Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, applicant for the State Unitary Enterprise "Fan va Tarakkiyot" at the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan, Tashkent
The article discusses the results of research on the flotation properties of composite chemical flotation reagents-foamers for use in the flotation of copper-molybdenum ores. It has been established that the interaction of chemical flotation reagents-foamers with metal particles mainly depends on the nature and granulometric composition of copper-molybdenum ore, as well as on the physico-chemical properties of organo-inorganic ingredients. It is shown that the composite chemical flotation agent-foamer of the ССFR-F class developed by us extracts copper in a rough concentrate by more than 90%. And compared to the standard T-92 flotation reagent produced in Russia, the same results are obtained, and this developed reagent is recommended to replace the imported T-92 flotation reagent produced in Russia.
В статье рассмотрены результаты исследования флотационных свойств композиционных химических флотореагентов-пенообразователей для использования при флотации медно-молибденовых руд. Установлено, что взаимодействие химических флотореагентов-пенообразователей с металлическими частицами в основном зависит от природы и гранулометрического состава медно-молибденовой руды, а также от физико-химических свойств органо-неорганических ингредиентов. Показано, что разработанный нами композиционный химический флотореагент-пенообразователь класса ССФР-Ф извлекает медь в черновой концентрат более чем на 90%. А по сравнению со стандартным флотореагентом Т-92 российского производства получаются такие же результаты, и данный разработанный реагент рекомендуется заменить импортный флотореагент Т-92 российского производства.
Keywords: foaming flotation agents, potassium butyl xanthogenate, industrial waste, composition, ore flotation, chemical reagents, organomineral ingredients.
Ключевые слова: пенообразователи флотореагенты, бутиловый ксантогенат калия, промышленные отходы, состав, флотация руд, химические реагенты, органоминеральные ингредиенты.
To date, more than two hundred foaming agents have been proposed for the flotation of mineral raw materials. These foaming agents are divided by classes of chemical compounds into alcohols, phenols, acids, esters, heterocyclic, organosilicon and sulfur-containing compounds [1, 2].
The choice of a foaming agent depends on many factors, primarily determined by the nature of the mineral raw materials and the degree of its grinding [3, 4].
In general, when flotation of polymetallic ores, for better separation, it is necessary to use weak foaming agents at the maximum possible consumption, and when flotation of monometallic ores — strong foaming agents, which should help to increase the flotation rate. Strong foaming agents are also recommended for use in the case of coarser ore grinding, especially when using hydrocarbon oils that have a defoaming effect [5, 6].
In order to improve the technological process of flotation enrichment and increase its performance, it can be provided using a combination of two foaming agents, or a combination of two different foaming agents in one cycle, as well as the use of different foaming agents in different flotation cycles [7-8].
There are such flotation reagents-foamers, which also have collective properties. The molecules of the foaming agent have a heteropolar structure, containing apolar (hydrophobic) and polar (hydrophilic) groups of atoms [9-10].
In the world, flotation reagents are used in the extraction of non-ferrous and precious metals from ores. However, today special attention is paid to the creation of import-substituting composite chemical flotation reagents-foamers based on local raw materials and industrial waste. In this regard, the problem of developing an effective composition of inexpensive chemical flotation reagents-foamers instead of imported ones and their use in the flotation enrichment process in the metallurgical industry is one of the urgent problems of today [7, 8].
To date, the flotation process of enrichment of copper-molybdenum ores depends on the nature, type, composition and structure of flotation reagents and on the technological factors of the flotation process. In this aspect, special attention is paid to the creation of import-substituting composite chemical flotation reagents-foamers based on local raw materials and industrial waste [9, 10].
Therefore, the purpose of this work is to study the flotation properties of the developed composite chemical flotation reagents-foamers (ССFR-F ) for use in the flotation of copper-molybdenum ores.
Objects and methods of research. The objects of research are composite chemical flotation agent – foamer of the ССFR-F type, copper-molybdenum ore from the Kalmakyr deposit, butyl potassium xanthogenate (PX), spindle oil (S/O), calcium oxide and waste from alcohol and fat-and-oil plants.
Research results and their analysis. Laboratory tests were carried out in an open cycle in the conditions of of Almalyk mining and metallurgical plant according to the standard methodology. The tests were carried out on ore processed at copper processing plant-1.
Conditions for conducting experimental experiments: pH -10.5 units, at a flow rate of flotation reagents of foamers 35 and 45 g/t. Consumption of other reagents: рotassium xanthate - 26 g/t; spindle oil - 8 g/t.
