Ahmedov M.M. Abdullaeva F.Y.
Ahmedov M.M., Abdullaeva F.Y. APPLICATION OF AUTOMATIC DESIGN SYSTEMS (CAD) IN THE TRAINING OF SPECIALISTS IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 9(114). URL: (дата обращения: 03.07.2024).
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This article discusses the potential prospects for the introduction of digital technologies and modern teaching methods in technical and engineering education. Special attention is paid to the use of automatic design systems (CAD) in order to improve the level of training of engineers.


В данной статье рассматриваются потенциальные перспективы внедрения цифровых технологий и современных методов обучения в техническом и инженерном образовании. Особое внимание уделяется использованию систем автоматического проектирования (САПР) с целью улучшения уровня подготовки инженеров.


Keywords: CAD (Computer-Aided Design), AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Compass 3D, computer graphics, modeling.

Ключевые слова: САПР (Системы автоматического проектирования), AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Компас-3D, компьютерная графика, моделирование.



The key task of higher education is to train qualified specialists who are able to effectively implement innovations in their field. Currently, the training of specialists in the field of engineering and technology, which play an important role in innovation processes, is often focused on traditional teaching methods. This approach does not always contribute to the development of personal qualities of students, who could become active participants in innovation activities and implement innovative projects, using modern technologies to achieve their goals. Therefore, there is a need to change educational models towards more modern and flexible approaches that would contribute to the development of students' personal qualities and competencies, as well as to the formation of their ability to actively participate in innovation processes.

In order to determine the priority directions of systemic reform of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan, to raise to a qualitatively new level the process of training independently thinking highly qualified personnel with modern knowledge and high spiritual and moral qualities, modernization of higher education, development of the social sphere and sectors of the economy on the basis of advanced educational technologies, the Concept of development of higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 was approved [1]. This Concept is developed based on the needs of the social sphere and sectors of the economy on the basis of ensuring a strong integration of science, education and production in order to improve the quality of education, training of competitive personnel, effective organization of scientific and innovative activities.

One of the priority directions of development of the higher education system is the introduction of digital technologies and modern methods in the educational process.

In order to improve the quality of training of specialists with higher education, the following measures are also envisaged [1]:

  • development of mechanisms and gradual transfer of curricula of higher education institutions to the credit-module system;
  • formation of educational programs, based on the interests of students, in accordance with the needs of personnel customers through the development of curricula aimed at the formation of students' creative thinking and practical skills, based on individual educational trajectories;
  • application of which is one of the criteria for ensuring the improvement of higher education quality, level of specialists training, competitiveness of higher education graduates in the labor market.
  • The possibilities of application of modern technologies in engineering education, the use of computer graphics and geometric modeling, as well as the problems of improving the quality of engineers' training in the system of higher education are highlighted in the theory and methodology of teaching graphic disciplines, which are considered in the works of a number of scientists [2-3].


We have considered the issues of improving the technology and teaching methods by applying two formats, the first is the possibility of teaching the traditional course of descriptive geometry and engineering graphics with elements of computer technology and the second is the introduction of changes in the subject of descriptive geometry and engineering graphics in terms of the content of the course of engineering graphics.

In this regard, the structure and content of state standards, curricula and other documentation for technical universities in terms of their focus on the subject of creative and spatial development of students, the formation of their graphic skills for professional training in a particular direction of education have been studied.

The structure and content of curricula of the direction "Chemical technology (high-molecular compounds)" on the example of 2018-2023 has been studied. So traditionally taught subject "Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics" which is the basis of general engineering training of specialists is transformed in 2018-2019 into the subject "Engineering Graphics and Engineering Graphics". in the subject "Engineering Graphics and Sketching" with a total load of 170 hours with classroom hours of 90 hours, including 36 lectures and 54 laboratory, 80 hours for self-education, in 2021 in the subject "Engineering Graphics" - 180 hours, with classroom hours of 90 hours, including 30 lectures and 60 practical, 90 hours for self-education, in 2023 "Engineering Graphics" - 120 hours (credit-modular system) with classroom hours of 48 hours, including 24 lectures and 24 practical, 71+1 hours for self-education.

The reduction of the total volume of hourly workload in the subject and the era of digitalization of education promotes the use of already available educational content, significantly increasing its impact by introducing information technologies in the learning process, which open new perspectives and provide qualitatively new opportunities for teachers and students. With the help of a computer, students' work with educational material is activated by using the computer's capabilities.

To date, teaching the subject "Engineering Graphics" in the training of future specialists are used programs AutoCAD and Compass 3D. System AutoCAD, is [4] today the most widespread program of graphic system of computer-aided design in the world and the most flexible of existing for PC, allowing to carry out all kinds of drawing (two-dimensional drawings and three-dimensional models) works of technical design in various directions.

The Compass 3D system is designed to create three-dimensional [5] modeling. Functionality: automatic generation of associative views of three-dimensional models, the ability to link three-dimensional models and drawings with specifications, i.e. changes in the drawing or model can be transferred to the specification.

