set system g a entered . As a result, the output of raw materials increases. Another advantage of the machine is the ability to adjust the angle of the columns.

It is known that if the cotton fiber is affected by impact or shaking force, the dirty particles in it move relative to the raw material, which in turn increases the intensity of its separation from the raw material composition. During the movement of the fiber along the colosnik grid adjacent to the saw cylinder, a contact force is formed between the particles contained in it and the mesh surface, and under its influence, the particles move spatially, as a result of which some of them go out of the open areas of the surface.

AGSevostyanov proposed a model to describe such a mechanism . According to this model, the reduction of the amount of raw material on the mesh surface is directly proportional to its mass and the change in the volume occupied by the mass.

AGSevostyanov according to the model, the release of impurities in the fiber can be shown in the following way , depending on the mass entering the fiber cleaning zone and its density :

Here: , is the proportionality coefficient.

Theoretical analyzes of the cleaning process of fibrous materials are often based on this model. Professor B. Mardonov made a great contribution to the development of these studies.

Integrating the last equation, the following equation was obtained for the first and second cleaning zones in cases where ( – the mass of untreated fiber falling into the zones between the first and second columns during the time unit) is satisfied:

                                                          ( 1)

Given relation (3),

when ,                                    ( 2)

Looking at the movement of the fiber in the area of the saw cylinder and the columnar grid as a continuous medium movement, the equation of motion of the mass in each sector of the layer can be written using Euler's formula, taking into account weight and friction force [15]:

                       ( 3)

Here , the density, speed and pressure of the raw material in the sector are defined by the functions , and .

The equation includes 3 uncertainties: , and . To relate these equations, we use the case of a compressed medium, where the relationship between power and density emerges:


and the steady motion of the flow in conservation of mass is as follows:

                                                    ( 5)

Here: – flow cross-sectional area;

h – layer thickness;

L - drum length;

 - the coefficient indicating the reduction of the area of connection between the saw teeth and the fiber;

Q 0 – cleaner performance;

, - its pressure and density when the fiber comes up and meets the saw tooth;

A - raw material compressibility constant.

Then the speed can be determined from (1.5):

                                                  ( 6)

The velocity in the stream at the impact of the saw tooth on the raw material looks like this, Here – the linear speed of the saw tooth, - speed reduction coefficient, which is determined by experience. – the average speed of the fiber in the received cleaning process.

In the formula (1.6) , the contact of the upper part of the saw tooth with the raw material has a special effect:

                                                       ( 7)

From this equation, the fiber flux density during the cleaning process is determined.

AA Ismailov, he developed a new design of a fiber cleaning machine made in the form of a rotating drum with variable pitch blades and working on the basis of the aeromechanical cleaning method, and studied the process of fiber cleaning theoretically and practically. In order to determine the optimal conditions for separating foreign impurities from the fibers, the interaction of cotton fiber with the working bodies of the fiber cleaner was studied. The change of the impact impulse during the interaction of the fiber bundle with the different shaped gratings was experimentally studied and the rational parameters of the rotary drum with blades were recommended.

Kotov Yu.S. studied the aerodynamic, technical and technological characteristics of a three-stage straight-flow type fiber cleaner in his work, as a result of which the aerodynamic resistance at the working pressure at the outlet neck was determined, which is relatively the least significant. The optimal geometric parameters of the main working bodies of the three-stage fiber cleaner were found.

The system of equations of the movement of cotton fiber is obtained from the moment of contact with the air flow generated during the rotation of the saw cylinder until the moment when it meets the front face of the saw tooth. From the law of motion, the relative speed of the fiber sliding along the front face of the saw tooth is determined.


Factors Affecting Cleaning Efficiency in Cotton Fiber Cleaning Machines


Optimal Condition

Impact on Cleaning Efficiency

Machine Settings



Beater Speed

High (but not excessive)

Improved impurity removal, potential fiber damage if too high

Feed Rate


Balanced cleaning effectiveness and fiber integrity

Beater Configuration

Adjusted to fiber type

Enhanced cleaning tailored to specific fibers

Fiber Properties



Fiber Length

Longer fibers require careful adjustment

Prevents entanglement, ensures effective cleaning

Fiber Fineness

Finer fibers require gentler settings

Avoids damage, maintains quality

Impurity Levels

Higher impurity levels need intensive cycles

Ensures thorough cleaning

Environmental Conditions




Moderate (consistent)

Prevents adverse effects on fiber quality



Reduces fiber clumping, enhances impurity removal

Dust Levels

Low (controlled environment)

Reduces machine maintenance, sustains performance


Babakhonova MR considered the main factors affecting the strength of the bond between the impurities and the fiber. The author gives the empirical relationship of adhesion forces in the form of an algebraic polynomial. It is noted that the strength of adhesion of small impurities to the fibrous mass mainly depends on the mass of the impurity and the moisture content of the fiber.

