Abaskhanova H.Y., Abdullayev U.M. ACMEOLOGICAL APPROACH AS THE DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 12(105). URL: (дата обращения: 18.12.2024).
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The article covers the issues of effective implementation of the acmeological approach in education, the organizational structure of the acmeological approach and the importance of its use, the development of the educational process based on the acmeological approach, and the issues of improving the preparation of students for professional activities based on the acmeological approach.


В статье освещены вопросы эффективной реализации акмеологического подхода в образовании, организационной структуры акмеологического подхода и важности его использования, развития образовательного процесса на основе акмеологического подхода, а также вопросы совершенствования подготовки студентов для профессиональной деятельности на основе акмеологического подхода.


Keywords: Innovation, innovative activity, acmeology, intellectual and creative initiative, intellectual ability, professionalism, creative individuality, self-development and improvement.

Ключевые слова: Инновация, инновационная деятельность, акмеология, интеллектуально-творческая инициатива, интеллектуальные способности, профессионализм, творческая индивидуальность, саморазвитие и совершенствование.


The subject of innovative activity in a higher education institution is a teacher. In this case, the socio-cultural, intellectual and moral capabilities of the teacher are of high importance, and the teacher's approach to his innovative activity is interpreted as follows: Humanistic axiology - (axeology is regarded as the highest value to man and the only goal of social development). Axiological approach to innovative activity means that a person devotes himself to the process of creating innovation, a set of pedagogical values ​​created by him; Acmeological approach - acmeology (acme) means the Greek high point, sharp, blossoming mature, the best period.  Creative approach - (this term appeared in the USA in the 60s of the 20th century) means the ability of an individual to create a new concept and create new skills; Reflexive approach - (Latin reflixio - return) is considered as a process of knowing the subject's own (inner) mental feelings and states [3].

Acmeology is a science, which is based on various educational systems and processes in search of paths to improvement of activities. The term acmeology has scientific and practical knowledge like such fields as eurilogy (P. Engelmeyer), ergonology (V. Myasishchev), reflexology (V. Bekhterev) and appeared in the 20s of the last century[3,4]. Socio-cultural acmeology appeared in the works of N. Gumilev, S. Gorodetsky, A. Akhmatova and others as acmeism at the beginning of the 20th century. Natural-scientific research on the relationship between creative activity and the productivity of various psychobiological factors by F. Galton and V. Osvaldo led to the origin of acmeology. According to B.G.Ananev, the scientific basis of acmeology is the integration of the sciences of the individual, person, individuality and life activity of the subject in human development. In acmeology, a person is considered as a subject in professional activity and self-determination of his life, self-development and creativity, human life activity. On the basis of self-development and self-management lies the human need to achieve new successes, to improve, to be a supporter of an active life, to believe in one's own abilities, to understand the meaning of life. The development of a person is inextricably linked with the conditions of his mother's womb, pre-school childhood, elementary school, adolescence and youth. During these periods, what will be his health, what is valuable to him, his private evaluation, his attitude to people and work, his actions, etc. will determine what kind of professional he will be in the future [2]. The main goal of using the acmeological approach is that the student will be able to independently overcome any existing difficulties or problems, develop his creativity in such a way that he can even work independently as a sole entrepreneur. To achieve this, together with the use of the acmeological approach in the educational process, it is necessary to work on the formation of an acmeological environment in the pedagogical team with the motive of creativity and success. Connection of creativity with the following phenomena: creative attitude to work, creative thinking, creativity, creative direction; the creativity and professional activity of the leader, the interaction of his professional skills and professional skills [1].

In these directions, the following ideas were determined:

  • creativity is inextricably linked with the leader's thinking and is the process of creating new cultural and material values ​​with design; it is considered as a creative activity that creates something qualitatively new, distinguished by its originality and social history;
  • creative thinking has certain psychological qualities and is formed and developed due to the creative potential and abilities of any leader, which is first of all manifested in the creative direction of the leader and his attitude to work;
  • management creativity is a process of creative solution of management activity problems characterized by the presence of both productive and reproductive elements [1].

The definition of a high level of professionalism of a person combines the comprehensive development of abilities, a wide area of ​​knowledge in a particular field of activity, the original mastery of the skills necessary for its successful implementation, as well as a powerful and stable motivational and emotional charge aimed at the implementation of this particular activity, achievements it has a unique and non-standard result. The necessary professional competence is possible only in a well-defined professional position. It is this position that is an indicator of a person's attitude to his activity and the degree of participation in it of his creative potential. Involvement in the process of forming a firm professional position of such characteristics as "acmeological invariants" leads to the achievement of a fundamentally new peak of professionalism. Invariants help a person to activate those internal reserves that he needs to carry out activities at a higher innovative and creative level. It is this opportunity that allows a person to achieve a level of extra class in professional activity. The activity of the teacher in the implementation of the acmeological educational process can be attributed to the coordinating educational activity as designing, redesigning, identifying problems and controlling the entire process of preparing a future specialist [1,2].

Thus, we can say that the teacher, managing educational activities, expects that changes in the student will occur as a result of his own efforts. In this case, understanding, designing and corrective influence on the student's subjective states, their development, trends, etc. acquire the character of the necessary components of pedagogical activity. They naturally flow into the course of solving the problems facing the teacher. It is these moments that determine the creative component of pedagogical activity. The partner participation of the student and the teacher in the process of understanding and solving educational problems, the need for certain changes in the student makes both accomplices in the management of educational activities and building the concept of subjective qualitative changes in the student. When determining any difficulties in the implementation of educational activities, secondary needs are identified that formulate new tasks and attitudes that increase the percentage of guaranteed changes for the student. The definition of these indicators is carried out in most cases with the help of a comparative analysis of the highest and lowest indicators of the productivity of the activity.


Using the acmeological approach: to strengthen and maintain the health of students, to successfully acquire a profession, to develop preparation for social and labor activities, to successfully solve the issues of education and training; rethinking, creative thinking, education becoming an internal need, education in all subjects having systematized motivations for knowledge, allowing the quality of education to increase during the transition of the vocational college from functionality to development.



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Информация об авторах

Associate professor,  Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

доц., Ташкентский университет информационных технологий имени Мухаммада Аль-Хоразмий, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Senior teacher, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

ст. преподаватель, Ташкентский университет информационных технологий имени Мухаммада Аль-Хоразмий, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

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