However, the study and implementation of other software in the teaching process of the subject "Engineering Graphics" such as Solid Works, Inventor, ADEM CAD/CAM, etc. is a necessity of modern education and raising to a new level the process of training independently thinking highly qualified personnel with modern knowledge with the possible application of any software in the teaching process of subjects.

SolidWorks is a more convenient and comfortable CAD software package for automation of industrial enterprise work at the stages of design and technological preparation of production [6]. It provides development of products of any degree of complexity and purpose.


Figure 1. D modeling of the part, standard views


The main tasks solved by Compass 3D, AutoCAD and SolidWorks systems are modeling of products in order to significantly reduce the design period and to launch them into production as soon as possible.

As a result of mastering Compass 3D, AutoCAD and SolidWorks systems, it is expected to improve the quality of specialists' training and to form the following professional skills and competencies:

  • ability to use information and technical means in modeling new technologies and products in the production process;
  • ability to perform product modeling using computer-aided design and 3D modeling technologies;
  • ability to use modern systems of computer-aided design and modeling of products and technological processes in the performance of graduate qualification works, as well as master's theses.

Application of Compass 3d, AutoCAD and SolidWorks systems allows to rethink the theory and methodology of training in the subject of descriptive geometry and engineering graphics, which is transformed into the subject of engineering geometry and computer graphics through the use of computer systems and new methods to improve the quality of training specialists

As a result of using Compass 3d, AutoCAD and SolidWorks in the educational process the following conclusions were analyzed: both programs successfully cope with three-dimensional modeling, the work is based on the same operations.

In the process of realization of educational process on discipline "Engineering Graphics" (credit-modular system) along with Compass 3d, AutoCAD and SolidWorks it is planned to use possibilities of other software such as Inventor, ADEM CAD/CAM and others.

Mastering of software Compass 3d, AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Inventor, ADEM CAD/CAM will allow to expand and open possibilities of their application at mastering of general professional (compulsory disciplines/credit-modular system/) and special disciplines with sufficient volume of load on subjects of educational programs of direction "Chemical technology (high-molecular compounds)" such as "Engineering of chemical processes and equipment", "Machines and apparatuses of polymer production and basics of design of enterprises", "Technology of production of high-molecular compounds", "Technology of production of high-molecular compounds", "Technology of production of high-molecular compounds", "Technology of production of high-molecular compounds". Technology of High Molecule Production", "Fundamentals of Composite Materials Creation", etc.

A more detailed study of the content of curricula of the direction "Chemical Technology (high-molecular compounds)" on the example of 2018-2021 for a deeper mastering of a number of the above-mentioned (general professional, mandatory and special) disciplines leads to the improvement of training loads by possible transformation of them with the subject "Engineering Graphics" or the involvement of their teachers - technologists in training at the graduate departments or consultants in the implementation of graduate qualification works in terms of drafting drawings

SolidWorks software [6] has wide possibilities in the field of three-dimensional modeling and visualization and has a number of advantages in comparison with similar programs.

First, using the simplest possible tools (bosses, surfaces, cutouts, etc.) in SolidWorks is not difficult to model an object of any complexity and configuration.

Secondly, due to the fact that the construction is based on sketches, which are constantly reflected in the "tree", editing the available volume is possible at any stage, while the chosen method of modeling (solid, surface or combined) does not affect this factor. SolidWorks automatically detects errors in modeling: intersection of geometry, problems of construction of volumetric bodies, etc. are immediately displayed in the "tree of construction".

In general, the use of software allows the construction of images, geometric modeling and computer-aided design, as well as the creation of technology and materials. [7]

For example, SolidWorks equally successfully realized tools and constructor and designer. CAD SolidWorks is equipped with built-in or additionally installed modules for work in more narrow areas, for example, in the design of parts from plastics and molds.

Plastic injection [8]molding is one of the most widespread technological processes, as this method is manufactured most of the parts for household appliances, computers, consumer goods, etc. Modern technologies, [9]  based on the use of expensive equipment, require the use of high-quality molds; their modeling, analysis, tooling design and other processes can be engaged in, using a standard set of SolidWorks. For their realization of the above, it is also necessary to know the geometric fundamentals of computer-aided study of design, [10]construction and production technology processes


The use of computer graphics and geometric modeling with the use of software Compass 3D, AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Inventor, ADEM CAD/CAM in the training of specialists in the field of engineering and technology will raise to a qualitatively new level the process of training independently thinking highly qualified personnel.

The possibility of using software at all stages of education, including the preparation of final qualification works in technical directions to revise the content of the curriculum of technical directions.

It is necessary to introduce new methods of pedagogical technologies by integrating branches of specialties "Engineering Geometry and Computer Graphics...." and "Theory and Methodology of Education (Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics)" for teaching formed interdisciplinary subjects.



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Информация об авторах

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Fergana State University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana

канд. техн. наук, Ферганский государственный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана

Master's student, Fergana State University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana

магистрант, Ферганский государственный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
Учредитель журнала - ООО «МЦНО»
Главный редактор - Ахметов Сайранбек Махсутович.