Khalilova G.Kh. Samatov R.G.
Khalilova G.Kh., Samatov R.G. SEARCHING FOR A FREE PARKING SPACE AND THEIR COSTS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 5(122). URL: (дата обращения: 14.03.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2024.122.5.17536



Traffic jams and serious complications arise due to the congestion of cars on the side of the road in the busy streets around the socio-economic facilities of the city. Free or low-cost street shelters exacerbate this problem. This article analyzes the costs, advantages and disadvantages of finding a space on the street and paying for off-street parking. A conclusion on the consequences of cheaper parking on the street negatively affecting the capacity of the street, endangering pedestrian traffic, increasing the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere and setting prices, and recommendations are given.


Пробки и серьезные осложнения возникают из-за скопления автомобилей на обочинах оживленных улиц вокруг социально-экономических объектов города. Бесплатные или недорогие уличные приюты усугубляют эту проблему. В этой статье анализируются затраты, преимущества и недостатки поиска места на улице и оплаты парковки во дворе. Дан вывод о последствиях удешевления парковки на улице, отрицательно влияющих на пропускную способность улицы, создающих угрозу пешеходному движению, увеличивающих выбросы вредных газов в атмосферу и установлении цен, а также рекомендации.


Keywords: cruise, parking costs, mobile application, parking prices.

Ключевые слова: круиз, стоимость парковки, мобильное приложение, цены на парковку.



While free on-street parking is available in developed and developing urban centers, the spaces are almost always busy. Off-street parking spaces are available, but you have to pay for the space. This leaves drivers with a dilemma as to which option might be cheaper for them.

05.10. The decree of 2020 ON THE APPROVAL OF THE "DIGITAL UZBEKISTAN 2030" STRATEGY AND MEASURES FOR ITS EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION envisages the organization of the "Digital Tashkent" complex system and its implementation in all regions of Uzbekistan. In this, the tasks of determining the number of parking spaces and the rational organization of parking prices are defined.

As can be seen from the above, parking problems are increasing in the city of Tashkent and in the centers of our regions. Because no vehicle is constantly in motion. Cars spend more time parked. Therefore, parking issues are relevant.

This article analyzes the losses in the search for a parking space and provides conclusions and recommendations for setting parking prices.Adabiyotlar tahlili

Donald Shoup (see [1]), a researcher on this issue, expressed the opinion that the price of on-street parking should be at least equal to the price of off-street parking. Because drivers always choose the cheaper option. On-street parking rates should be higher than or equal to off-street parking so that curbs are not overcrowded with cars. The reason why drivers prefer to use street parking is that it is cheap or free. This affects the trafficability of the street, the safety of pedestrians, causes environmental pollution, waste of fuel, waste of time, etc. (see [2]).

The reason for the problems in finding a parking space is that drivers do not have information about the parking situation and are looking for a place (see [3-4]). Finding out about the status of parking lots, the availability of space in real time through a mobile application, and this problem can be solved (see [5]).

Also, in 2017, 45.5% of parking spaces in Shenzhen used card exchange to collect parking fees, RFID card exchange and radio frequency identification (RFID) 30%, and cash payment 24.5%. . Payments for parking in this city are made only through EasyParking or the WeChat smartphone application. Using these applications, drivers also have the opportunity to know in advance whether there is a free space in the parking lot. In Tokyo, one of the most used services is s-park (, which provides parking search service for private cars, motorcycles and buses [6]. When organizing these systems, programs are developed in Python (see [7-8]).

From the results of the study, the average time spent searching for a parking space in New York was 3.25 minutes (see [9]). This is the time it takes for one car to find a place at once, and when the total is calculated, the result is clearly a matter of special attention.

The aforementioned research results are not just a problem for Los Angeles and New York counties. These results have become a problem for many developed and developing countries today. Unfortunately, according to forecasts (see [10]), these problems will persist for the next 15 years or longer. For this reason, researchers are currently developing various intelligent systems and tools in order to solve the problems that arise in the search for a parking space.

Research methodology

A driver believes that it is cheaper to park on the street, but the longer the search time, the higher the costs. Donald Shoup investigated this in his research and showed how the cost of finding a parking space on the side of the street is determined by the following 7 variables (Table 1).

Table 1.

Variables for calculating parking costs



Definition of variables



street parking costs



price of off-street parking



Parking duration



time spent looking for street parking



fuel spent searching for street parking



the number of people in the car



total time spent searching for on-street parking


Through these variables, we can measure the difference between a driver's cost of searching for a space and the cost of paying for off-street parking.

