IMPROVING THE COMPLEX PROPERTIES OF MODIFIED FIBRILLAR PROTEIN FIBER // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. Ganiyeva D. [и др.]. 2023. 12(117). URL: (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2023.117.12.16421



В статье предложен научно-обоснованный подход создания водорастворимого модификатора на основе полиэтиленгликолья и кератина для улучшения структурных и технологических показателей белковых волокон (шерсть). Определена, что наличие в химической структуре композиции различных полифункциональных групп, которые уменьшает обрывность волокна и улучшает физико-механические свойства волокна, т.е. способствует улучшению его технологических показателей.


The article proposes a science-based approach to the creation of a water-soluble modifier based on polyethylene glycol and keratin to improve the structural and technological parameters of protein fibers (wool). It was determined that the presence in the chemical structure of the composition of various polyfunctional groups, which reduces the breakage of the fiber and improves the physical and mechanical properties of fiber, i.e. contributes to the improvement of its technological indicators.


Keywords: modification, fibers, original fiber, protein fibers, refining, sorption, fiber microstructure, strength, technological regulations, physical and mechanical properties, polyethylene glycol, keratin.

Ключевые слова: модификация, волокна, исходное волокно, белковое волокно, облагораживание, сорбция, микроструктура волокон, прочность, технологический регламент, физико-механические свойства, полиэтиленгликоль, кератин.


Introduction. Natural protein fibers (wool) has a number of valuable consumer properties, as well Uzbekistan is a major producer of protein fibers fabrics, so the issues of improving the technology of their production and improving product quality are of fundamental importance [1].

Study of the topic. In the world, in order to create new assortments of products from protein fibers fabrics that meet the requirements of domestic and foreign markets, research work is being carried out to develop methods for obtaining natural protein fibers threads of a new structure, as well as the creation and development of new modern equipment and technologies for processing of raw fiber. In this regard, the creation of tissue production technology is of particular importance.

The urgency of the problem lies in giving natural fibers improved physical, mechanical and specific properties. The aim of the work is to study the technology of modification of wool fiber using water-soluble effective compositions based on polyethylene glycol and keratin.

Method and objects of research. Polyethylene glycol and keratin were chosen as the object of the study. Keratin waste from the processing of poultry products can serve as an important source of protein composites, it is known from the literature [2] that feather-down, keratin waste is most often used in the light and textile industries. And polyethylene glycol acts as an antistatic agent, emulsifier and dispersant in textile production

And so multifunctional, and thus, a polymer composition based on keratin and polyethylene glycol, well soluble in water, was used to modify natural wool fibers.

The results obtained and their discussion. A significant content of functionally active groups of protein fibers capable of creating effective interactions contributes to the inoculation modification at relatively low temperatures due to the creation of chemical bonds.

The inoculation process was carried out at 30-50℃ for 60-120 minutes (Fig.1). The pressed samples were immersed in a pre-thermostated solution of "polyethylene glycol and keratin". The amount of grafted copolymer, as shown by the curves of Fig.1, depends on the initial concentration of the components in the composite solution.


1-50℃; 2-60℃; 3-70℃.

Figure 1. Dependence of the graft copolymer yield on the reaction time at a temperature


It should be noted that the sequence of processing wool with the reagents of the composition used by us contributes to the formation of radicals that initiate the grafted copolymerization of components on the surface of the wool thread. Other functional groups, including nitrogen of the peptide bond, may also participate in complexation.

Analysis of studies of the influence of the nature and concentration of keratin on the physical and mechanical properties of wool fiber showed (Table 1) that with the introduction of keratin into the modified colloidal composition, the tensile strength of fibers increases [3].

Table 1.

The influence of the physico-chemical properties of the composition on some of the main technological parameters of wool

The composition of the modifie






Breaking load

The effect of reaction conditions on the degree of inoculation

Before modification

After modification

Fiber mass after reaction, g

Weight gain, %







0,2035 / 0,2024

1,75 / 1,2

polyethylene glycol






0,2151 / 0,2044

7,35 / 2,4

Keratin and polyethylene glycol






0,2201 / 0,2050

10,00 / 2,5


The unique properties of keratin make it possible to use it in the textile industry as a colloidal solution for modifying wool yarn [4]. The advantages of a modifying colloidal solution based on keratin obtained from waste of local raw materials of chicken origin are that it is easily accessible, does not require the use of chemical reagents, can be easily produced in the required quantities.

