ANALYSIS OF THE QUALITY PERFORMANCE OF COTTON/POLYESTER MIXED YARN MADE BY RING SPINNING METHOD // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. Fayzullayev S.R. [и др.]. 2023. 2(107). URL: (дата обращения: 17.02.2025).
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In the research work, an analysis of the unevenness and change in the mechanical properties of yarn s as a result of mixing synthetic fibers into natural fibers was illuminated cotton-polyester mixed yarn s the yarn was prepared in three different (70/30%, 60/40% and 50/50%) proportions, and 20 Tex yarns were spun in the ring spinning method. With the help of Uster® Tester 6, Uster® Tensojet 4 devices, the results of the unevenness of the yarn  by mass, thin and thick places , the number of NEPS, the specific tensile strength, the work on the break, the elongation at the break, the tensile strength were determined. However, the Uster® test showed that while an increase in the proportion of polyester fibers in mixed yarns would lead to a decrease in yarn unevenness indicators, there was an increase in the specific elongation strength, elongation at the break, and elongation strength values of the yarn. Cotton/polyester 50/50% in mixed yarns, unevenness indicators were the lowest, and mechanical performance recorded the highest result.


В исследовательской работе приводится анализ неровноты и изменения механических свойств хлопково-полиэстеровой кольцевой пряжи линейной плотностью 20 текс, выработанной из смеси синтетических и натуральных волокон в трех различных соотношениях (70/30%, 60/40% и 50/50%). С помощью приборов Uster® Tester 6, Uster® Tensojet 4 были определены показатели  неровноты пряжи по массе, количество утонений, утолщений и непсов, разрывная нагрузка пряжи, работа на разрыв, удельная разрывная нагрузка, удлинение при разрыве. Результаты испытаний на Uster® показали, что увеличение доли полиэстеровых волокон в смесовой пряже привело к снижению показателей неровноты пряжи, а также увеличились значения удельной разрывной нагрузки,  удлинения пряжи при разрыве. Самый низкий показатель неровноты и высокие показатели механических свойств хлопко-полиэстеровой пряжи были  зафиксированы в варианте с соотношением волокон 50/50%.


Keywords: yarn quality, mixed yarn, unevenness, polyester fiber.

Ключевые слова: качество пряжи, смешанная пряжа, неровнота, полиэстеровое волокно


Introduction. The unevenness and mechanical properties of the yarns can be improved by mixing different types of fibers. The properties of the mixed yarn also affect the strength, hygroscopicity, thermal insulation and other properties of the fabric. Mixed yarns are ring spinning, vortex and aerodynamic spinning methods, and various research works are being carried out in the praise of the study of the mixing theory and properties of yarns.

The purpose of the research work. For local enterprises, the purpose of the research work was to develop yarn in new assortment mixed in existing technolagies by mixing chemical fibers into local raw materials in the production of high-strength products for weaving from a mixture of cotton and polyester fibers

Literature review. According to the results of January-April 2022 of the textile and sewing and knitting industry, a total of more than 438 thousand tons of cotton fiber were mastered by the enterprises of the industry. The volume of production in the industry increased by 113% and reached 79.9 trillion soums, and the established plan (74.4 trillion soums) was fulfilled by 107.8%. [1]. The quality performance of yarn spun from a mixture of polyester/cotton, polyester and viscose fibers to ring spinning machine parameters is particularly affected by the optimum stretch parameters yarn quality [2-3]. In polyester / cotton mixed yarns, the lengthening, elongation strength of mixed yarns increased and unevenness, the number of NEPS and the decrease in pubescence was achieved when the polyester ratio increased [4-7]. The mechanical properties of spun yarns depend on the difference in the length and diameter of the fibers (linear density) and the spinning conditions [8-9].

Viloft is an artificial fiber obtained by processing natural cellulose [10] viloft/cotton mixed yarns quality indicators Turkey [11] and by Efiyopia scientists viloft/polyester, cotton-tencel and cotton-promodal mixed yarns by ring spinning method, compared the structural, physical and mechanical properties of compact and Vortex yarns. Viloft fiber mixed yarns mixed with polyester showed a high result in terms of breaking strength, and when mixed with cotton, there was a decrease in yarn unevenness CVm% [12-13]. An improvement in specific shear strength and toughness performance was achieved when the vilofit fiber ratio reached 33% in the viloft/cotton mixed yarn spun by the annular and rotor method [14-15].

In addition to polyester to cotton fibers, bamboo and modal fibers were mixed and yarn quality indicators were studied. According to him R.Sawmya, N.Vasugi and others bamboo/cotton and bamboo/polyester 80/20, 67/33, 50/50, 33/67, and 20/80, made a series of mixed yarn s in proportions and compared their unevenness and physical properties [16-17], Rashel Hawlader, Samara Islamic Nishi, etc. The result was a 50/50 cotton/modal mixed yarn, showing much better properties than a 50/50 cotton/viscose mixed yarn [18-19].

Method and materials. Experimental studies were carried out in the laboratory of the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, where where from semi-finished products prepared at the “Osborn” enterprise from a mixture of cotton and polyester, samples of yarn with a linear density of 20 tex (Ne 30/1) were produced in three ratios of 70/30%, 60/40% and 50/50%. the unevenness properties of cotton/polyester mixed yarns are obtained BAKAN TEX enterprise, on the equipment of Uster ® Tester 6 and mechanical properties Uster ® Tensojet 4 Tests for 3000 m yarns at a speed of 400 m/min. The properties of the fibers used in scientific research are shown in Table 1, the proportion of mixture components, mechanical and unevenness indicators are shown in Table 2.

