Turdialieva M.
Turdialieva M. SURFACE QUALITY IN ABRASIVE TREATMENT OF CAR WINDOWS, PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE TREATED MATERIAL // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 10(115). URL: (дата обращения: 27.03.2025).
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This dissertation identifies the most optimal conditions for the process of forming the surface of a cylindrical part machined on automated technological equipment under the influence of aerodynamic motion, studies the relationship between the physical and mechanical properties of the workpiece and the output characteristics.


В данной статье определяются наиболее оптимальные условия процесса формирования поверхности цилиндрической детали, обрабатываемой на автоматизированном технологическом оборудовании под действием аэродинамического движения, исследуется связь между физико-механическими свойствами заготовки и выходными характеристиками.


Keywords: vacuum plastic, PVB, cellulose, EVA, TPU, silicone-rubber, nitrate

Ключевые слова: вакуумный пластик, ПВБ, целлюлоза, ЭВА, ТПУ, силикон-каучук, нитрат.


Surface quality during abrasive treatment of car windows depends on the physical and chemical properties of the treated material, technological parameters and properties of the abrasive material, geometric dimensions and mechanical properties of the abrasive material. Also, in the creation of new MSTV, the brittleness of the material and the temperature in the cutting zone, high processing speed and other

factors must be taken into account. The maximum effectiveness of various MSTV is characterized by its high functional properties, i.e. cooling, washing, lubrication. The development of MSTV for a specific material should be based on an in-depth and comprehensive study of the physical and chemical processes in the shear zone. The effectiveness of MSTV will need to be tested experimentally along with theoretical justification based on its physicochemical properties.

The practical part of the research was conducted at "Avtooyna" LLC in Fergana. Currently, this enterprise produces windows for passenger cars.

The experiments were carried out on the VVT-0210 model glass edge grinding machine. X100 brand diamond abrasive tool made in the USA company "SuperCut"


Figure 1. General view of the VVT-0210 window edge grinding machine


In order to reduce the time of the experiment and ensure the validity of the obtained results, and on this basis, to obtain the MSTV with the optimal composition, a transducer of the GT250 model was used as a sensor. Electroacoustic conversion coefficient of the sensor is 90 dB per 1V/m/s, operating frequency 50kGs, bandwidth 40-100kGs, supply voltage 12V, supply current 30mA, operating temperature range - 40...+1000s. AG09-01 spacer and amplifier are connected to the sensor. The amplifier is also located inside this sensor. The stablitron does not transmit signals higher than 5 volts. As an analog-to-digital converter, from the analog-to-digital converter model L-783 used. [2]


Figure 2. Acoustic emission converter connection diagram


AG09-01 is a spacer. To receive a vibroacoustic signal, a piezoelectric sensor with a frequency of 0.5 MHz is glued to the head with a cutting tool. Start and main the signal coming from the sensor amplifiers amplify and also filter using band-pass filters built into the amplifier. [3]


Figure 3. External view of the AG09 spacer.


For high frequency, the transmission frequency is taken as 100 KGs. Eliminates noise caused by various sounds and vibrations. The pass frequency of the low-pass filter is set to 40 KGs. It is based on the indirect determination of cutting force in common methods of diagnosis of metalworking, in which the deformation under the influence of force is carried out using tensometric sensors or measuring acceleration. The program "PowerGraph 3.x Professional" was used for signal processing. "PowerGraph" program serves for block recording of the results of analog numerical transformations. The program allows you to perform various operations on the data block: reorder, edit, delete and copy. Any number of frequencies can be used to record data. But the maximum recording frequency is limited by ATsP capabilities. (with the time required for one analog-to-digital converter). The program automatically determines the maximum value of the recorded frequency for the ATsP used and does not record a higher frequency. In addition, the number of recording channels in most types of ATsP plays a key role, recording the maximum frequency can be done only in one channel. Several methods of signal visualization are used during data logging. We studied the dependence of cutting intensity and surface cleanliness on vibroacoustic signals from the cutting environment in order to increase the reliability of the experimental results and reduce the time and costs. Experiments revealed that the amplitude and frequency of vibroacoustic signals change depending on the cutting intensity and surface cleanliness.

MSTV when experiments were conducted using its composition at different cutting speeds, it was found that the surface roughness varied up to 1 µm. The change in the amplitude of the vibroacoustic signal is directly proportional to the change in the surface cleanliness. [4] Experimental results showed that isopropyl alcohol 0.2% solution in water showed the best results. It was found that due to the chemical effect of its aqueous solution on the processing environment, it causes chemical processes on the surface of the processed surface of the glass that have a positive effect on the speed of processing and the quality of the surface. It was found that the 10% solution of ethylene glycol in water allows controlling heat phenomena during the processing process due to its good cooling properties. The water solution of the ready-made detergent can have a positive effect on the treatment process due to the SFM contained in it, but due to one drawback, it is not possible to use them widely at the moment. Their aqueous solutions are highly foamable. If this drawback is eliminated by means of antifoam agents, aqueous solutions of detergents can become inexpensive and effective MSTV. [5

The results of the conducted research show that if the cooling lubricant liquid produced and processed at "Avtooyna" LLC is reused, by adding certain additives, high efficiency is achieved and it affects the price of the product to a certain extent.


Research results show that the grinding speed increases with the increase in the grain size of the grinding wheels. This relationship is linear between 3 and 20 µm. Grinding slows down when processed with larger grains. The reasons for the favorable performance of SFM solutions for the quality of the surface are their surface activity, which provides high lubricity, reduced shear stress, and reduced fineness properties of the glass. Additives of SFM and alcohol in a multi-component water solution reduce the hardness of glass by 5..9%, decrease the cutting force by 1.5 times, as a result, a decrease in the force load in the collision area is ensured.

5-7% economic efficiency is achieved if the water collector in the cooling lubrication process proposed by us is built and the water in the collected water basin is processed.



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Информация об авторах

Assistant of Department "Life Safety" of Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana

ассистент кафедры Безопасность жизнедеятельности Ферганского политехнического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
Учредитель журнала - ООО «МЦНО»
Главный редактор - Звездина Марина Юрьевна.