Mamasalieva M.I., Eshmamatov Q.B., Abdurashidov A.U. DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES OF ROAD TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 3(120). URL: (дата обращения: 22.07.2024).
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At the present time, when Uzbekistan is an integral part of the international community and global financial and economic market, in order to modernise the national economy, technical and technological re-equipment of industries and production of products that meet the requirements of world standards, one of the urgent tasks is to train personnel - specialists on the basis of new requirements and methods, teaching them modern knowledge. This article provides an analysis of road transport infrastructure in which can increase the introduction of advanced techniques, technology, as well as strengthening the material and technical and repair base of road transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


В данное время, когда Узбекистан является неотъемлемой составной частью международного сообщества и глобального финансово-экономического рынка, в целях модернизации народного хозяйства, технического и технологического перевооружения отраслей и производства продукции, отвечающие требованиям мировых стандартов, одной из актуальных задач является подготовка кадров - специалистов на основе новых требований и методов, обучение их современным знаниям. В данной статье приводится анализ автотранспортной инфраструктуры в котором можно повысить внедрение передовой техники, технологии, а также укрепление материально-технической и ремонтной базы автомобильного транспорта Республики Узбекистан.


Keywords: engineering, service, technology, transport, transportation, informatisation, scientific and technological progress, intelligent transport system (ITS), information communication technologies (ICT).

Ключевые слова: машиностроение, сервис, технология, транспорт, перевозка, информатизация, научно-технический прогресс, интеллектуальная транспортная система (ИТС), информационные коммуникационные технологии (ИКТ).


Information digital technologies are present in any activity of modern society, respectively, the study of the peculiarities of their functioning in the national economy in general and in road transport in particular is becoming increasingly important.

The automotive industry is the youngest industry created in our independent state. In an unprecedentedly short period of time, our country has created and is successfully developing a uniquely equipped production of automobiles. The new industry is now becoming a powerful locomotive for the development of the entire economy of Uzbekistan. Also, the only large machine-building plant in Central Asia, GM Uzbekistan, which produces cars under the licences of Daewoo and Chevrolet, is located in the city of Asaka, Andijan region.

Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of the whole industry, its "core". The products of mechanical engineering enterprises play a decisive role in the implementation of scientific and technological progress in all areas of the national economy. [6].

Road transport plays a responsible role in the transport complex of the independent Republic of Uzbekistan, regularly serving enterprises, organisations, farms and their collective customers, as well as the population of the Republic.

Annually, road transport of the national economy of the republic transports more than 80% of cargoes, and public passenger transport of different ownership more than 75% of passengers. [5].

At the same time, road transport is the main consumer of resources consumed by the transport complex of the republic: fuels of oil origin, labour resources and approximately half of capital investments.

The efficiency of road transport use can be increased by introducing advanced equipment and technology, improving the target labour and living conditions of the personnel, raising their qualifications, strengthening the material, technical and repair base. It is necessary to simultaneously improve traffic safety and reduce the negative impact of road transport on the environment.

Informatisation of modern society is a system-active process aimed at mastering information as a means of managing economic, financial and intellectual resources. The introduction of modern information technologies, in the long term, leads to the emergence of new sections of economic science.

Information Communication Technology (ICT) is not only one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy, but also the most important tool for the realisation of innovation and scientific and technological progress.

The quantitative and qualitative peculiarity of the automobile rolling stock in the Republic of Uzbekistan requires the solution of a set of scientific problems on economic and social provision of transport complex development. The changes that are currently taking place in macroeconomics affect all aspects of society. As it is known the ecological safety of vehicles is the most important part of industrial ecology, which considers the impact of machinery on the environment, determined by thermal and vibroacoustic impact on the environment. It is also necessary to consider the technogenic impact on the environment of the process of creating a car, which is characterised by the volume of emissions of harmful substances, oxygen consumption and energy consumption to obtain structural and operating materials. [3,4].

Transport, including road transport, is a very complex complex of technologies, labour resources, fixed assets and, of course, finances. This whole complex can be conditionally called the Intelligent Transport System (ITS). ITS is an aggregate technical and technological complex of systems, including systems for exchange of information services between all participants of the transport process, systems for management of financial flows and systems for organisation and management of transport, freight and passenger flows.

The structures of the car fleet of the Republic of Uzbekistan and industrialised countries differ significantly.

