Eshmuradov D., Ergashov B., Akbarov S. THE ROLE OF SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS AT INTERSECTIONS IN PREVENTING CAR ACCIDENTS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 6(111). URL: (дата обращения: 02.01.2025).
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In this article, a statistical analysis of surveillance cameras installed on busy streets in the Republic of Uzbekistan was carried out, and proposals were put forward to prevent road traffic accidents and reduce car accidents.


В данной статье проведен статистический анализ камер видеонаблюдения, установленных на оживленных улицах Республики Узбекистан, и выдвинуты предложения по предотвращению дорожно-транспортных происшествий и снижению автомобильных аварий.


Keywords: Surveillance camera, car accident, presidential decrees, road infrastructure, road signs, population centers, national programs, smart traffic lights.

Ключевые слова: камера видеонаблюдения, автомобильная авария, указы президента, дорожная инфраструктура, дорожные знаки, населенные пункты, национальные программы, умные светофоры.


Ensuring the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On approval of the public safety concept of the Republic of Uzbekistan and measures for its implementation” No. PF-27, as well as further improvement of the traffic management system  , defined a number of measures for the development of highway infrastructure and creation of favorable conditions for road users.

2022-2026, in order to drastically reduce the number of accidents and deaths on the roads by improving the road infrastructure and creating safe traffic conditions, including the full digitalization of the traffic management system and ensuring the broad participation of the public in the work in this area  The national program “Safe and smooth road” intended to be implemented on the territory of the republic has been developed over the years.  In the program, a number of tasks related to internal and highway roads of our country were assigned to relevant bodies and official organizations.

Comprehensive improvement of road infrastructure: large-scale socio-economic reforms implemented in the Republic in recent years and aimed at increasing the industrial potential of regions, fundamentally changing the appearance of cities and rural settlements, as an important factor for increasing the intensity of economic relations and developing the country’s economy.  It requires more intensive development of transport infrastructure.

In this direction, the construction of large infrastructure facilities, the development of a modern highway network, the construction of the most important transit transport routes, including “Tashkent – Termiz”, “Samarkand – Bukhara – Olot”, “Guzor – Bukhara -  Great works were carried out on complex reconstruction and repair of transport roads Kungirot – Beynau”, “Tashkent – Chimyon – Chervok recreation zone”.  At the same time, many issues related to making highways convenient and comfortable, providing traffic with information, and developing roadside infrastructure in accordance with international standards are still not given due attention. The following are the main reasons for such a situation:

Normative documents on the development and comfort of roads do not meet the modern requirements of international standards.  In particular, it is necessary to update the current standards developed in the 1970s and 80s, including regulation of traffic lights, road barriers, road markings, and road signs.

There is no systematic approach to the organization and implementation of works related to the production and installation of road signs, drawing indelible lines on the road using paint based on modern technologies with reflective properties, as well as other quality materials.  According to the results of the survey conducted on the republic’s highways, it was found necessary to replace more than 70,000 outdated road signs, as well as install more than 136,000 new signs.

Work on equipping highways, especially highways of international importance, with indicators, including indicators in foreign languages, is not sufficiently organized.

There is a shortage of qualified personnel in the field of road infrastructure development, and in the field of traffic regulation, work on organizing experience exchange with leading foreign organizations specializing in this field is not being carried out systematically.

Within the framework of the concept of ensuring road safety in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2018-2022, the main directions of road infrastructure improvement were determined and implemented.

  • yo‘l ustiga chiziqlar tortishda, yo‘lovchilar o‘tish joylarini, avtomobil yo‘llari kesishadigan va tutashadigan joylarni, avtomobillarning qisqa muddat to‘xtab turish va to‘xtash joylarini qurishda innovatsion ishlanmalarni hamda nur qaytaruvchi materiallarni qo‘llash asosida yo‘l harakati ishtirokchilari xavfsizligini ta’minlash ishlari maksimal darajada tashkillandi.
  • on the basis of the use of innovative developments and reflective materials in the construction of lines on the road, passenger crossings, intersections and junctions, short-term parking and parking of cars  Work to ensure the safety of the participants of the movement was organized as much as possible.
  • By installing a sufficient number of road signs and information indicators, including road signs and information indicators in foreign languages, which provide road users with quality navigation along the route, “speaking or  New projects were developed to increase the awareness of road users according to the “l” principle.
  • in the design of highways, to create the necessary conditions for creating a high level of comfort for its users, complete greening, beautification and architectural-landscape design of the roadside areas, due to the rational construction of infrastructure facilities in these areas  was developed taking into account the issues of reducing the negative impact of vehicles on the environment.
  • Information and communication technologies, technical tools and software products are widely introduced in the process of construction, correction and use of highways.
  • Due to the use of modern durable materials, components, components, which meet the requirements of the times set for the technical means of regulation, as well as are adapted to the natural and climatic conditions of the republic’s regions, in order to increase the quality of road repair works and beautify the territories.  Reduce costs in using them.

Digitization of the traffic management system on highways:

As an experiment, Tashkent city administration, the Ministry of Transport, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs have planned the work on “Introduction of the system of digital traffic control and road safety provision on the streets and intersections of Tashkent city”.

