Egamnazarov G. Tagaev Kh.
Egamnazarov G., Tagaev Kh. SOME PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS TO ENSURE THE SUSTAINABILITY OF AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF COTTON) // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 5(122). URL: (дата обращения: 14.03.2025).
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The scientific article addresses a range of pressing issues related to technological aspects in cotton cultivation, focusing on agronomy, efficient utilization of solar energy and water, as well as optimization of agricultural processes. The authors propose innovative approaches to solving these problems, including the use of astronomical data for optimal crop placement, development of new designs for planters and soil processing machines, and methods for improving quality and yield. Practical tests of the proposed solutions demonstrate significant improvements in efficiency and productivity in cotton cultivation. The analysis and recommendations presented in the article can provide valuable insights for agricultural development, not only in Uzbekistan but also in other regions with similar production conditions.


В данной научной статье рассматривается ряд актуальных проблем, связанных с технологическими аспектами в хлопководстве, сосредотачиваясь на агротехнике, эффективном использовании солнечной энергии и воды, а также оптимизации сельскохозяйственных процессов. Авторы предлагают инновационные подходы к решению этих проблем, включая использование астрономических данных для оптимального размещения культур, разработку новых конструкций сеялок и машин для обработки почвы и сбора хлопчатника, а также методы улучшения качества и урожайности. Практические тесты предложенных решений показывают значительное повышение эффективности и производительности в хлопководстве. Представленный в статье анализ и рекомендации могут быть ценным вкладом в развитие сельского хозяйства, не только в Узбекистане, но и в других регионах с аналогичными условиями производства.


Keywords: technique, technology, solar path, heat temperature, magneto tropism phenomenon, planting apparatus, seeder, irrigation regime, cotton leaf sprouting.

Ключевые слова: техника, технология, солнечная дорожка, тепловая температура, явление магнитотропизма, посадочный аппарат, сеялка, режим орошения, проращивание листьев хлопчатника.


Introduction. There are observed, that since agricultural systems are far from each other and extremely complex processes involving various scientific advances, methods and technologies, some components of these technological processes are sometimes unconsciously or artificially disrupted, which leads to the coercion of such a technological process. Its stability is compromised because of the disruption of other processes.

Methodology. We do not pretend to be an exhaustive answer to all the multifaceted questions related to the solution of all problems in this area. The main aim is only to focus on what part of the workflow has been interrupted by our reflections on some of the most pressing of these problems, and eliminate them.

Result. The 1st problem: The views and recommendations expressed are undoubtedly aimed at solving the problems of cotton growing, which is a leading sector of agriculture in the country.

It is known that the only source for the life of plants and all living things is solar energy. However, not only in cotton growing, and even in world agriculture, a scientifically based agro-technical requirement for the efficient use of sunlight has not been developed.

That is, it is not specified how many degrees the crops should be planted relative to the solar path across different latitudes. This results in poor crop yields of poor quality and delayed ripening. In this sense, it is important to plant crops in accordance with the solar path. That is, it is not specified how many degrees the crops should be planted relative to the solar path across different latitudes. This results in poor crop yields of poor quality and delayed ripening. In this sense, it is important to plant crops in accordance with the solar path.

It has been scientifically proven that cotton requires a temperature of 25-30 degrees for normal growth and development, and that wet cotton stalks turn into dry matter (cotton) only when the sun is shining.

This requires that the direction of the cotton ball be determined exactly according to the position in which the maximum amount of sunlight falls during the cotton rotation.

In accordance with the proposed idea, we theoretically determined on the basis of astronomical data how the solar path changes from early spring to late autumn for the geographical latitude of Jizzakh region (Figure).


Figure 1. Annual variation of the solar path


On the basis of these theoretical data, the number of degrees of the sun's daily movement around the horizon (assuming visible movement) and the corresponding phases of cotton development (compared to the case planted on April 15) were determined. It was decided that the date of conversion of seeds sown to cotton on the specified date should be June 7, and that the direction of sowing of seeds should be equal to the angle of sunrise at that time.

