Dadajanov A.K. Khojiyev A.A.
Dadajanov A.K., Khojiyev A.A. STUDYING OF PARAMETERS OF THE DIRECTING MECHANISM OF A MESH PLANE BY IS DIFFICULT-HARMONIOUS VIBRATING MOVEMENT // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 11(104). URL: (дата обращения: 19.12.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2022.104.11.14548



On given article on studying action of difficult harmonious fluctuations theoretical, experimental and practical researches are calculated on a cotton short meeting, parameters of the directing mechanism of a mesh plane giving difficult harmonious fluctuation also have been calculated. Efficiency of clearing it is checked up practical on laboratory installation with designed by authors.


В статье изучены действие сложных гармонических колебаний в процессе очистки хлопка, теоретически и экспериментально исследованы, а также рассчитаны параметры направляющего механизма сетчатой плоскости, дающей сложное гармоническое колебание. Эффективность очистки проверена практически на лабораторной установке, сконструированной авторами.


Keywords: harmonious, cotton, clearing, vibration.

Ключевые слова: гармоничный, хлопок, очистка, вибрация.



In the studies, we analyzed in detail the improvement of the quality of biotechnologically grown cotton fiber, where we applied a new method of cleaning cotton [5, p.64], [6, p.5137].

As stated in [4], [15] use of a cotton fiber the textile enterprises, at clarification and combing lose to 15 % of a fiber. Thus because of reduction of dynamism of fibers, the fiber at spinning reduces quality of a yarn. These signs sharply influence quality of manufacture and finished goods. The clap before realization on the textile enterprises separates from seeds, before it to improve quality of a made fiber a clap is cleared with a little cleaning the equipment. All these stages are made at cotton cleaning factories. The extraneous impurity consists of  boxes and parts of boxes of a clap, a part of stalks, a part of leaves and a various mineral impurity got on a clap at gathering, drying of a clap and transportation.

Cleaning of a clap it is made on the several equipment.  The equipment are based on big mechanical influences which clear a clap with influences of mechanical blow, for example: on saws and on splitting’s. Till today's time, for equipment improvement to reduce mechanical influence on cotton and for efficiency increase, a number of scientists worked on improved by the basic details of the equipment. Studying of research of scientists in this area gives thoughts on what, at action of oscillatory variable basic working bodies on a cotton, thus reduces occurrence of defects in a fiber and in seeds, also raise effect of cleaning. It gives chance to think that, variable influences of forces on cotton reduces occurrence of mechanical defects. From this we have established the purpose to apply a place of influence of mechanical blow oscillatory influences. First of all, studying oscillatory actions, we knew that sinusoidal simple harmonious fluctuations raising effect of cleaning, without showing mechanical defects suddenly. From two oscillatory systems horizontal and vertical the vertical more effectively work.

As stated in [13], [9] for increase in efficiency and productivity it is offered, vibrating movements of a clap on the road of clap movement. With that end in view we should find the mechanism giving to a clap is vibrated by difficult harmonious fluctuations.

The Problem-formulation of a problem, a performance condition

The essence of work consists in the offer of the vibrating equipment with lifting efficiency which clears the clap holding its initial properties. With that end in sight it is necessary to design the mechanism of the equipment which gives difficult harmonious vibrating movement of a clap. Research of problems considers to increase efficiency of storage in the greatest properties of initial degree of seeds of a clap and a fiber. The mechanism of the equipment of clearing will give clap vibration, difficult harmonious vibrating.

As stated in [9] for performance of a problem we should choose the form of the mechanism of the equipment, speed and other parameters of movement of a clap.

The technique of the decision of a problem

For the problem decision we were using to use a theoretical method-analytical calculation of the feeder of vibrating movement.

The theoretical decision

The action studying difficult harmonious vibrating fluctuations in movements of a clap on the equipment.

As stated in [13], [9], [8] analysis of action of difficult harmonious fluctuation on a clap. Shown in Fig.1.


Figure 1. Dynamics of movement of a clap in inclined oscillatory grids. N –force of normal reaction; Fг – horizontal exciting force; Fв - vertical exciting force; α – a grid angle of slope; Fтр –force of a friction; Gт-gravity


For the analysis difficult harmonious vibrating the equipment it is necessary to design parameters of mechanism, allowing a vibrating grid at once on two parties–vertically and horizontally. With that end in view we project a parameters of the mechanism which will spend a vibrating grid in two directions. For the analysis it is necessary to choose the optimum form and lengths of the form of the mechanism of parameters.

For this purpose we will investigate optimum parameters of the directing mechanism, shown in Fig.2.