The researchers examined the mechanics of the fiber cleaning process Tursunov XK . It was found that when the plastic grids of the fiber cleaning machines work, the fiber content of the waste decreases, and the quality indicators of the cleaned fiber bunch increase. In the same paper, a loading model for the grating of a fiber cleaning machine is proposed, based on the use of the theory of transverse action on the tuft. A system of transcendental equations is constructed. The calculation results showed that as the radius of the edge of the grid decreases, the friction force between the tuft and the grid increases, and the author concludes that the cleaning time should be reduced to improve the cleaning process. The radius of the edge of the grill is up to 0.3 mm.


The findings from this study highlight the complex interplay of factors affecting the cleaning efficiency of cotton fiber cleaning machines. By systematically analyzing machine settings, fiber properties, and environmental conditions, we can draw several important conclusions about optimizing the cleaning process.

Machine Settings

Adjustments in machine settings, such as speed, feed rate, and beater configuration, play a crucial role in cleaning efficiency. The results indicate that higher beater speeds enhance the cleaning process by providing more impact force to dislodge impurities. However, excessively high speeds can lead to fiber damage, reducing the overall quality of the cotton. A moderate feed rate allows for a balance between thorough cleaning and maintaining fiber integrity. These findings suggest that careful calibration of machine settings is essential for achieving optimal cleaning performance without compromising fiber quality.

Fiber Properties

The study shows that the inherent properties of cotton fibers, including length, fineness, and impurity levels, significantly influence the cleaning process. Longer and finer fibers require specific machine adjustments to avoid entanglement and ensure effective impurity removal. Additionally, fibers with higher impurity levels necessitate more intensive cleaning cycles, which can be achieved by adjusting machine settings accordingly. This underscores the importance of tailoring cleaning processes to the specific characteristics of the cotton being processed.

Environmental Conditions

Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and dust levels also impact the performance of cotton fiber cleaning machines. Lower humidity levels were found to facilitate better impurity removal by preventing fiber clumping and improving the efficiency of the cleaning mechanism. Conversely, high dust environments increased the frequency of machine maintenance required to sustain optimal performance. Therefore, maintaining controlled environmental conditions can significantly enhance the cleaning efficiency and longevity of the machinery.

Practical Implications

The insights gained from this study provide valuable guidelines for the textile industry. By optimizing machine settings, considering the specific properties of cotton fibers, and maintaining favorable environmental conditions, manufacturers can improve the efficiency of cotton cleaning processes. This not only enhances the quality of the cleaned fibers but also contributes to greater operational efficiency and reduced machine wear and tear.


The study concludes that the cleaning efficiency of cotton fiber cleaning machines is a multifaceted issue influenced by machine settings, fiber properties, and environmental conditions. By optimizing these factors, textile manufacturers can significantly enhance the quality of the cleaned fibers and the overall efficiency of the cleaning process. The findings provide practical recommendations for the textile industry to improve cotton cleaning operations, contributing to higher quality end products and increased operational efficiency.

All this shows the need to improve the fiber cleaning technology and equipment, to solve the issues of cleaning efficiency and quality meeting the state standard while minimizing the loss of the produced fiber in waste.



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Информация об авторах

Doctor of science in technical science, professor, Cotton industry scientific center, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

д-р техн. наук, профессор, Научный центр хлопковой промышленности, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Independent researcher, Termiz institute of engineering and technology, Uzbekistan, Termiz

независимый научный сотрудник, Термезский инженерно-технологический институт, Узбекистна, г. Термез

Doctor of philosophy in technical science, Termiz institute of engineering and technology, Uzbekistan, Termiz

д-р филос. наук, старший преподаватель, Термезский инженерно-технологический институт, Узбекистан, г. Термез

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
Учредитель журнала - ООО «МЦНО»
Главный редактор - Звездина Марина Юрьевна.