This in our case is equal to 980 when the angle of the Sun's path is calculated in a counterclockwise direction along the horizon circle relative to the south or 250 in relation to the spring equinox, i.e. when the angle of the Sun's path in the spring equinox is conditionally taken as 00 (actually it is 730 in Jizzakh region).

A simple farmer-like device for determining the angle of the Solar Path, which corresponds to the desired date in the field conditions of the ordinary farmer, is considered to be the most suitable angle of this cotton field.

The above-mentioned theoretical considerations about increasing the yield of cotton and improving the quality of fiber, as well as the positive solution to ensure early ripening of the crop, have successfully passed the initial test in practice. In particular, (WUA-SFU)Water users association named after Kh.Isroilov in Dustlik district, Jizzakh region, “Nuriddin ota” farm of Arnasay district, according to a study on the yield and early ripening of cotton planted in different directions, cotton planted in the same conditions towards the Solar Road opened 7-10 days earlier than others, at no additional cost, and the yield was on average 2.5-3  quintals higher.

Let's see how effective this agro-technology is in the example of India alone, where about 9 million hectares of cotton are grown, and when the proposed method is used, it is possible to get 2 million 700 thousand tons of high quality fiber a year at no additional cost. In Uzbekistan, it will yield an additional 450,000 tons (almost, two regional cotton) of quality on 1.5 million hectares.

The 2nd problem: In the early full and vigorous germination of the seed, it is important to plant the tip facing south. This was first described by A.V.Krilov in 1964 as the phenomenon of magneto tropism.

The scientist found that the seeds of wheat, which were planted with the tip facing the south pole of the magnet, germinated early and vigorously in one day, and developed well. It also gives good results when used for sowing seeds.

This effect can be explained by the life wisdom of our people: “One day you sow early, one week you reap”. As a solution to this problem, we have developed an improved version of the design of the sowing machine in accordance with the conical shape of the seed.

The 3rd problem: This problem also applies to the design of the seed drill, which also applies to the efficiency of sunlight. The angle of compaction of the compacting cathodes in the current seeders after burying the soil does not correspond to the April-15 sowing condition of the previously mentioned seed, i.e. the vertical fall of sunlight on the soil surface on sowing days (3-5 days) was not taken into account.

As a result, the light heat exchange is low and the seeds germinate late. Accordingly, given that the angle of sunrise corresponding to April 15 is 80 for the Jizzakh region (in the example), it is expedient to change the angle of inclination of the soil compactor to a vertical position relative to this degree.

The 4th problem: This problem is also directly related to the technology of sowing seeds, in which the STX-4A 90x90 cm, used in cotton growing. 60x60 cm without additional serious modifications to the frame of the seeder intended for planting in the scheme, two planting organs are installed for the scheme and are 60x60 cm. the S4X-6B planted in the scheme produces an improved six-row drill.

It is natural, that the change of the seed drill to six rows will require the cultivator to have six rows. For this also 90x90 cm. 60x60 cm to the front frame of the four-row cultivator KRX-3,6 for the scheme, the working bodies are arranged in three rows according to the scheme. The working bodies on the back are also 60x60 cm. adapted to the scheme.

All schemes were developed and cost-effectiveness was determined. This means that if we move to six rows, there will be no need for 8334 planting units. The cost-effectiveness of these savings is 294 billion 544 million sums per season, taking into account the cost of sowing machines and tractors, wages and other maintenance of seeds, and fuel savings - 3 billion 160 million sums.

This, in turn, requires the transfer of cultivation to six rows. The economic efficiency of the transition from four to six rows of sowing and cultivation will be a total of 294 billion 544 million + 34 billion 760 million = 329 billion 304 million sums.

Given that the number of passes of the aggregate in sowing seeds per hectare of land is 7,000 times less in six rows, for 2 million hectares it is 2000000x7000 = 14 billion times.

