Abasxanova X.Y.
Abasxanova X.Y. EFFICIENCY OF APPLYING INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES TO THE PLANT DEVELOPMENT // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 7(112). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/15780 (дата обращения: 19.12.2024).
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For farmers working in the field of agriculture, monitoring the development of agricultural products in greenhouses and other closed areas, automatic irrigation, fertilizing, determining the parameters of the soil composition and based on them automatic management system software and technology designed for the cultivation of each agricultural product has been developed. Methods of climate control, temperature, humidity, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus level measuring devices, provision of nutrients, fruit ripening and irrigation devices were used.


Разработано технология и программное обеспечение системы   дистанционного мониторинга и управления растениеводством для фермеров, работающих в сфере сельского хозяйства, мониторинг развития сельскохозяйственной продукции в теплицах и других закрытых помещениях, автоматический полив, внесение удобрений, определение параметров состава почвы.  Применялись методы контроля климата, температуры, влажности, измерения уровня азота, калия, фосфора, обеспечения питательными веществами, приспособления для созревания плодов и орошения.


Keywords: agricultural crops, clusters, monitoring hardware and software, sensors, smart greenhouse, monitoring system, web site, web applications, database, management system.

Ключевые слова: сельскохозяйственные культуры, кластеры, аппаратное и программное обеспечение для мониторинга, датчики, умная теплица, система мониторинга, веб-сайт, веб-приложения, база данных, система управления.


Today, the rapid development of all spheres of society and life requires the implementation of reforms based on modern innovative ideas, developments and technologies that ensure rapid and high-quality development of our country on the way to becoming one of the leaders of world civilization. The rapid development of modern information and communication technologies is the reason for the large-scale development of all industries in our country, which in turn creates the possibility of carrying out this work through the types and directions. [5]

As a result of extensive agricultural reforms in recent years, the attitude of farms to the use of land parcels, especially the land along the edges of fields, irrigation and collector-drainage networks, has changed. By increasing the production of agricultural products in these lands, significant positive results will be achieved in terms of obtaining additional income and meeting the needs of their employees for food products. [9]

The formation and development of the theory of innovation, the Austrian scientist Y. Schumpeter made a great contribution. In the 1930s, Y. Also, from the point of view of changes, innovations include La Perre, Yu. Yakovets, F. Valenta, L. Voldachkova and others define it as "innovation - any change that occurs in the internal structure of an enterprise by moving from an initial state to a new state" or "the development of a creative idea and its transformation into a finished product, process or system." E. Mansfeld, B. Innovation is interpreted as a process by Santo, B. Twiss and other foreign scientists, and it is defined as a social-technical-economic process that leads to the creation of the best products and technologies according to their characteristics through the practical use of ideas and inventions. Scientist N.D. Kondratev, who founded the theory of big cycles with a duration of 50-60 years, developed models of business cycles, made a great contribution to the implementation of innovations. A number of economists, including A.A. Abdug'aniev, A.V. Vahobov, A.M. Kadirov, S.S. Gulomov, Yo.A. Abdullaev, Ch. Murodov, T.Kh. Farmonov, O'.P.Umurzakov, N.S.Khushmatov, A.Mukhtorov and others have carried out important scientific researches. [8]

The main goal of the project is to develop a technology for remote control of farm plots on closed land and a remote control system for the cultivation of agricultural products. Indoor air temperature, air humidity, Ph content of the air, soil temperature, chemical composition of the soil and soil composition of the indoor areas are determined using detectors and transmitted to the sensors every minute. The readings are displayed on the sensor monitor. [10]

Today's 5th generation greenhouses are considered to be a whole complex: air humidity, climate control, automation of drip irrigation, automatic opening and closing of doors and slots, creating favorable conditions for plant growth and development. The created technology can be used for optional agricultural crops. The priority aspects of technology from the automation system of 5th generation greenhouses are that plant growth and development, the plant's demand for which fertilizer are controlled based on the automated system, all performed tasks: drip irrigation, door and window opening and closing, climate control, determining the ripeness of the crop. enters into the main task and is under control. [1]

In advanced agricultural systems, various "smart technologies" (smart-sensors) are installed based on crop and environmental conditions. Their use guarantees an increase in productivity of at least 30 percent. In addition, improved systems will be introduced in the production and marketing chains of agricultural products, and eventually the possibility of collecting large amounts of electronic data will be created. As a result of their storage and analysis, it is possible to effectively use water, land and other limited resources, and ensure the quality and safety of food.

The created technology receives real-time centralized information on the growth of agricultural products, irrigation, soil parameters, fertilizer requirements, drip irrigation control and remote monitoring of fruit ripening through a mobile communication application, and based on an intelligent system, sensors and sensors can not only grow crops, but also fully control the harvest. it also helps to save. In advanced agricultural systems, various "smart technologies" are installed based on a single goal based on crop and environmental conditions. [4]

The use of satellite data and remote sensing technologies will also be tested for rapid and accurate assessment of the condition of agricultural lands and the crops grown on them. With this, all types of agricultural crops are cultivated and land evaluation is achieved throughout the republic. Satellite data will serve to form an information-analytical base on "precision farming" in the republic, and it will be possible for farms to use automated systems. [3]

In conclusion, the above technology, developed over many years of study and research, has the ability to modify the software for additional modules depending on the needs and wishes of the farm. The created device can be used for optional agricultural crops. This technology uses sensors and software to monitor the soil composition at a distance of 2m^2 around the plant. Plant condition monitoring through the website is stored in the database and can be monitored and controlled remotely through the mobile application. Since desktop - c++ (Cross Platform) uses less resources, the Arduino part of the project complex being created is written in the S++ programming language, and the mobile application is written in the Java programming language. The created technology was introduced to Jizzakh, Bukhara, and Tashkent regions. Since the technology is convenient in all aspects, it is recommended to use it for all types of land areas of Uzbekistan.



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Информация об авторах

Assistant professor, Department of Hardware and Software of Control Systems in Telecommunication Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

доцент, кафедра аппаратное и программное обеспечения систем управления в телекоммуникации Ташкентский университет информационных технологий имени Мухаммада аль-Хорезми, Узбекистан, Ташкент

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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