Kakharov Z.V., Purtseladze I.B. THE ROLE OF INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES IN IMPROVING EDUCATIONAL EFFICIENCY // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 1(106). URL: (дата обращения: 14.03.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2023.106.1.14867



This article reflects the role of innovative training technologies in improving educational efficiency. Innovative types of teaching are presented on the example of active, passive and interactive methods. In the educational system, the types of classification innovations are indicated, which are grouped according to different grounds.


В данной статье отражена роль инновационных технологий обучения в повышении эффективности обучения. Представлены инновационные виды обучения на примере активных, пассивных и интерактивных методов. В системе образования указаны виды классификационных нововведений, которые группируются по разным признакам.


Keywords: education, traditional education, mass education, innovation, lesson form, teaching methods.

Ключевые слова: образование, традиционное образование, массовое образование, инновации, форма урока, методы обучения.


Nowadays, instead of traditional and visible educational and educational processes in the higher education system, innovative processes are entering as a kind of innovation in the development of educational institutions. Innovations in the training system can be classified as follows:

  • according to activity direction (pedagogical process, management);
  • according to the description of the changes introduced (radical, modified, combined);
  • according to the scope of change (local, module, structural);
  • according to the source of origin (taken internally or externally for the same team).

The goal of innovation is to get the highest result from the money spent, or power. In contrast to other innovations, which appear on their own in different regions, the innovation constitutes a mechanism of controlled and controlled changes [1]. "Innovational training" is usually understood as the import of new (useful) elements into the teaching process. Therefore, innovation in the education system is directly related to change. Such modifications are part of the education system:

  • to objective, content, method, Technology, form of organization and management system;
  • to specificity in pedagogical activity and education - to the organization of the cognitive process;
  • to the system of control and assessment of educational levels;
  • to educational and methodological support;
  • to the system of educational work;
  • to curriculum and training programs;
  • commitment to the activities of the student and teacher.

Innovation in the content of education is reflected in the penetration of traditional, non-traditional and distance learning types [2].

We will see on the example of the introduction of innovative active, passive and interactive methods into learning methods. While the use of the active method serves to increase the activity of students in the course process, the passive method is sought after by giving students a one-sided understanding. And the interactive method is understood to act together (a student with a teacher, a student with a student) [5].

We can trace the introduction of innovation into the lesson form using the example of standard, non-standard and virtual lesson forms.

Innovation in forms of learning is explained by problematic education, heuristic education, graded education, integrated education, interactive education, information education, formal education types of informal education.

We trace the penetration of invovation into the means of reading with multimedia, electronic whiteboards and other tools in the course of the lesson [6]. We can experience innovation in learning techniques in the following learning techniques:

Active method. This method encourages students to activate in the course of the lesson, to concentrate on thinking in relation to a certain circumstance and reality.

Passive method. This method leads to the fact that in the course of the lesson students have a one-sided understanding of the subject being studied.

Interactive method. The purpose of this method is based on the joint active behavior of the sitter and students in the course of the lesson.

We can see the innovation in the following form of a lesson:

  • standard lesson - the structure within the lesson does not change;
  • non-standard lesson - the structure within the lesson changes;
  • vertual lesson – it means distance learning.

In the historical aspect of innovation, relativity plays a role. The novelty has a clear historical character, that is, it can appear before its own competence, in its competence the norm can be blurred or outdated. In the process of development of the higher system, perhaps the education system as a whole:

  • absolute novelty (likeness, lack of the prototype);
  • relative novelty;
  • specific, inventive appearance is taken into account.

Novelty variants (types) are grouped according to different bases in the education system:

The first classification (group) is based on the introduction of innovations, its commitment to the pedagogical process that takes place in the educational system [12]. Relying on the understanding of this process, the following types of novelty can be distinguished:

  • the purpose and content of education;
  • methodology, tasks, methods, technologies of the pedagogical process;
  • forms and means of organization of training and education,
  • administration, activities of teachers and pedagogical staff.

The introduction of the second classification (group) innovation into the educational system is based on the scale (size) mark.

The following variations can be distinguished here:

  • local and separate not connected with each other (unilateralism);
  • complex, mutual interconnection with each other;
  • covering the entire educational system, systematic.

The third classification (group) should be carried out depending on the possibilities of innovation. It is worth considering in this case:

  • modification of known and accepted links with educational programs, educational plans, improvement of structures, ingenuity, change of views;
  • introducing innovations specific to combinatorship (modifications) ;
  • radical changes.

The fourth classification of innovation input (group) is based on the signs from the ratio to the previous ones and is grouped [8]. In such an approach, the novelty is determined by the placeholder, abolitionist or exposers. As a source of renewal in the educational system in this case:

  • social order of the country, region, city, district as a requirement;
  • reflection of the social order in the laws and documents of the region and the region;
  • achievement of complex human science, advanced pedagogical experience;
  • intuition and creativity of leaders and educators in testing mistakes and shortcomings;
  • experience-test work;
  • foreign experiences.



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Информация об авторах

Associate Professor of the Department "Railway Engineering" TSTU, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

доц кафедры «Инженерия железных дорог» ТГТрУ, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Senior Lecturer of the Department "Railway Engineering" TGTRU, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

ст. преподователь  кафедры «Инженерия железных дорог» ТГТрУ, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

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