RECYCLING AND USE FIBROUS WASTE IN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. Islamov B.K. [и др.]. 2024. 2(119). URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).
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The article provides a brief overview of trends in textile waste recycling technologies. An analysis of waste recycling methods is given from an economic point of view, which can be processed at different levels. The technological modes for processing fibrous waste, based on mechanical, physical and chemical methods of influencing the material, are briefly described. Based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that not only industrial waste, but also other fibrous materials and products that have gone out of use can be effectively and economically used in industry through recycling. Widespread industrial implementation of the developed processes for processing products from fibrous materials into secondary materials will make it possible to achieve savings in a significant amount of raw materials and direct them to the most effective areas of application.


В статье представлен краткий обзор тенденций в технологиях переработки текстильных отходов. Дан анализ методов переработки отходов с точки зрения экономики, которые могут перерабатываться на разных уровнях. Кратко описаны технологические режимы переработки волокнистых отходов, основанные на механических, физических и химических методах воздействия на материал. По итогам анализа сделан вывод о том, что не только промышленные отходы, но и другие волокнистые материалы и изделия, вышедшие из употребления, можно эффективно и экономично использовать в промышленности путем вторичной переработки. Широкое промышленное внедрение разработанных процессов переработки изделий из волокнистых материалов во вторичные материалы позволит достичь экономии значительного количества исходного сырья и направить его в наиболее эффективные области применения. 


Ключевые слова: отход, натуральный шелк, материал, вторичное полимерное сырье, окружающая среда, волокно, изделие, переработка.

Keywords: waste, natural silk, material, secondary polymer raw materials, environment, fiber, product, processing



A sufficient number of scientific studies have been devoted to the development of methods and resource-saving technologies for the recycling of light industry waste, for example, leather, fur, textile products, etc. [20, 26, 28, 33, 34, 40]. At the same time, scientists working in this direction also conduct research to identify the possibility of using recycled products for the manufacture of finished products, for example, in the form of components to increase the strength properties of sewing threads made from natural fibers [22, 23, 35-38, 41, 42], resource-saving methods for manufacturing leather and fur products [4, 31, 43, 45-48], as well as various textile materials [6-8, 39], when developing functional packages with increased thermal insulation properties [19, 27, 32], special clothing with specified properties [21, 24, 25, 27, 29].

The intensive development of fiber production in the world and in our country determines the formulation of important scientific and technical tasks of obtaining them with a given set of properties and high-quality indicators, and optimizing processing processes. Due to this, the volume of fibrous waste in textile enterprises is growing. The rational use of textile waste is of great economic importance.

Currently, there is growing concern in our country and abroad regarding the disposal of textile waste. Thus, in particular, the annual global volume, including unsold clothing, according to experts, reaches 92 million tons, and by 2030 it is expected to reach 134 million tons. The most effective way to handle waste is to recycle it. Technologies existing in the world today theoretically make it possible to recycle and reuse up to 95% of textile waste, but in fact the share is no more than 13% of recycled materials [1-3, 5].

More complete use of waste generated during the production of textile industry products can be achieved by increasing their processing in our own main production or specialized processing shops of other industries, creating new waste recovery technologies, developing a specialized range of products produced entirely from waste or with significant amounts of it. additives, finding new areas of application. But the preparation of waste that is difficult to loosen (clippings of silk fabrics, double cocoons, etc.) is still difficult [9, 10].

There are a lot of problems associated with the disposal of recycled polymer raw materials. They have their own specifics, but cannot be considered insoluble. However, the solution is impossible without organizing the collection, sorting and primary processing of these materials and products; without creating effective methods for processing secondary raw materials, as well as methods for modifying them in order to improve quality; without creating special equipment for its processing; without developing a range of products manufactured from recycled polymer raw materials.

Textile waste includes production waste: in the form of fibers, yarn, threads, scraps and scraps of textile materials and consumer waste in the form of worn-out household textiles.

Depending on what raw materials they are obtained from, they are divided into several groups:

  • Natural raw materials. These are scraps of silk, wool, cotton, flax fiber, as well as old and dilapidated clothing made from natural fabrics, which are no longer used for their intended purpose.
  • Chemical raw materials. This group includes chemical yarns, artificial and synthetic fibers and textile products based on them.
  • Mixed raw materials. This is textile waste, which contains both natural and chemical raw materials.

Any use of textile waste requires its preliminary preparation and loosening. The scope of preparatory work depends on their type, composition, place of formation in the technological process and degree of contamination.