The degree of inoculation was determined by the difference in the mass of the initial wool before and after the reaction and by the nitrogen content calculated by the Keldel method (Table 1). With an increase in temperature from 40 to 80 of the reaction duration, other things being equal, the degree of inoculation of the modifier to natural fiber increases (notes: the mass of raw protein fibers before the reaction - 0.2000) .

IR spectroscopy methods were used to elucidate the structure of a modified protein fiber based on polyethylene glycol and keratin [5, p.33-37; 6].


Figure 2. IR absorption spectra of keratin of natural protein fiber


To fully understand the ongoing chemical reaction and to determine the functional groups involved in this process, it is necessary to conduct a qualitative analysis of the existing chemical groups, their location and interactions (Fig.3), which is carried out using infrared spectroscopy [7, p.78].


Figure 3. IR absorption spectra of keratin of natural modified protein fiber


In the spectrum of modified samples, the bands 542.37 cm-1 are shifted by 552.5 cm-1, a new band 816.95 cm-1 appears characteristic of=CH2 groups included in various blocks (=CH2)n (Fig.3.), which may be the result of the formation of a biopolymer interaction chemically bound to a protein fiber [8, p.153-156]. Chemical interaction can occur due to the carboxyl groups of the modifier and the hydroxyl groups of the protein fiber. The ionized amino groups of the polymer can interact with the carboxyl groups of the protein fiber.

In the work, by the method of water vapor sorption, the microstructures of keratin and polyethylene glycol treated with a polymer composition were evaluated, the specific surface area, radius and volume of submicroscopic pores were determined (Table 2).

During chemical modification, the chemical structure of the fiber-forming polymer is changed by introducing new active groups into the polymer by copolymerization or subsequent chemical treatment of already modified fibers. The specific surface area and the total volume of the fiber after modification varies differently, apparently, in dilute solutions, polymer molecules are located far enough away and do not form large associates.

Table 2.

Effects of protein fiber modification on structural and volumetric properties



Fiber modified with polymer composition solution


2.0 %

2.5 %


Monolayer capacity. Ht, g/g






Specific surface area, Ssa m2/g







Total pore volume Wv, cm3/g





0, 035


Capillary radius,rk, Ao









As a result, relatively small fragments of the modifier molecule easily diffuses into the pores of the fiber, which is also confirmed by the determination of the amount of polymer on the fiber, and yet fragments of composite molecules in solution are partially sorbed by the fiber and cover its surface [9,pp.34-36; 10, pp.158-162]. As a result, the total volume of pores and the radius of capillaries decreases.

After treatment with a polymer composition based on polyethylene glycol and keratin, the surface of the fibers becomes more homogeneous, and in general, more smoothed. Based on the conducted studies, it should be noted that the presence of polymer salt on the surface of protein fibers allows improving the recyclability of the fiber due to smoothing the surface and maintaining high moisture content of the fibers through the use of hydrophilic additives.

It was shown that it is possible to improve the physical and mechanical properties of natural wool fiber by applying solutions of a colloidal composition based on polyethylene glycol and keratin to the fibers. The most satisfying indicators were wool fiber treated with a solution consisting of polyethylene glycol (2.5 %), keratin (0.5 %) and water (97.0 %).

Studies were conducted on the strength of wool fibers, which are supplied to enterprises for the primary processing of wool, has very low quality characteristics. In this regard, enterprises face a very important task [11]:

  • first, the preservation of natural properties,
  • secondly, to recycle wool with minimal deterioration of the physical, mechanical and technological properties of the fibers.

To solve the tasks set, it is necessary to preserve or improve the set of properties of raw materials, as well as to create a favorable environmental technology for primary processing of wool, which at the present stage is energy-intensive.



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Информация об авторах

PhD, Tashkent Institute of Textile and light industry, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

PhD, Ташкентский институт текстильной и легкой промышленности, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Tashkent State Technical University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

д-р хим. наук, профессор, Ташкетский государственный технический университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Applicant, Gulistan State University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Gulistan

соискатель, Гулистанский государственный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Гулистан

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Gulistan State University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Gulistan

д-р техн. наук, профессор, Гулистанский государственный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Гулистан

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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