Figure 2. The mechanism of a direction of a mesh plane.angle of slope, L1, L3 – the inclined parties of the directing mechanism, L2 – the horizontal party of the directing mechanism


The first variant if, in this case the difference of phases has 900.

Horizontal vibrations will look like. As stated in [9]:

;                                               (1)

Vertical vibrations. As stated in [4]:


Where x-the law of horizontal force,

y-the law of vertical force

The second variant if, in this case the difference of phases is 450.



The third variant if, in this case the difference of phases has300. As stated in [4].


The fourth variant if,, in this case the difference of phases has 220. As stated in [9].


With reduction of distinction of phases the length of a vertical part of the mechanism of a direction decreases also. Means, parameters of length of the mechanism of a direction are connected with distinctions of phases between two perpendicular oscillatory forces.

Force of action of fascinating force is connected with speed of movement of a clap and propensity of a corner of a vertical inclined plane of the mechanism of a direction.

At narrowing of distinction of phases the initial phase raises, occurs from it that horizontally flat party of the mechanism of a direction becomes longer than vertically inclined party of the mechanism of a direction.

These four versions on a case which are established each other two parties of the mechanism at an acute angle, communicate.  The second a case, it when fastening of two parties of the mechanism doesn't have acute angle and oval for smooth movement of wheels of the mechanism on a mechanism management. In that case a wheel of the mechanism of a management at movements and at transition from one horizontal the parties of the mechanism of a management to another aren't present any interaction of mechanical blow.

By means of corners of optimum propensity it is considered by optimum length of the inclined vertical and horizontal plane of the mechanism of a management. Shown in fig. 2.

One part from eighth of total length of the directing mechanism, one part from four total lengths of the directing mechanism.

Then, willbe

If to consider identical frequencies of movement of two perpendicular exciting forces then it is possible to calculate following. As stated in [9], [8]:

Vertical exciting force:


If to consider from standing of phases of horizontal force from vertical on 450 then the equation of horizontal force will look as follows:


The difference of amplitudes will look as follows  Then the inclination of an inclined plane of the directing mechanism will be equal on half 450 ,

If the clap is vibrated coming off a grid then its movement will look.As stated in [7]:

As sphere movement to a motionless kernel:

It, as though as our case, various amplitudes and identical frequencies.

In our case the equation will look as follows.As stated in [6], [12]:


From this equation on analytical geometry probably to calculate the ellipse equations.

It is a case at movement of a wheel of the mechanism on a direction of circular motions of the mechanism, at movement back and in before will look not as an ellipse, as a parabola or a hyperbole.

It depends on force blow. In force increase short movement of a meeting will print a hyperbole kind.

At the decision on a problem of the equation of movement of a short meeting on a grid we will look a cotton as elastic.

At equation creation it is necessary to add variable inertial forces Ф, we will consider that the clap bunch will be vibrated in vertical direction Y then the equation will become one-sedate degree compelled fluctuation and will assume the following air. As stated in [4], [15]:

;                                                   (10)

Here, – variable inertial forces, –factor of attenuation,- frequency of free fluctuation. –stability to elasticity of a fiber of a clap.

If frequency of fluctuation is equal on  then, variable inertial forces the following kind.As stated in [15], [13] is trampled down:


If it to put on initial equation positions then will assume the following air:


Where ; ;

Then, the differential equation compelled fluctuation will assume the following air:


Here: - frequency fading the fluctuation, the p-compelled frequency of fluctuation, Ав- amplitude compelled fluctuation ;

;   (14)

The first part of party right the equations, the disappearing fluctuation, the second right of a part

Plural parties the equations a part, has forced fluctuation. Except for force of resistance, ,,

the equations will be assumed by the following an air:


At a resonance -


Amplitude compelled fluctuation; coefficient attenuations, then,critical speed at a resonance  Т – cycle free fluctuation.

The equations at a resonance:

                                                      (17)Thus the amplitude compelled fluctuation grows in due course - ;

With aforementioned, specified the equation, it is visible, which in distinction of phases on 900 sheaves of a clap (at the free and compelled fluctuation) falls in a resonant situation.

It was decisions for radially connected among themselves horizontal and vertical the parties of the mechanism. The second situation in the angular has connected among themselves the parties of the mechanism. As stated in [7, 8], [13, 15]:

If we will conditionally tear up that all fibers of a bunch round a seed as one elastic core, vibrating movement of a bunch it will be connected from stability to elasticity of a core. Also we will accept a bunch oscillate motion bilateral and frequencies the identical:

Conditionally we take core bending’s in two directions.

Then differential the equations of system of free fluctuation will be assumed by the following ail:


From this we will find

From this equation of movement of system in coordinates will assume the following air:


On initial parameters the bunch trajectory will accept various forms. It is a situation for a bunch which moves on a surface without coming off it.

