Ismoilov K.
Ismoilov K. EFFECT OF LIQUID AND VAPOR ON HYDRODYNAMICS IN A COLUMN WITH CONVEX-CONCAVE PLATES // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 12(117). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/16548 (дата обращения: 22.07.2024).
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The article presents ways to accelerate the effect of liquid and vapor movements on the hydrodynamic process of the final distillation process used in the oil industry using convex-concave plates.


В статье представлены способы ускорения воздействия движения жидкости и пара на гидродинамический процесс окончательной перегонки, применяемый в нефтяной промышленности с использованием выпукло-вогнутых пластин.


Keywords: oil industry, final distillation, plate, convex, concave.

Ключевые слова: ёғ-мой саноати, якуний дистилляция, тарелка, қавариқ, ботиқ.


The total volume of products produced by oil industry enterprises is almost 40% of the gross food products produced in the republic. Therefore, quality  in order to increase the range of products with a guaranteed quality and low cost, the problem of introducing effective technologies that allow saving material and energy resources and compact and intensive technological equipment to food industry enterprises is considered urgent. [1]

In the improvement and development of mass exchange devices, issues such as obtaining more products per volume unit of the device, reducing the hydraulic resistance corresponding to one separation step, and reducing the relative metal consumption of the device are aimed at.

In order to solve the problem, several concave and convex plates are placed in a row, the processes of mutual mixing of liquids and vapors between the phases and their surface area, the intensive mixing of liquids and vapors, as well as the reduction of hydraulic resistances are used to reduce the mass exchange and hydraulic resistances. -concave plates are used. [2]


Figure 1. сoncave plate convex plate


The vapor phase passes through the contact elements of the plate and contacts the liquid phase on the plate. Due to the formation of intensive bubbling in the vapor-liquid system, it provides a high-level process of substance exchange.

Table 1.

Effect of fluid and slope angle on hydraulic resistance


Table 2.



Several consecutive concave and convex plates are arranged along the height of the column in order to minimize the surfaces occupied by the pouring zones on the plates and to ensure stable operation of the device even at low gas flow velocities. [3]

Table 3.

The vapor phase velocity is the hydraulic resistance of the plate.


Table 4.

Dependence of the resistance coefficients of flat and convex-concave plates on the velocity of the vapor phase


Dependence of the angle of inclination of flat and convex-concave plates on the velocity of the vapor phase.

To determine the hydraulic resistance ∆r_q of a dry plate, it is recommended to use the following empirical formula: 

where x is the resistance coefficient depending on the structural characteristics of the plate; w_0- speed of steam in the slot of the plate, m/s; g - acceleration of free fall, m/s2; g - steam specific gravity, N/m3; a - plate tilt angle, °. [4]

It is the degree of openness and location of the contact element that changes the degree of exposure of the vapor to the liquid flow in the plate he outgoing steam stream allows changing the cross-sectional area. In the liquid-vapor system, the edges of the particles are raised to provide an intensive bubbling process around the contact element.

The flow of gas through the plate proceeds "from bottom to top" from plate to plate with the loss of energy due to the pressure drop in the column. Hydraulic pressure loss in column installations occurs due to overcoming resistances due to dry plate resistance, bubble layer resistance on the plate, and surface tension forces.

The use of convex-concave plates in the final distillation of vegetable oil mistella, as well as the installation of central and peripheral pouring pipes in order to minimize the surfaces occupied by the pouring zones on the plates, in order to ensure stable operation of the device at low gas flow speeds, the placement of consecutive concave and convex plates at an angle of ∠15° increases the performance of the device, improves heat and matter exchange processes, and hydrodynamic characteristics. [1, 5]



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Информация об авторах

Doctoral student of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan

докторант Наманганского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Наманган

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