PhD student, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers National Research University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Agriculture is one of the main sectors of the country's economy. The efficient operation of agriculture and farms is evaluated by the modern technologies and devices introduced in them. Today, an energy source is necessary for the efficient and continuous operation of these technologies. There is a need to use autonomous energy sources, especially for agricultural consumers operating in remote areas and located far from energy supply. This article discusses the use of an autonomous energy source using wind energy to provide electricity to a farm. A technical analysis of several types of wind power plants using wind energy was also reviewed. Among them, the one with the lowest starting wind speed was chosen.
Сельское хозяйство является одним из основных секторов экономики страны. Эффективная работа сельского хозяйства и ферм оценивается внедренными в них современными технологиями и устройствами. Сегодня для эффективной и непрерывной работы этих технологий необходим источник энергии. Существует необходимость использования автономных источников энергии, особенно для сельскохозяйственных потребителей, работающих в отдаленных районах и находящихся вдали от энергоснабжения. В данной статье рассматривается использование автономного источника энергии с использованием энергии ветра для обеспечения электроэнергией фермы. Также был рассмотрен технический анализ нескольких типов ветряных электростанций, использующих энергию ветра. Среди них был выбран тот, у которого стартовая скорость ветра была наименьшей.
Keywords: autonomous energy source, wind energy, farm, drip irrigation, greenhouse
Ключевые слова: автономный источник энергии, энергия ветра, ферма, капельное орошение, теплица
In the last decade, the electrification of agriculture and the use of electrical technologies have been developing rapidly. Due to the large-scale use of electrical technologies in agriculture, new sectors such as hydrophonics and drip irrigation have emerged and are developing. The use of agricultural technologies such as drip irrigation, greenhouses, and hydrophonics is the need of the hour when global climate change and water scarcity are becoming urgent problems. The growing demand for energy requires the rational use of various traditional energy sources. At the same time, to meet growing energy consumption, it is necessary to develop renewable energy sources and widely introduce their use. Therefore, in recent years, widespread use of renewable energy sources has been introduced in various fields. In particular, the widespread use of solar and wind energy is being introduced in various areas of agriculture.
Design of drip irrigation
When introducing the drip irrigation system used by farms, it is necessary to take into account the water flow and pressure. It is also necessary to take into account the distance of the water flow. In this case, accurate calculation of these parameters will help to choose the power of the water pump correctly. Also, in the design process, it is advisable to take into account such parameters as air temperature, solar radiation, humidity. Time of irrigation is determined from the calculation of emitting drip rate obtained by direct measurement of several samples [1]. It is calculated from the equation as follow:
where 𝐸𝑇𝑐 is the crop evapotranspiration (mm day-1) and 𝐸𝐷𝑅 the emitting drip rate (mm hour-1)[2].
Figure 1 below shows the scheme of the drip irrigation system.
Figure 1. Drip irrigation scheme
As can be seen from Figure 1 above, the main consumer of electricity is the water pump. Therefore, the type of motor used in the water pump and its parameters should be taken into account during the selection of the power supply.
Design of Greenhouse
Energy is required in the process of growing vegetables and fruit crops in greenhouses. The required energy is spent on heating (in winter) and ventilation of the greenhouse (in summer). In the heating process, heating elements with a certain resistance R are used, and in ventilation, ventilation systems with a certain capacity are used. The calculation of the heating requirements, according to the conventional models, is shown in eqs (2) and (3).
= A(
= A(
The estimation of the cooling system was based on the calculation of the optimal value of the exhaust fan (in m3s -1 ), as shown in eq. (4).
= 0.85 W L H (4)
A fan of this size will exchange the air in the greenhouse at least once per second, which is recommended for the ventilation of small greenhouses. For large greenhouses, it was necessary to install an evaporative cooler, as represented in eq. (5) for greenhouses without shade cover and eq. (6) for greenhouses equipped with 50% or more shade cover [4].
= 2
Eff (5)
= 2
Eff (1+
) (6)
Wind power analysis
Unlike other energy sources, wind energy efficiency is high. Therefore, the theoretical and technical potential of wind energy is taken into account when using wind energy potential. The theoretical potential of wind energy is determined by the following expression[5]:
= 0.025ρTS
, (7)
here, ρ is air density, kg/m3; T = 8760 hours during the year; S – area surface, m2; v – i multi-year wind speed in the range; t – I approximate wind speed in the range.
Technical potential of wind energy:
= 0.01
TS, (8)
here, – the average power of the wind turbine and it is expressed as follows:
, (9)
here, efficiency index of VAWT
, (10)
here, - wind energy utilization factor;
- mechanical efficiency of the wind turbine;
– electrical efficiency of the wind turbine.
The amount of electricity produced by a wind turbine:
E = 0.01 T )
(v), (5)
Useful power of the wind turbine:
, (11)
Flow-specific power,
In the production of electricity from wind energy, the working range of wind speed is used. This working range should not exceed 25 m/s [6].
Based on the data obtained from the NASA POWER international geographic database and the MERRA-2 satellite, annual average and monthly average wind speed in districts located in Jizzakh region at a height of h=10 m shown in Fig.3.
Figure 3. The average annual wind speed at height of h=10 m.
Wind turbines that can operate at the above wind speeds are listed in Table 1 below
Table 1.
Manufacturer |
Model |
Rated Power (kW) |
Start–up wind speed (m/s) |
Rated wind speed (m/s) |
Working wind speed (m/s) |
Survival wind speed (m/s) |
Material |
Output Voltage (V) |
Aeolos |
Aeolos V5 |
5 |
1,5 |
10,0 |
1,5-10 |
52,5 |
Aluminum alloy |
220 |
Ice wind |
CW 100 |
0,1 |
2 |
10 |
2-10 |
60 |
Fiber Reinforced Plastic |
- |
Ice wind |
RW 100 |
0,16 |
2 |
10 |
2-10 |
60 |
Fiber Reinforced Plastic |
- |
Greef New Energy Equipment Co., Ltd |
GW500 |
0,5 |
1 |
10 |
1-25 |
- |
Fiber Reinforced Plastic |
- |
Qingdao allrun new energy co., ltd |
ARC 3000 |
3 |
2,5 |
9 |
2,5-25 |
50 |
Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic |
220 |
United Solar Technologies |
Sokol Air Vertikal |
3 |
2 |
7,5 |
3-20 |
- |
Aircraft-grade aluminum |
220/380 |
Based on the data presented in Figure 3 above, it can be seen that the wind speed in Jizzakh region is higher in areas such as Arnasoy, Dostlik, Forish and Yangiabad compared to other areasThe average annual wind speed in these areas is 2.5-3 m/s. This wind speed is not enough to operate many wind turbines. Therefore, we choose a wind generator that can operate at such wind speeds. From Table 1 we select Aeolos V5 and GW500 wind turbines that can operate at these speeds. [7,8,9,10,11,12,13]. In addition, you can use wind turbines such as CW 100, RW 100, Sokol Air Vertical. But using Aeolos V5 and GW500 is more efficient than using other wind turbines.
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