According to the results of the conducted research, it was revealed that the interaction of chemical flotation reagents-foamers with metal particles mainly depends on the nature and granulometric composition of copper-molybdenum ore, as well as on the physical-chemical properties of organic-inorganic ingredients in the composition of a composite chemical flotation agent-foamer of the ССFR-F class.
Based on the analysis of numerous complex results of our research, a technological scheme for the production of composite chemical flotation reagents-foamers based on local raw materials and industrial waste has been developed (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Technological scheme of the process of obtaining composite chemical flotation reagents-foamers of the ССFR-F class based on local raw materials and industrial waste
Based on the developed technology, new effective samples of composite chemical flotation reagents-foamers of the ССFR-F class were obtained and laboratory and production tests were carried out in the conditions of Almalyk mining and metallurgical plant. The results of laboratory experiments in an open cycle on samples are presented in Table 1.
Table 1
The results of laboratory experiments in an open cycle on samples of composite chemical flotation reagents-foamers of the ССFR-F class
Product name |
Exit, % |
β |
ξ |
Operations |
Consumption, g/t |
Class content, % |
Cu, % |
Кst |
T-92 |
S/O |
pH |
+0.21 |
-0.071 |
Σ |
Ore of 2 sites for 13.10.2023 |
№1 |
basics flotation concentrate |
8.67 |
4 |
87.56 |
Grinding |
8 |
6 |
63 |
100 |
check flotation concentrate |
3.64 |
0.39 |
3.58 |
Contact the basics |
19.6 |
10.5 |
31.5 |
rough concentrate |
12.31 |
2.93 |
91.14 |
Counter counter |
8.4 |
13.5 |
Tail |
87.69 |
0.04 |
8.86 |
The total size. |
28 |
0 |
45 |
Ore |
100 |
0.40 |
100 |
basics flotation concentrate |
7.72 |
4.43 |
87.07 |
Grinding |
8 |
6 |
63 |
100 |
check flotation concentrate |
3.97 |
0.39 |
3.94 |
Contact the basics |
19.6 |
31.5 |
10.5 |
rough concentrate |
11.69 |
3.06 |
91.01 |
Counter counter |
8.4 |
13.5 |
Tail |
88.31 |
0.04 |
8.99 |
The total size. |
28 |
45 |
0 |
Ore |
100 |
0.39 |
100 |
basics flotation concentrate |
9.83 |
3.6 |
88.78 |
Grinding |
8 |
6 |
63 |
100 |
check flotation concentrate |
3.61 |
0.28 |
2.54 |
Contact the basics |
19.6 |
10.5 |
31.5 |
rough concentrate |
13.44 |
2.71 |
91.31 |
Counter counter |
8.4 |
13.5 |
Tail |
86.56 |
0.04 |
8.69 |
The total size. |
28 |
0 |
45 |
Ore |
100 |
0.40 |
100 |
basics flotation concentrate |
9.03 |
3.9 |
87.85 |
Grinding |
8 |
6 |
63 |
100 |
check flotation concentrate |
3.42 |
0.4 |
3.41 |
Contact the basics |
19.6 |
10.5 |
31.5 |
rough concentrate |
12.45 |
2.94 |
91.26 |
Counter counter |
8.4 |
13.5 |
Tail |
87.55 |
0.04 |
8.74 |
The total size. |
28 |
0 |
45 |
Ore |
100 |
0.40 |
100 |
basics flotation concentrate |
8.55 |
4 |
87.19 |
Grinding |
8 |
6 |
63 |
100 |
check flotation concentrate |
3.42 |
0.44 |
3.84 |
Contact the basics |
19.6 |
31.5 |
10.5 |
rough concentrate |
11.97 |
2.98 |
91.02 |
Counter counter |
8.4 |
13.5 |
Tail |
88.03 |
0.04 |
8.98 |
The total size. |
28 |
45 |
0 |
Ore |
100 |
0.39 |
100 |
As can be seen from the table, the composite chemical flotation agent-foamer of the ССFR-F class developed by us extracts copper in a rough concentrate by more than 90%. And compared to the standard T-92 flotation reagent produced in Russia, the same results are obtained and this developed reagent is recommended to replace the imported T-92 flotation reagent produced in Russia.
Conclusions. Thus, it was found that with an increase in the concentration of the foaming agent in the solution to a certain content, the extraction of copper in the rough concentrate increases and the copper content in the solution decreases, and in comparison with the standard T-92 foamer at the same costs, almost identical indicators for the extraction of copper and the quality of the rough concentrate were obtained.
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