Karimova Sh.R.
Karimova Sh.R. PROMISING USE IN THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY DOMESTIC WOOL FIBERS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 1(118). URL: (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2024.118.1.16587



In this article, the fact that the wool processing industry is at a high level in the regions that are the leading country in the livestock sector. One of the main tasks facing the wool processing industry is highlighted the possibilities of increasing the yield of products, improving the quality of products, increasing labor productivity, effective use of raw materials and materials


В данной статье рассматривается тот факт, что промышленность по переработке шерсти находится на высоком уровне в регионах, которые являются ведущими в стране в секторе животноводства. Одной из основных задач, стоящих перед шерстоперерабатывающей промышленностью, выделяются возможности увеличения выхода продукции, улучшения качества выпускаемой продукции, повышения производительности труда, эффективного использования сырья и материалов


Keywords: wool and semi-wool fabrics, knitwear, odeal, carpet, wash, fiber, processing, length, coarse,, blackcurrant, hisori and jaydari sheep quality, linen, chemical fibers, raw materials:

Ключевые слова: шерстяные и полушерстяные ткани, трикотаж, одеал, ковер, стирка, волокно, обработка, длина, грубость,, черная смородина, качество овец хисори и джайдари, лен, химические волокна, сырье:


Introduction. Socio-economic reforms in textile and light industry implementation, different threads from cotton, wool, linen, natural silk and chemical fibers production is in demand from them, yarn for the specified purposes is gauze, silk, wool preparation of fabrics, non-woven materials, textile attaching products, quality positive resolution of the personnel issue, raising the level of life of the population, in order to improve the quality of products, increase its export potential Modern in textile and light industry enterprises of our republic from raw materials produced in technologies to ready-made specialists, there is a great need for specialists and Masters.[1].

Leading livestock sector nationally in the regions, the wool processing industry is working at a high level. Finding such raw materials in any region and districts of our republic can. Southern provinces in particular have sufficient cattle wool in the Oasis according to statistics, the number of sheep and goats being raised on a territory scale is 4 million 480 more than a thousand heads. The processing of goat wool is underway. Goat wool has its own buyer as well as the available area of application. But even this raw material is still not processed industrially. We want to stop wider and what we have today is a sheep, the main part of which is being wasted unused wools is special. From the experience of local breeders, it is known that sheep of the local breed receive an average of 1.5-2 kilograms per year, and sometimes even more than this amount of wool. From the very beginning, when homaki is considered, it becomes clear that 6 thousand tons of raw materials can be prepared in a year by livestock breeders in the Oasis. This is a high figure, and at the same time fully productive of this advantage in the territory not used. Making our goat markets on our own filling with quality clothing made of fabrics, as well as it is important to increase the export potential of our republic, that is, to ensure that textile products can compete in the world and domestic markets.

Buyer in foreign markets, with high added value to increase the production of modern finished products and to a new level lifting to stable high growth rates of exports of finished products in achieving, it will undoubtedly give rise to a big ground. It must be said that today on the day, work on this issue was sent in our country. At the same time this each type of promising raw materials and semi-finished products with high potential in order to have a clear program of deep processing on fabrikat for 2020, 2025, 2030, a completely new software requires an integrated approach.[2]

The wool industry is an important branch of the textile industry. Wool and semi-wool fabrics, knitwear, odeal, carpet in wool industry enterprises, threads for the production of products used for technical purposes is obtained. One of the main tasks facing the wool industry is the volume of products increase, improve product quality, increase labor productivity, use of raw materials and materials as efficiently as possible. Wool fiber manufacturers science and technology to increase the volume and improve the quality of the extracted thread implementation of achievements in industry, reconstruction of existing enterprises and it is carried out at the expense of rearmament from the technical side. From wool fiber an important place in the production of products is the enterprises of the initial work of wool holds. Wool is given in these enterprises, and raw materials in spinning enterprises wool fiber is obtained, which is supplied as. The quality of the wool fiber will affect the quality of the products, since the quality of the fiber is the only quality product produced can be released. This made the wool in the initial processing enterprises it assumes a thorough study of the processes to be carried out [3].

The wool industry is now one of the textile industries and the network processing of wool in enterprises from pure wool or its other fibers threads of different linear densities from a mixture of woolen fabrics, homogeneous technical and special fabrics, carpet and carpet products and non-woven materials manufactured in release [4].

Breeds of sheep and goats that are bred in our country sarodjin and Tajiki sheep are semi-coarse wool, karakul, hisori and jaydari sheep coarse wool is considered.

From these: Karakul Sheep-sur for growing karakul skin, basically, sheep that are harvested in Uzbekistan. Bark sheep to natural conditions more irresistible to other Cormorant sheep, blue Cormorant sheep more durable than it is. Owls 40-45 kg, Rams 55-60 kg of annual Wool product 2.5-3.0 kg. The top variety of sur Teri grow and breeder I to get more Rams, sur owls are pure breed sur from Rams is avoided. Sur lambs range from 90% when the Sur cattle is avoided and when the deer, the black owls, and the sur geese are avoided, the sur geese are the first deer lambs have 4-6° / O, 27-28% of the second deer, latest it makes up 48-50% of the bagels. Karakulchi-breeders, the fertile"Surkhan" of sur sheep by specialists and shepherds turi," Nurota " type, "Karakum" type of silver sur Sheep, Gold, Silver sur leather the species of "rubella" that give are created.