Textile waste can be recycled at different levels: clothing, linen, fiber, polymer or monomer. Each type of recycling requires the use of several methods depending on the characteristics of the waste. The beginning of any process is the sorting and preliminary preparation of raw materials, and then the use of mechanical, physical or chemical methods [12, 13]

The greatest difficulties are associated with the processing and use of mixed waste. The reason for this is the incompatibility of the polymers that make up household waste, which requires their item-by-item separation. In addition, the collection of worn-out products made of polymer materials from the population is an extremely complex undertaking from an organizational point of view and has not yet been established in our country. Due to these difficulties, the amount of recycled waste products from household waste is negligible, and mixed waste is almost zero.

Historically, the bulk of waste is destroyed by burial in the soil or incineration. However, the cost of destroying fibrous polymers is 6-8 times higher than the cost of processing and destroying most industrial waste and 3 times higher than the cost of destroying household waste. Therefore, waste destruction is economically unprofitable and technically difficult. In addition, burial and combustion of polymer waste leads to environmental pollution.

The main way to use waste fibrous polymers is their recycling, i.e. reuse. It has been shown that capital and operating costs for the main methods of waste disposal do not exceed, and in some cases even lower than, the costs of their destruction. Another positive benefit of recycling is that it produces an additional amount of useful products for various sectors of the national economy and does not re-contaminate the environment.

Existing methods for processing waste fibrous materials can be classified into two main groups: mechanical, not associated with chemical transformations, and physical-chemical. To obtain powdered products, mechanical grinding processes are used, in particular.

In this case, the choice of the design of the grinder, as well as an effective heat removal system during grinding, is very important, and often decisive. The problem of heat removal arises because polymer grinding processes have a low efficiency. The heat generated during grinding is removed either with the material being crushed or with the air flow circulating through the grinder.

At low temperatures, the work of destruction of polymers decreases several times, but the total costs of grinding change slightly and even increase. This is due to the high cost of refrigeration units and the high costs of producing liquid nitrogen. In addition, with low-temperature grinding, the molecular weight of polymers decreases due to the occurrence of mechanical destruction processes.

Another way to reduce specific energy consumption is grinding at elevated temperatures. With increasing temperature, the strength and work of destruction of thermoplastics decreases. Sometimes it is very pronounced. For example, in low-density polyethylene at temperatures above 70°C, not only a decrease in strength is observed, but also a very strong decrease in deformability [14, 16, 18].

There is also a known method for high-temperature grinding of secondary polymers, called the method of elastic-strain grinding of polymers. This method makes it possible to obtain fine powders, including some of the largest-tonnage polymers - low-density polyethylene, under conditions of shear deformation of thermoplastics and their mixtures in the temperature range near the phase transition (crystallization) [15, 17, 49].

The essence of this grinding method is the use of a field of mechanical forces, in which the medium is subjected to shear action. The process comes down to “pumping” elastic energy into the material, which it accumulates under the action of high pressure. During shear deformation, energy is spent on the formation of new surfaces. Grinding is quite simply carried out in extruders equipped with a material cylinder, inside of which a screw with a screw thread rotates, feeding the material into a special rotary head installed at the end of the machine. Because of this, the process is sometimes called extrusion grinding. The method allows you to vary the average size of the resulting powder by changing the temperature regime and the size of the gap between the grinding rotor and the cylinder.

The main results and findings

The following promising components of processed materials were used: fibrous waste of natural fibers (natural silk, wool, kenaf, cotton) and their mixtures with thermoplastics. A method for obtaining and a study of the physicochemical and mechanical properties of the resulting materials based on them were developed. The method has also been used in the processing of other polymers, in particular cotton waste and waste from the silk-winding industry.

By changing the ratio of components in the composition of polyolefins and fiber, highly dispersed powder materials can be obtained. The fiber content in the composition varied from 20% to 80%. We note right away that for all samples of fibrous polymers (natural silk, wool, kenaf, cotton and polypropylene fibers), powders were obtained by elastic-strain grinding. However, their dispersion varied significantly. Thus, the length of fibrous materials ranged from 60 microns to 250 microns, depending on the processing cycle and the type of fiber.

The issue of preserving the original physicochemical properties of fibrous materials subjected to mechanical stress seems very relevant. It is known [44] that as a result of grinding some natural polymers in ball mills, their crystal structure changes. In particular, in the process of grinding natural silk in ball mills, its surface hydrophilicity changes, and in the process of grinding cellulose, its ordered crystalline structure transforms into amorphous states.