Analysis and results

To compare the time spent, it is necessary to determine the difference between the prices of the two types of parking. In this case, the price of on-street parking is P soums per hour, and off-street parking is M soums per hour. T is the parking time and if the driver chooses on-street parking (M-P) *T will be saved. If street parking is free, MT soums will be saved. However, the search for accommodation on the side of the street burns useless fuel. If the fuel used to search for street parking is F per hour and the time spent searching for street parking is C, the total cost is F*C.

Another cost of finding a curbside location is time. The value of saving time depends on many factors. They depend on the income of the car owner, whether he is in a hurry or not, health, weather and similar factors. Since the value of time varies from person to person, this cost varies from person to person and is found by V*C. In addition, this indicator depends on the number of people in the car, i.e. N. The variable V is different for each passenger in the car. Thus, the cost of on-street parking (1) is determined as follows:

F*C+NVC=C*(F+NV)                                                                        (1)

The break-even point occurs when the cost of searching for a space equals the savings from on-street parking. That is, if they are equal, the driver will not be harmed (2).


C= T(M-P)/*(F+NV)                                                                        (2)

It's safe to say that the money saved from off-street parking is lost in the cost of finding on-street parking. At the same time, all the cars driving on the street cause traffic jams. In cities, the cheaper the housing on the side of the street, the longer the time to look for a place. Because cheap and free housing is always full, and it is difficult to determine how many cars on the street are looking for a place.

There are 2 alternatives for setting parking prices, and it is desirable to set the price of on-street parking higher than or equal to the price of off-street parking(3).

C= T(M-P)/*(F+NV)=T(0)/ (F+NV)=0                                                       (3)

A higher price is required in order to have a vacant space in the residences on the edge of the street. The fact that the cars are looking for a place in the small time is the cause of the traffic jams with many cars on the road. 

Whether to park for free on the curb or pay for off-street parking is an individual choice for drivers and involves a number of complexities. First, the value of time is different for each driver. However, you may have to pay for off-street parking without finding a parking space.

Secondly, the driver does not know in advance how long it will take to find a parking place on the side of the road. It is possible to observe how many cars are in the queue ahead and how fast the cars are moving and just estimate how long to wait.

Third, the choice of on-street parking and off-street parking is not solely based on price, and they are not perfect substitutes for each other. Parking convenience and walking time to the destination are also important.

Fourthly, studies have found that most of the cars parked on the street have violated the parking time limit and are in the wrong parking position.

Conclusions and suggestions

When curbside parking is free or low-cost, drivers prefer to look for curbside parking, leading to congestion, reduced road capacity, air pollution, and wasted time and fuel. will come. The costs of such problems may not be immediately apparent, but they can cause significant costs and risks. By rationally organizing parking prices, it will be possible to reduce the time of searching for accommodation on the street side. In this way, the efficiency of on-street and off-street parking can be increased and balanced.



  1. Donald C. Shoup.: Cruising for parking//Transport Policy 13 (2006) 479-486 b.
  2. Samatov, R., & Abdurazakova, D. (2023). KO ‘P QAVATLI AVTOTURARGOHLARDA INTELLEKTUAL TIZIMLARNI QO‘LLASH ORQALI SAMARADORLIGINI OSHIRISH. Евразийский журнал академических исследований, 3(4 Part 3), 118-121.
  3. Xalilova, G. X. Q. (2023). “AQLLI AVTOTURARGOH” MOBIL ILOVASI VA UNING SAMARADORLIGI. Academic research in educational sciences, 4(11), 391-398.
  4. Samatov, R. (2023). AVTOTURARGOH QIDIRISHDAGI MUAMMOLAR VA YECHIMLAR. Development and innovations in science, 2(4), 19-21.
  5. Kalasova A. et al. (2021). Smart parking applications and its efficiency//Sustainability. № 11. С. 6031. DOI:
Информация об авторах

Doctoral student at the department of engineering of Transport intelligent technologies, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

докторант кафедры Инженерные интеллектуальные технологии транспорта  Ташкентского государственного университета путей сообщения, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Senior Lecturer, PhD at the department of engineering of Transport intelligent technologies, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

старший преподаватель, канд. техн. наук кафедры инженерных интеллектуальных технологий транспорта, Ташкентский государственный университет путей сообщения, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

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