Uzbekistan is a major producer of automobiles. In 2020, the automotive industry's output totalled 284,885 vehicles, including 280,080 passenger cars, or more than 10% of Uzbekistan's existing passenger cars. As of 1 January 2021, there were 86 cars per 1,000 inhabitants, and this is projected to almost triple to 237 cars by 2025. As of 1 January 2022, the total number of passenger cars owned by individuals in Uzbekistan was 3,051,734 (+10.2% compared to the beginning of 2021), the State Statistics Committee said. There was an average of 87 cars per 1,000 residents. Tashkent residents have the most cars, with 178 cars per 1,000 people in the capital. Overall, over the last six years, the number of cars of individuals has increased 1.5 times: as of 1 January 2021 - 2,767,126 (+14.7% for the year); as of 1 January 2020 - 2,410,421 (+6%); as of 1 January 2019 - 2,272,185 (+6.5%) (Figure 1).


Fig.1 Car production volume from 2019-2022


Presidential Decree No. PP-4477 dated 04.10.2019 "On Approval of the Strategy for the Transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to a Green Economy for the period 2019-2030" defines the following main tasks and priority areas by economic sectors, including transport:

- formation of a single integrated development policy focused on reducing transport costs and ensuring efficient functioning of the transport sector, development of "green" transport in accordance with long-term urban development plans and environmental safety measures;

- expanding the production and use of vehicles with improved energy efficiency and environmental performance in accordance with Euro-4 and higher standards, electric, hybrid and gas-fuelled vehicles;

- production of motor fuels with improved characteristics;

- Continued renewal of the vehicle fleet, development of an incentive programme to scrap old vehicles and purchase new, more environmentally friendly ones;

- Ensuring a phase-out of hydrocarbon fuels and encouraging the development of electric transport;

- Development and improvement of efficient public transport systems (increasing the share of public transport with improved features);

- design and development of new transport and logistics systems, development of road infrastructure;

- strengthening state control over the environmental condition of vehicles in operation.

The most important condition for the formation of a modern transport infrastructure is the timely introduction of digital technologies. In our opinion, the main efforts in the field of transport digitalisation should be focused on the following breakthrough areas:

  • development of blockchain technology, multi-functional and multi-level information technologies designed to securely record different types of assets;
  • introduction of identification technologies, a system of automatic identification of users of road transport infrastructure, to facilitate various payments at all levels. Object identification technologies include: magnetic card, chip card, optical (bar code, Data Matrix, OCR), radio frequency (RFID, RTLS), biometric (fingerprinting, in vitro, DNA detection), audiological (voice recognition), optical (iris identification, facial recognition);
  • widespread use of paperless technologies.
  • Presidential Decree No. UP-5647 of 01.02.2019 "On measures to radically improve the system of state management in the field of transport" established the Ministry of Transport as a state body responsible for the implementation of state policy in the field of transport. One of the main tasks of the Ministry of Transport is the introduction of digitalisation of the transport sector, effective use of the country's transport potential, reduction of transport and logistics costs for business entities. [2,7].
  • The Resolution of the CM RU No. 48 dated 18.01.2019 "On Approval of the Concept for the Implementation of Smart City Technologies in the Republic of Uzbekistan" defines the integration of intelligent elements in ten different areas, including transport. The concept provides a set of technological solutions in which all transport vehicles and infrastructure systems are interconnected with each other. Such interconnection allows for a more accurate determination of the situation on the roads, as well as control of traffic flows using data from mobile operators and GPS signals.
  • The introduction of a smart city transport system will enable optimal route planning and reduce waiting and travelling times, increasing transport mobility. The Smart City concept also includes Smart Parking and Smart Stop systems, a detailed plan of practical measures for the period 2019-2021, intelligent traffic flow management by integrating various sensors, smart traffic lights, electronic signage and ticketing systems, etc. [3].

Creation and introduction of modern technologies in the field of road transport energy, including the use of alternative fuels and progressive power units of rolling stock, optimisation of road transport management are among the most priority problems of the national economy and security of the country.



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Информация об авторах

Associate Professor, Islam Karimov Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

доцент Ташкентского государственного технического университета имени Ислама Каримова, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Student of Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

студент Ташкентского Государственного Технического Университета, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Student of Webster University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

студент Университета Вебстера в Ташкенте, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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Главный редактор - Ахметов Сайранбек Махсутович.