 A centralized digital control system (intelligent traffic light system) will be introduced in the city of Tashkent, which allows for efficient management and distribution of traffic flow at high-traffic intersections and highways with the wide use of digital technologies and innovative approaches.

A special automated photo and video recording software-technical system (intelligent photo and video camera system) will be introduced to ensure that drivers are punished for violations.

In order to improve the infrastructure of highways, to regulate the illegal parking of cars on the roadside, and to encourage the use of public transport by the population, payment machines have been installed along the highways and fees for the placement of motor vehicles  a single system of roadside paid parking spaces with payment information systems (system of roadside paid parking spaces) will be established.

A system of stationary branches serving to maintain the quality of highways for the control of the weight and dimensions of vehicles will be created along the main highways entering the city of Tashkent (the system of stationary branches for the control of the weight and dimensions of vehicles).

Centralized intelligent management, monitoring and analysis of smart traffic lights, intelligent photo and video camera complexes, stationary stations for controlling the weight and dimensions of vehicles, and roadside paid parking systems at busy intersections of the city  and in order to develop proposals for the further improvement of the traffic system, within the framework of the Digital Development Department under the Tashkent city administration, measures will be taken to establish a single center for the organization and management of the transport system in Tashkent and place the center in the building of the Tashkent city administration's Digital Tashkent Situation Center.

Development and digitization of public transport:

  • Analyses show that today a number of problems related to the effective use of public transport await their scientific solution.  In particular, renewing the fleet of vehicles serving the population and increasing their use, establishing a reasonable balance between passenger transportation costs and car usage indicators, preventing unjustified increases in public transport tariffs.  Important issues such as not eating are among these.

The territory of our republic is wide, and the number of small and large settlements in which they live is increasing as the population increases.  Before us, there are tasks such as establishing new routes connecting settlements with district and city centers, forming a traffic structure suitable for the flow of passengers on the routes and operational conditions.  Also, to create a quick information system that covers the processes of creating comfort for passengers, transportation and technical service, increasing the level of provision of road infrastructure facilities to the population in the specified directions, and improving the qualifications of employees of enterprises providing passenger transport services.  Further improvement is necessary.

Today, based on the experience of advanced countries, it is necessary to widely introduce the practice of public and private partnership in opening public transport routes connecting large cities and their agglomerations, remote settlements with district centers.  For example, when opening routes connecting villages with the district center, purchasing rolling stock, operating stations and other infrastructure facilities along the route, providing them with information screens to small business representatives under certain preferential conditions.  Provides timely and quality transport service to passengers.

In this regard, a large project on “Digitalized model of district (city) public transport development program based on state and private business partnership” prepared by a group of experienced professors is nearing its end.  The project has a programmatic significance and aims to establish public transport between all villages of our republic and district centers.  During the implementation of this program, by attracting full private capital, there will be an opportunity to open about 1,000 new directions and to create more than 20,000 new jobs due to the optimization of existing ones.

Intersections are among the objects where the most accidents occur.  Due to the complexity of the traffic rules at the intersections, drivers have problems when driving. As a result of measures taken to prevent violations of traffic safety rules, 89,704 violations were detected in March, and more than 22,000 violations were detected between March 30 and April 6.  With the help of 883 surveillance cameras installed at 115 intersections, a total of more than 51,000 violations were detected from March 15 to April 6.  More than 30,000 of them were traffic violations at a red light, and more than 21,000 were speeding violations..

In one week from March 30 to April 6, a total of 6,371 violations were recorded using cameras, of which 3,718 were traffic violations at red lights and 2,653 were speeding violations.

At the same time, since the start of surveillance cameras, i.e. from March 15 to April 6, road traffic accidents have increased by 27 or 31.4%, and the number of people killed in car accidents has increased by 7 or  By 53.8%, the cases related to bodily injury in accidents have decreased by 25% or by 25%.

Conclusion: If modern surveillance cameras and smart traffic lights are installed on all busy streets of our republic, road traffic accidents will decrease and human safety will be ensured.



  1. Eshmuradov, D., & Ergashov, B. (2023). GENERAL ISSUES OF IMPLEMENTATION OF INTELLECTUAL TRANSPORT SYSTEMS IN THE CITIES OF UZBEKISTAN. Science and innovation, 2(A4), 112-116.
  2. Amirqulov, B. O. F., Islamov, B. O. E., Oʻrunov, D. A. O., & Choriev, J. A. O. (2022). O ‘ZBEKISTONDA YO ‘L TRANSPORT HODISALARINI KAMAYTIRISHDA INTELLEKTUAL TRANSPORT TIZIMLARINING O ‘RNI. Academic research in educational sciences, 3(11), 25-30.
Информация об авторах

Associate professor, Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

доцент, Ташкентский университет информационных технологий, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Doctoral student at the Department of "Metrology and Standardization" of the Namangan Institute of Engineering and Construction, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan

докторант кафедры «Метрология и стандартизация» Наманганского инженерно-строительного института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Наманган

Student of the "Metrology and standardization" department of the Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan

студент кафедры «Метрология и стандартизация» Наманганской инженерно-строительной школы, Республика Узбекистан, г. Наманган

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
Учредитель журнала - ООО «МЦНО»
Главный редактор - Ахметов Сайранбек Махсутович.