If we apply this number to cultivation 10 times, the number of transitions in it will be 140 billion times less, and accordingly the density of the soil will be reduced by the same amount, which will lead to an increase in yield by 4,5 quintals per hectare.

The 5th problem: It is known from the history of agriculture that if the light of the Sun is the lifeblood of all plants, their blood is water. However, no source has said anything about the direction of irrigation from the agro-technical requirements of cultivation.

Its most effective in irrigating crops is its direction to the east of the Sun, feeding from West to East. This is because the water flows in the opposite direction to the Sun’s motion, which is more likely to flow from East to West and beyond, resulting in a more efficient water-light reaction.

Under the influence of sunlight, various chemical elements in the water break down, forming invisible aquatic plants and nutrients in the water, in short, transforming it from “dead” water to "living" water. Ibn Sina also said in this regard, “If it flows towards the sun, it is better than other waters, and if it flows towards the West or the South, it is bad, especially when the south wind blows. The water flowing south is of poor quality”. With this in mind, the orientation of these cotton fields towards the sun solves the second important problem, namely, the possibility of irrigating water from the West to the East.

The 6th problem: The problem is to organize the spinning of cotton on a scientific basis. Nowadays, by pruning only three branches, the yield is reduced, creating conditions for poor quality and late opening of the bar. Because the force when plowing the upper branches causes the side branches to rot, which leads to a sharp decrease in the amount of sunlight needed between the rows and the pods, which in turn negatively affects heat exchange and heat absorption into the soil, the pods are small, poor quality fiber and open late. In this sense, it is important to spin the cotton from one side to the other.

The importance of conical spinning can also be explained by the fact that the notion that fiber quality is best in bowls located mainly in the lower joint is less accurate, i.e. fiber quality depends on how conical the bowl is, rather than on which joint. Studies have shown that the closer the bowl is to the rod, the higher the quality.

In view of the above, this unit ChVX-4, which is designed to grind only the upper branches of cotton, was designed to change the design of the spinning apparatus for additional spinning in the form of a conical cut.

The 7th problem: It is to pick a cotton leaf in a machine. Instead of defoliating a cotton leaf and dumping it on the ground and turning it into rot, picking it up in a machine solves the following environmental, technological, economic and social problems:

 1. There is no need for defoliation by picking cotton leaves in the machine, which means that this important; environmental problem will be solved;

2. Chemicals required for defoliation, all costs for their delivery and use shall be limited;

3. After defoliation, dry leaves stuck to the open cotton in the bowls are added to it to prevent contamination of the fiber;

4. About 200 thousand tons of citric and malic acid for the chemical industry and many vitamins for medicine can be obtained from the leaves. To get the same amount of citric and malic acid, 4 million tons of apples will need to be processed.

5. In addition to citric and malic acid, methane gas can also be extracted from its waste.

6. More importantly, thousands of people will have jobs due to the construction of enterprises and factories for the production of citric and malic acid, gas production, and animal feed;

7. When the leaves are harvested in late August, the access of light, heat and air to the pods improves, they open 10-15 days earlier than normal cotton, and the harvest is abundant.

8. At least 1.3 tons of talc per hectare (more than 2 million tons in the country) will increase livestock production by 10-15%. The multi vitaminized feed contains up to 180 milligrams of carotene per kilogram of alfalfa, compared to 400 milligrams per kilogram of dry cotton leaf.

Discussion. Mixing the drug and organic acid solution (extract) from it into the cement reduces the energy consumption by pumping it by more than 30% by reducing the hydraulic resistance of the mixture when preparing the mixture.

It turns out that the practical use of cotton leaf biomass instead of defoliation and shedding can only be a positive solution by creating a modern leaf picking machine.

Based on the above, we have developed the design of a cotton leaf picking machine. Development and project drawings for the solution of all problems (listed in the text), records of performance were not given due to the limited text of the article.



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Информация об авторах

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh

канд. техн. наук, доцент, Джизакский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Джизак

Senior Lecturer, Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh

старший преподаватель, Джизакский государственный педагогический университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Джизак

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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