Table 1.

Properties of cotton and polyester fibers

Fiber properties



Linear density of fiber, dtex



Fiber length (mm)



Tenacity, cN/tex



Elongation of a fiber, %




Table 2.

Mechanical and physical properties of cotton/polyester blended yarn

Mixing ratios

Mechanical indicators

Unevenness indicators

Cotton, %

Polyester, %

Tenacity of the yarn, Rkm [cN/tex]

Yarn  break Work B-work [cNsm]

The lengthening of the strands at the break is Elong

Yarn  breaking Force B-Forse, [sN]

Unevenness of strands by mass CVm [%]

Thin places  of strands  -50% [pcs/km]

Thick places of yarns +50%[pcs/km]

Number of neps of yarn s +200% [pcs/km]
































Analysis of results. In order for the mixed yarn to be less and more uniform in mass unevenness, the mixture must have equal the thinness, length and proportions of cotton and polyester fibers. In Figure 1, there was a decrease of 30% when the proportion of polyester increased from 40% to 3.45% while the unevenness of the yarn  by mass decreased by 8% when the proportion of polyester reached 50%.


Figure 1. Unevenness of strands by mass CVm [%]

Figure 2. Thin places of strands -50% [pcs/km]


In Figure 2, thin places of the yarn decreased by 40% when the polyester ratio increased from 30% to 40%, while the cotton/polyester proportion decreased by 50/50% in the mixed yarn by 66.66%. In other words, the uniformity of properties of polyester fibers, such as thinness and length, leads to an improvement in the index of unevenness in yarn s with a high polyester ratio.

Thick places of mixed yarn are shown in Figure 3. Thin places  of yarn decreased by 23.61% when the polyester ratio increased from 30% to 40%, while a decrease of 46.18% was observed when the polyester proportion reached 50%, recording the best result.


Figure 3. Thick places  of yarn

+50% [pcs/km]

Figure 4. Number of NEPS of yarn

+200% [pcs/km]


Quality indicators of mixed yarn by number of NEPS are shown in Figure 4.the number of NEPS increased by 2% when polyester ratio increased from 30% to 40% bunung cause dead fibers and defects in structure processes such as cleaning and dusting, cleaning and mixing increase the number of NEPS in cotton. Therefore, increasing the proportion of cotton in the mixture leads to an increase in the number of knots on the yarn [20]. There was a decrease in the number of NEPS of mixed yarn s by 45.92% when the polyester share reached 50%.

In Figure 5, the quality indicator of cotton/polyester mixed yarns by comparative breaking strength was 20.61% improved when the polyester ratio increased from 30% to 40%, while the highest performance on the comparative breaking strength of mixed yarns fell to 50/50% yarn.


Figure 5. The specific breaking strength of the yarn  Rkm [sN/tex]

Figure 6. Yarn  break Work B-work [sNsm]


In Figure 6, we can see that the quality indicator for the work of cotton/polyester mixed yarns in interruption has improved by 38.85% when the polyester share has increased from 30% to 40% and increased by 26.69% when the polyester share has reached 50%.


Figure 7. The lengthening of the strands at the break is Elong. 

Figure 8%. Yarn  breaking Force
B-Forse, [sN]


In Figure 7, the quality indicator for the lengthening of mixed yarns in discontinuity was observed to improve by 9.78% in the polyester share range from 30% to 40%, increasing by 25.65% when the polyester share reached 50%.

The quality indicator for the breaking strength of mixed yarns is shown in Figure 8.while the breaking strength of the yarns increased by 14.91% when the polyester share increased by 30% to 40%, the highest result on the breaking strength of mixed yarns was observed to come up to 50/50% yarn and increase by 7.76% with an indicator of 379.56 sN.

Conclusion. Based on the above experimental study, the following conclusions were drawn. Increasing the amount of polyester in the composition of mixed yarn s:

  • an increase in the proportion of polyester fiber in mixed yarn s has been achieved by the uneven mass of the yarn , thin and thick places , a decrease in the values \ u200b \ u200bof the number of NEPS.
  • In terms of mechanical properties, the values of the specific tensile strength of the yarn , the tensile strength, the work of the yarn  on the break and the elongation at the break have increased.
  • It was found that the quality performance of yarn made of cotton/polyester blend in a 50/50% ratio is superior to 70/30% and 60/40% mixed yarn.

Thus, through the high physical and mechanical properties of polyester fibers, the ability to replace other types of fibers, the possibility of application in a mixture with cotton fiber, to provide quality indicators of mixed yarn that meet the general requirements of consumers, increase the export potential, the possibility of increasing the competitiveness of cotton/polyester mixed yarn production shows the



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Информация об авторах

PhD, Department of Spinning technology, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

канд. техн. наук, Ташкентский институт Текстильной и лёгкой промышленности, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

PhD, Department of Spinning technology, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

PhD, кафедра Технология прядения Ташкентского института текстильной и легкой промышленности, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Department of Spinning technology, master student, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

магистр, Ташкентский институт Текстильной и лёгкой промышленности, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Trainee teacher Karakalpak State University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus

Учитель-стажер, Каракалпакский государственный университет Республика Узбекистан, г. Нукус

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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