Doctoral student, Namangan institute of Textile Industry, Uzbekistan, Namangan
The article theoretically studied the influence of the angle of rotation of the throttle valve used in the regulation of air flow in pneumatic transport on the volume of air passing through the pipe. A graph of the dependence of the working area S of air at various angles a of rotation of the damper was built, and the volume of air consumed for fiber removal of 3-gins batteries.
В статье теоретически исследовано влияние угла поворота дроссельной заслонки, используемой при регулировании расхода воздуха на пневмотранспорте, на объем воздуха, проходящего через центральную трубу. Построен график зависимости рабочей площади S воздуха при различных углах α поворота заслонки и объема воздуха, расходуемого на съём волокон 3-джинных батарее.
Keywords: saw gin, roll box, pneumatic cylinder, rod, angular velocity, angular acceleration, gravity forces, driving force, moment of inertia, function
Ключевые слова: пила, сырцевой валик, пневмоцилиндр, шток, угловая скорость, угловое ускорение, силы тяжести, движущая сила, момент инерции, функция.
Enter. It is known that the main technological process of the cotton ginning enterprise is the ginning process, in which the fiber is mechanically separated from the seed. Considerable scientific-research works have been carried out to study the process of fiber separation, improve the working bodies of the saw gin, create electricity and resource-efficient technology, and maintain the quality indicators of fiber and seed. However, the issue of removing the fiber from the saw tooth, improving the fiber removal system through automation, and reducing the consumption of electrical energy have not been sufficiently studied. Based on this, the theoretical and practical study and analysis of the fiber removal system in the battery of chainsaws is one of the urgent and necessary tasks.
Therefore, we will start by theoretically researching and solving the laws of change of air volume, speed and pressure with the change of the cross-sectional surface of the pipe in the fiber solution system and the number of simultaneously working demons.
Deburring devices of sawing machines serve to remove the fiber from the teeth of the sawing cylinder after passing from the working chamber behind the colossal grid.
The main technological requirement for the devices is to ensure complete separation of the fiber from the saw teeth and transfer of the gin to the fiber receiving pipe. Unsatisfactory separation of the fiber leads to deterioration of its quality as a result of being scraped through the colostrums to the reworking chamber. According to the method of removing fiber from the saw tooth, fiber removal devices are divided into brush and air devices. In the brush method, the fiber is removed using a rotating brush drum, and in the air-assisted method, the fiber is removed using a stream of air blowing from a slotted nozzle into the saw cylinder. In turn, the solution of air fiber is divided into blowers and absorbers. Due to the high operating costs and unreliability, air fiber stripping devices are currently used.
Experimental studies on air blowing and suction defibering have shown significant increases in energy (from 0.88 to 21 kW) and air consumption (from 0.45 to 2.0 m3/s per gin) compared to blowing. Therefore, air blowing devices are used in existing gins [1].
"Air consumption" means the amount of air, expressed in units of weight or volume, passing through a given section of the channel per unit of time. If the cross-sectional surface of the channel in question and air passing through it at an average speed, then the air consumption is as follows [2]:
, м3/с.
Let's assume that an air flow with a constant consumption amount is transmitted to a zone with a cross-sectional area and a length.
This air flow, in turn, changes the cross-sectional area over time ,
, and be transferred to the second zone through pipes. The geometrical shapes of the pipe transfer limits are determined by the throttles, and the air velocities are respectively ,
and air consumption
be equal to . Since the same mass is transferred per unit time to the transfer zone, this conservation law is valid.
Here is the –speed of air flow to the zone. Let the transmission zone be a cylinder of radius These speeds are appropriate if the flow transfer is done at one speed.
It is necessary to separate the air flows into the pipes by means of further technological processes (for example, in the process of ginning, suction of fibers from saw teeth) and other aerodynamic systems. In this case, when such processes are carried out unevenly over time, the parameters of the air flow through the pipes will change the hydrodynamic laws of the fiber solution (velocity, pressure).
In this case, the transmission and the technological process carried out are uneven, so the change of the main aerodynamic mode over time is not realized at the required level. To eliminate this unevenness of the technological process, it is possible to implement by means of changing the parameters of the air flow transmitted from the pipes.
For this purpose, it is possible to change the air flow from each pipe by changing the cross-sectional area or speed of the pipe. In this regard, we will investigate the connections between the air flow indicators related to the technological process and the air flow indicators transmitted through the pipes.
The issue is as,
follows. In order to ensure alternative operation of subsequent technological processes in the process of air flow from pipes, it is necessary to determine how the air consumption in the pipes in the transfer zone should be changed according to the rules. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the amount of air transmitted through each pipe for a certain period of time in an alternative state of the technological process connected to it (for example, the ginning process). Let us assume that during each technological process being in an alternative state, the air flows in them will be equal to , and . Let these currents flow alternately. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the formation of such flows in the alternative of the technological process of the transmission air consumption in the pipelines. In practice, such an issue is brought to the issue of RAT (automatic adjustment system (SAR sistema avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya)). For this purpose, sending a message to the transmission pipes with the help of special signals that determine the air consumption is ensured, and the air consumption in them is transferred to the desired level. And theoretical research will consist of generating the laws of change of air consumption in pipes over time for the points that ensure the continuous continuity of the technological process.
We denote by the mass of the extended airflow, here
– volume filled with air flow,
– volume cross-sectional area, L– its length.
Let the air pressure in the transfer zone be the air pressure at the outlet
of the process zone. Then, according to work [1], the speed of air flow in the technological zone satisfies this equation
(4) we bring the equation to the following form
Summary. Various air flow systems have been proposed for uniform distribution of air consumption for extracting fiber from sawmills in cotton gins. In the process of uniform distribution of air, a number of experiments were conducted on the saving of electricity consumption. We can also see a wider focus on air distribution and fiber quality improvement through our proposed theory above.
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