Figure 1. X-ray diffraction patterns of the original cotton fiber (upper spectrum) and powdered cellulose from cotton linters obtained by the stress-strain method (lower spectrum)


In Fig. 1. X-ray photographs of the studied samples of cotton cellulose subjected to elastic-strain grinding are presented. In [11], the behavior of cellulose was studied after combined exposure to high pressure and shear stresses in a Bridgman anvil-type apparatus. Where the change in the molecular weight of samples of various types of cellulose is indicated, where it is shown that the combined effect of high pressure and shear stress leads to an intense drop in the degree of polymerization. As mentioned above, in our case we also observed a drop in the degree of polymerization, which was reflected in the degree of crystallization (Fig. 1).

It should be noted that with an increase in the number of runs, without any additives, a decrease in the degree of crystallinity was observed. This drop in the degree of crystallinity is associated with a certain loosening of cellulose molecules. The results of X-ray diffraction analysis indicate that the process of elastic-strain grinding is accompanied by significant destruction of the amorphous phase of cellulose. In this case, the destruction of crystallites occurs to an insignificant extent.

The nature of changes in the morphological structure of cellulose subjected to intense mechanical stress has been established. The clearly defined folded pattern disappears after grinding, leaving individual cracks and dark protrusions near the edge of the surface layer. Spherical particles capable of aggregation are observed, along with which fibrillar formations are detected, albeit weakly. This picture arises as a result of the destruction of loosely packed sections of the amorphous phase.

According to [30], loosening of cellulose molecules under any mechanical influences contributes to an increase in the content of hydroxyl groups. From the data obtained it is clear that in the process of elastic deformation and shear effects on cotton fiber cellulose, they lead to changes in physical and operational properties, which depend, first of all, on the different ratio of added ingredients during the grinding process, as well as on the processing cycle. The process is accompanied by effective grinding and formation of highly dispersed cellulose powders, in which both the original structure and the original properties of cellulose are sufficiently preserved.

The studies carried out with natural silk fibers showed that when grinding natural silk fibers without any additives, a powder material with a changed crystal structure was obtained, consisting of deformed, partially destroyed fibers about 1 mm long. Powders with a preserving crystalline structure were obtained by processing natural silk fibers with small additions of thermoplastics. Such powders had good flowability.


Figure 2. Scheme of a complex technological line for the production of fiber powder: 1-loading hopper, 2-shredder or cutting machine, 3-cyclone, 4-fine grinding devices, 5-dust, centrifugal classifier, 6-packing machines


In Fig.2. a schematic diagram of a complex technological line for producing fine polymer powder is shown. The starting material intended for grinding is subjected to preliminary coarse grinding to a particle size of 3-10 mm in a knife or crushing unit (2). The resulting material is fed through a pipeline into a fine grinding device (4), i.e. into a rotary type installation. The resulting powder material enters a dust centrifugal classifier in a fine grinding device, and then into filling machines.

It should be noted that preliminary shredding of film, fibrous or hollow fabric products can also be carried out using cutting machines that operate on the principle of a rotary knife shredder. The chopper and extruder are mounted on a common frame. To speed up the grinding process, three stator knives are located on the inner wall of the cutting drum. The cyclone ensures optimal supply of crushed material in the extruder. A filter mesh is installed at the exit of the extruder to separate solid particles and contaminants.


Thus, not only industrial waste, but also other fibrous materials and products that have gone out of use can be effectively and economically used in the national economy through recycling. The amount of fibrous waste that cannot be recycled will continue to decrease. Widespread industrial implementation of the developed processes for processing products from fibrous materials into secondary materials will make it possible to achieve savings in a significant amount of raw materials and direct them to the most effective areas of application.



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Информация об авторах

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

канд. физ.-мат. наук, доцент, Ташкентский институт текстильной и легкой промышленности, Республика Узбекистан, г.Ташкент

Senior Lecturer, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

старший преподаватель, Ташкентский институт текстильной и легкой промышленности, Республика Узбекистан, г.Ташкент

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

канд. техн. наук, доцент, Ташкентский институт текстильной и легкой промышленности, Республика Узбекистан, г.Ташкент

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

д-р техн. наук, профессор, Ташкентский институт текстильной и легкой промышленности, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
Учредитель журнала - ООО «МЦНО»
Главный редактор - Ахметов Сайранбек Махсутович.