Kosimova M.I.
Kosimova M.I. ANALYZING THE PERFORMANCE OF A LASER LEVELER IN IMPROVING IRRIGATED LAND RECLAMATION // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 5(122). URL: (дата обращения: 18.12.2024).
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Выравнивание земли в сельском хозяйстве устраняет неровности поверхности, улучшая орошение и механизированные работы. Традиционные методы требуют ручных настроек и приводят к неравномерной поверхности. Лазерное выравнивание обеспечивает точный контроль с точностью ±3 см, экономя 25-30% воды и увеличивая эффективную площадь орошения. Оно также повышает урожайность на 5-10%, снижает нормы орошения на 15-20% и уменьшает количество сорняков на 10-12%. Подготовительные этапы включают очистку поля и вспашку. Лазерное выравнивание упрощает операции, снижает трудозатраты и затраты, и эффективно на различных территориях, исключая болотистые и горные регионы.


Land leveling in agriculture eliminates surface irregularities, enhancing irrigation and mechanized farming. Traditional methods require manual adjustments and result in uneven surfaces. Laser-assisted leveling offers precise control with ±3 cm accuracy, saving 25-30% of water and increasing the effective irrigation area. It also boosts crop yield by 5-10%, reduces irrigation norms by 15-20%, and decreases weeds by 10-12%. Preparatory steps include field cleaning and plowing. Laser leveling simplifies operations, reduces labor and costs, and is effective in various terrains, excluding swampy and mountainous regions.


Ключевые слова: Орошаемые земли, урожай, равномерно, капитальная планировка, текущая (эксплуатационная) планировка, лазерная планировка, традиционная планировка, лазерная планировочная машина.

Keywords: Irrigated lands, harvest, evenly, capital planning, current (operational) planning, laser planning, traditional planning, laser leveling machine.


Introduction. The main purpose of land leveling (planning) in agriculture is to eliminate irregularities on the field surface that interfere with irrigation and mechanized agrotechnical measures. The flatness of the field surface leads to efficient use of irrigation water, equal distribution of water along the surface, and moistening. As a result, it ensures the uniform distribution of crop seeds across the field, sowing at the same depth, their germination and development, and consequently, getting a high yield.

The types of machinery and equipment used in the traditional method of land leveling technology are various types of scrapers and various types of short and long base levelers as well as different types of mole levelers. The main disadvantage of the traditional leveling technology is that the position of the machine's body changes during its movement on the field surface. Therefore, it is necessary to manually adjust the position of the working body of the machine continuously. The quality of leveling depends on the experience of the tractor driver and leveling work must be carried out several times.

Land leveling with the help of a laser device is such a method that the state (height) of the working body of the leveling machine is adjusted automatically by the system during the work process. The unevenness of the land reaches -+ 3 cm or even less.


Land leveling is carried out with the help of laser leveling devices. Land leveling with the help of laser devices has the following advantages:

- Quick and uniform distribution of irrigation water;

- Saving 25-30% of irrigation water;

- Increasing the irrigation field area from 1.0 hectare to 1.03 hectares;

- Increasing the land use coefficient to 0.92...0.95;

- Increasing the yield of crops by 5...10%.

The laser leveling method can be used in all types of areas, except for swampy lands, mountainous and pre-mountainous slopes.

Preparatory work before using laser land levelers:

- Cleaning the field from plant residues;

- Carrying out plowing and ordinary leveling measures.

Determining cropping patterns and irrigation schemes for these areas.

Advantages of laser leveling measures:

- Seasonal irrigation norms decrease by 15...20 percent;

- Weeds decrease by 10...12 percent;

- Improvement in the uniformity of field moisture is ensured;

- Improvement in the emergence and nutrition of agricultural crops;

- Efficiency of water use increases by 25...30 percent;

- The yield of agricultural crops increases by an average of 5...7 centners per hectare;

- Economic efficiency constitutes 10...20 percent;

- As a result of this measure, the repetition of leveling works is conducted once every 3...5 years.

Integration of laser leveling technologies means performing all technological operations (surveying-projecting-leveling-control) with the help of one device. At this point – the laser beam transmitter is installed at a certain point of the field, and all technological operations are carried out in one pass of the unit. This method allows us to significantly reduce labor and resource costs due to increased work efficiency.

One of the modern methods of high-quality and accurate leveling of irrigated areas is the use of laser devices. The laser land leveler levels the ground surface with an accuracy of 1-2 centimeters at a distance of 200-250 meters. This device consists of a laser transmitter, receiver, and control equipment.

The following works are carried out in preparation for using the laser leveling machine: the serviceability of all working equipment of the machine, their proper connection, and the condition of the connecting cables are checked. Also, the tractor is prepared - the level of fuel, the condition of the hydraulic and electrical systems, and the running parts of the tractor are checked.


Figure 1. Scheme

1-tripod; 2-laser transmitter; 3-horizontal surface line; 4-laser beam receiving equipment; 5-cable; 6-road measuring device; 7-control panel; 8-mast.


Installation scheme of the autoleveler.


As a result of the analysis of the widespread application of the modern technology of leveling agricultural lands with a laser device in practice, the following conclusions were made:

  • - Quick and uniform distribution of irrigation water is achieved;
  • - Irrigation water is saved by 25-30%;
  • - Surface area of the crop field increases from 1.0 ha to 1.03 ha;
  • - Land utilization factor increases to 0.92...0.95;
  • - Crop yield increases by 5...10%.

The laser leveling method can be applied to all types of fields except for swampy lands, mountainous areas, and pre-mountainous slopes.

Preparations before using laser land levelers include:

  • - Cleaning the field of plant residues;
  • - Carrying out plowing and simple leveling measures.

It is necessary to determine crop patterns and irrigation schemes for these areas.

Advantages of laser leveling measures:

  • - Seasonal irrigation standards decrease by 15...20%.
  • - Weeds decrease by 10...12%.
  • - Improved uniformity of field moistening is ensured.
  • - Better emergence and nutrient supply for agricultural crops.
  • - Water use efficiency increases by 25...30%.
  • - The yield of agricultural crops increases on average by 5...7 centners per hectare.
  • - Economic efficiency constitutes 10...20%.
  • - As a result of this measure, the repetition of leveling works is carried out once every 3...5 years.



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Информация об авторах

Assistant Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Uzbekistan, Andijan

ассистент, Андижанский институт сельского хозяйства и агротехнологии, Узбекистан, г. Андижан

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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