Voqqosov Z. Ikromova M.
Voqqosov Z., Ikromova M. DETERMINATION OF ACCEPTABLE DIMENSIONS OF BIOFERTILIZER PRODUCTION // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 1(118). URL: (дата обращения: 18.12.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2024.118.1.16680



In this article, microorganisms were used to speed up the decomposition process of various wastes by microorganisms by 3-5 times, as a result, biofertilizers with the following composition changes were obtained. First, the problem of organic fertilizer; secondly, the issues of enriching the soil with nutrients and thirdly, protecting the environment from waste pollution will be solved.


В данной статье были использованы микроорганизмы для ускорения процесса разложения микроорганизмами различных отходов в 3-5 раз, в результате были получены биоудобрения со следующими изменениями состава. Во-первых, проблема органических удобрений; во-вторых, будут решены вопросы обогащения почвы питательными веществами и, в-третьих, защиты окружающей среды от загрязнения отходами.


Keywords: Humus, biofertilizer, farming, enterprises remains leftovers, household service, apartment waste, food-food waste, plant remains .

Ключевые слова: перегной, биоудобрение, земледелие, остатки предприятий, бытовой сервис, квартирные отходы, пищевые отходы, растительные остатки.


Introduction The use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture has increased over the years in order to meet the strong demand of the population for food products. The problem with these chemical fertilizers is soil degradation. Biofertilizers to overcome these problems . These biofertilizers try to reduce the impact of agriculture on the environment, prevent soil degradation and improve its quality.

Fertilizers are the main factor in improving soil properties and productivity. Fertilizers can be divided into 2 groups: traditional and non-traditional. Traditional fertilizers are fertilizers that have become a tradition in agriculture, are obtained on an industrial scale and are available in local conditions. Such fertilizers include mineral and microfertilizers, livestock and poultry manure , green fertilizers produced in factories . Non-traditional fertilizers are a new type of fertilizers in agriculture, which are obtained by composting various wastes and residues [1].

There is a high demand for traditional fertilizers in the agriculture of our country, and in some cases there is a shortage of them. For example, in the conditions of Uzbekistan, 15-20 tons of organic fertilizers should be applied annually to each hectare of irrigated land to maintain the humus balance in a deficit-free state. However, it is not possible to collect this amount of organic fertilizers [2].

Microorganisms promote plant growth through rhizosphere symbiosis with various mechanisms, the most important of which are: increased use of nutrients and water, introduction of nitrogen into the plant-soil system through biofixation by Rhizobium bacteria, etc. [3-5].

These biofertilizers are gaining strength compared to general fertilizers because the environmental impact is significantly reduced. Thanks to the use of microorganisms capable of improving soil conditions and its quality, it is possible to achieve improved productivity without damaging the soil.

Research methods and materials . In order to quickly and easily achieve the intended goal in conducting scientific research and conducting experiments, first of all, it is necessary to know how to correctly choose the methods of analysis. In particular, when obtaining biofertilizers based on local raw materials, it is desirable to use fast, modern and, of course, highly accurate analytical methods to determine various physical and chemical parameters of raw materials and finished products [5-17] .

The main food wastes used for scientific research were plant residues, manure, and samples of different types of food waste. The main chemical composition of these raw materials is presented in Table 1.

Food waste mainly consists of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and traces of inorganic compounds. The composition varies depending on the type of food waste and its components. Food wastes consisting of rice and vegetables are high in carbohydrates, while food wastes consisting of meat and eggs are high in proteins and lipids. Table 1 summarizes the composition of food waste studied in different parts of the globe.

Table 1.

Amount of nutrients in common waste and residues in Uzbekistan.

Waste and scraps

Organic mass

Mass ratio of air humidity in %

Amount in 20t mass (kg)


P 2 O 5

K 2 O


P 2 O 5

K 2 O

Organics (kg)

Food waste









Plant remains









Cattle manure









Tree leaf










The advantage of biofertilizers is that, firstly, they are obtained at the expense of free raw materials; The use of chemical fertilizers is reduced. As an alternative to chemical fertilizers, biofertilizers have a positive impact on the environment by reducing the use of ammonia in the production of chemical fertilizers and reducing global energy consumption. Crop development and soil conservation. The use of this microorganism improves the fertility of land and crops, prevents erosion, and promotes proper soil structure. Improving the nutritional capacity of plants. The use of these types of organic fertilizers can increase the uptake of plant nutrients such as nitrogen, zinc or phosphorus. They allow the use of organic waste. Productivity increases by 30%. Improved soil maintenance helps plants grow better during dry periods.

Research results and discussion . From us laboratory researches were carried out on obtaining biofertilizers by rotting various food wastes and plant residues, cattle manure, various poultry wastes with the help of whey microorganisms. Food waste, The quantities of biofertilizers obtained based on cow dung, manure waste and plant residues and milk whey putrefactive microorganisms were studied. For this, food waste was taken in the ratio of cattle manure: plant residues and SZM in the ratio of 60:100: 40: 100, and the resulting mixture was composted in the ratio (40-60:100:(20-40):100). the change in chemical composition during the process was studied.


Figure 1. Graph


Chemical composition of biofertilizer samples obtained on the basis of food waste, cattle manure, plant residues and whey microorganisms (FW:CM:PR:WM)= (40-60):100:(20) -40):100)).

In the table above, the proportions of the main components in biofertilizers obtained in optimal sizes are 40:100: 20: 100 and 60:100: 40: 100 We can see that the amount of fertilizer has changed from % 3.16% to 7.86% and the index of decomposition of organic matter has changed from % 72.94% to 70.56%, which in turn is as follows (wt., % ) : P 2 O 5 general. - 0.7; organic substances - 41.27; humic acids - 4.73; fulvic acids - 7.6; water-soluble organic matter. In turn, the index of decomposition of organic substances in bio fertilizers is equal to 70.56 % and the level of humification is equal to 7.86 % . From the point of view of agrochemical and economic efficiency (FW:CM:PR:WM)= (40-60):100:(20-40):100)), the optimal ratio and the compost ripening time as in the previous case It can be taken as 80 days. In this case, we can observe that the total amount of nitrogen, humic acids, fulvic acids P2 O5 increases accordingly.

Conclusion Bio-fertilizers are organic in nature and contain all the nutrients (macro- and micro-elements) necessary for plants, as well as a large amount of amino acids. These amino acids are a source of nutrients for microorganisms, and microorganisms enrich the microflora of the soil and activate microbiological processes (rotting, mineralization, ammonification) in its composition. It is clear that the rational use of such fertilizers is very important for agriculture.



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PhD of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uzbekistan, Namangan

PhD Наманганского инженерно-технологического института, Узбекистан, г. Наманган

Doctoral student of Namangan Institute of Engineering, Uzbekistan, Namangan

докторант Наманганского инженерного института, Узбекистан, г. Наманган

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