The Lincoln sheep breed is a breed of semi-fine wool sheep raised for meat-wool. Cultivated in England in the 19th century. Rams weigh 130-160 kg, Owls 100-120 kg. Rams give 10-12 kg of wool per year, Owls-5-6 kg. The length of the wool is 20-30 cm, the same, crispy, 55-65% pure wool chic. On average, 120 lambs are taken from 100 owls. Dagal was interbreed with woolly and Merino owls, and a serjun productive hybrid of the crossbred type was obtained. With jaydari qoylyar in Uzbekistan mutton is bred, and serjun-carnivorous hybrid sheep are bred. These hybrids wool jaydari is 2-2.5 times more than sheep's wool,semi-tender, crossbred type, length 13-16 CM.

The askania sheep breed is a tender fibrous serjun breed. The genus was erected in 1925-34 in Ukraine by choosing local merino sheep and American rambul bred by avoiding Rams. Ascania sheep breed with fine wool the largest of the sheep. The average weight of Rams is 100-110 kg (of which 10 kg up to of wool can be obtained), the weight of the soaps is 60-65 kg (gives 5.5-6 kg of wool). Juni thin. In the 1950s, the Tashkent breeding farm was brought to the Jizzakh horse factory. The ascanian sheep breed gave the same product as in these farms: two-year-old Breed Rams with a weight of 82.3 kg gave 7 kg of wool. The length of the wool is 8.3 CM, the thinness is 21.7 mk; the output of pure wool is 41.4%.

Sigay sheep breed-wool-semi-tender, which is bred for meat and meat-wool woolen sheep. The appearance and quality of the wool are close to that of merinos. There are varieties of serjungoštdor and meat-serjun. Serjun-the living weight of the carnivorous species Rams is 85-95 kg, and the Owls ' 45- 50 kg. The length of the wool is 8-10 cm, from Rams 6.5-7.5 kg, and from soaps 3.5-5 kg of wool are cut. It turns out 56-58% pure wool. The living weight of carnivorous-serjun species Rams is 100-110 kg, that of owls 55-60 kg. The length of the wool is 10-12 cm. 7.5 - 8.5 kg of wool is removed from the Rams, and 4 - 4.5 kg of wool from the Owls. It turns out 56-60% pure wool. Sigay in breeding plants bred species of sheep are grown.

Merinos are a breed of sheep with uniform fine wool. Fine wool sheep Homeland middle Asia quotes merinos from other countries in the 19th and early 20th centuries several types, as well as breeds bred by Russian specialists in Russia increased to. More productive of merinos by Russian specialists askania and merinos, Azerbaijani mountain Merino, Caucasian, Altai, salsk, stavropol and other breeds were bred. Merinos ' neck, sometimes, body skin is also wrinkled is. The wool consists of thin (transverse cross-section 15-25 mk) fluffy fibers, length 6-8 cm; cut once a year, 8-12 kg of wool is obtained from Rams, and 4-6 kg of wool from owls. 35-45% pure wool comes out. Weight of Rams 80-100 kg, 40-60 kg.

Hisori sheep breed-coarse woolen buttock sheep, which is bred for meat-fat breed. Bred in Tajikistan by folk selection. Ram's body height 80-85 CM, Owls 75-80 CM. Live weight of Rams 130-140 kg, Owls 80-90 kg. The body structure is plump, the chest is wide. The head is large, the hornless haunt is blunt, with long ears. Buttocks 18-20 kg. Tusi is mainly a beetle, are fast. At the age of 6 months, 60 kg or more will come. 58-60% makes meat. Wool is made of coarse, felt and felt. Wool from 1.3-1.6 kg from Rams and from 1.0-1.4 kg from owls is cut. Hardy, adapted to grazing all year round. From every 100 owls, 115-120 lambs are taken. Bred in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Degeres sheep are a new breed of sheep with semi-fine, long wool. In Kazakhstan the shiropshir breed was bred by crossbreeding sheep with Dune (jaydari) Owls. Male lambs isolated from milk weigh 40-44 kg, females 35-38 kg, one semi-juvenile Rams weigh 70-80 kg, Owls-53-60 kg, mature the weight of the old Rams is 110-118 kg (some 135 kg), and the Owls 61- 67 kg (some 84 kg), when slaughtered, makes 60-62 kg of meat-fat. From his Owls 3-3.5 kg, 4-6 kg of wool from Rams are cut. Of these, 66-68% pure wool it turns out. The wool is white, long (14-16 CM), the quality and spinning feature are excellent. It began to be brought to Uzbekistan from 1959. From Degeres Rams Dune sheep in Samarkand, Fergana, Andijan and Namangan regions used in improvement [5].

Among them are sheep of the karakul breed, which are widespread in our republic. Wool from sheep distributed in our republic twice a year in spring and autumn is feared. The abundance of tivite fibers compared to spring trimming autumn and it is distinguished by its wide use in spinning. Autumn trimmings are widely used as raw materials for NA'mat and non-woven products. Wool fibers are valued and used as valuable raw materials in the textile industry [6].



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