 At an inequality the clap bunch will come off on mechanism.

Experimental researches of calculation of the sizes to direct of the mechanism

At actions the mechanism of a management the sizes of the mechanism of a management of the difficult harmonious equipment also play speed of the equipment the big role. From these communications we will find the sizes of the mechanism of a direction. Shown in fig. 2, and speed of the equipment.

At clap movement a short meeting in the inclined vibrating mechanism force of equal speed strikes the equipment.

Thus the sheaf of action of a clap of inertial force changes a direction vertically to the equipment. As sheaf division at most the inertia equipment should exceed forces of blow. With that end in view it is necessary to lift speed of the equipment on a mechanism direction. Also the design of the equipment should be very steady.

As stated in [9-11] on it initial calculations we will spend at small speeds, in a range-

With step 1 the second blow of the equipment occurs at transition of movement of a wheel of a grid from a horizontal plane of the mechanism of a direction on the inclined. Here there will be a communication between inertial force of a cotton with speed of a grid. On small speeds the cotton will be vibrated without a grid separation.

The grid by means of wheels after blow will raise on vertical on an inclined plane of the mechanism of a direction and in descent, division of a cotton from a grid will be connected with speed of a grid.

Blow of the second will arise at transition of movement of a wheel of a grid from an inclined plane of the mechanism of a direction on the horizontal. It should make attacks when the clap will already come back to a grid, it will be connected with length of an inclined plane. From it probably to draw a conclusion that the length of the mechanism of a direction is connected with speed of a grid.

This situation we will check up having created differential the equations of movement of a bunch from the equation of forces operating on a bunch. As stated in [15]:


In detail inclined plane of the mechanism of the direction equal on = 0,02 meter, we find time of blow of a wheel for the horizontal plane directing the mechanism (the Fig. 3): in the schedule on vertical time of an axis of blow of a short meeting for

a grid - the presented speed of a grid on a horizontal axis.

From this it is possible to calculate length of an inclined plane directing the mechanism from the following formula


Figure 3. Time of blow of a wheel for a horizontal plane of the mechanism of a direction. Across time-(s), on a vertical speed of–(m/s)


From this follows that at reduction of speed of a grid down and length of an inclined plane directing mechanism. Also from calculations it is possible calculation length of horizontal and inclined planes the directing mechanism. At a correct choice of parameters of length and the form the directing mechanism, action of forces on a bunch will be next and will promote also to bunch vibrating in a horizontal and vertical direction.

The diagram of movement of a clap at failure of a cotton from a grid it is connected with propensity of a grid. As is more than propensity of a grid so the schedule to come nearer to a parabola in reduction of propensity the schedule, to come nearer to a hyperbole.


As a result of the decision lower specified parameters of the eater difficult harmonious vibrating movement of the equipment are calculated:

1.The optimum form of the eater of movement – the direction mechanism.

 One part from eighty total length of the directing mechanism;

 One part from four total lengths of the directing mechanism;

The corner α changes at change of a grade of a clap as more low a grade clap clarification worsens, therefore to rise clearing a corner raises - for increase of force of inertia, the corner changes with 220 to 370. Communication of change of a corner with a clap grade is shown on (Fig. 4).


Figure 4. The schedule of communication with change of an angle of slope with change of a grade of a clap. On a vertical axis a clap grade, on a horizontal axis an angle of slope


Length of parts of the directing mechanism. Shown in Fig.3:

Length of an inclined part -     

Length of a flat part -

Difference of phases of oscillatory forces:  in-at-;

2.Parameters of acceleration of the equipment;

Distinction of amplitudes of perpendicular oscillatory forces:

Horizontal amplitude of fluctuation –  

Vertical amplitude of fluctuation –

Optimum speed of vibrating cotton

In a range: c step 1

Communication with time of blow of a wheel on a horizontal plane of the directing mechanism with speed of a wheel. As stated in shown in fig.4.

Angular frequency of the compelled forces:


Change of communications with length of an inclined plane of the mechanism of a direction with change of speed of the equipment:

2. Action vibrating grids on a clap a short meeting:

Differential of the equation of movement of a clap a short meeting.As stated in (formula 14)

Practical results. For research of the vibrating mechanical action developed in installation. Shown in the Fig 5, as stated in [10, 11, 12]. In experimental it has been had the given satisfaction of theoretical researches of a problem, Table 1.

Figure 5. Laboratory vibratingcleaner. (Installation is photographed without the engine and a reducer). Here: 1-entrance channel with a feeder, the 2-feeder on shaft of a feeder, the 3-basic case, 4-kolkovyj a drum, a 5-shaft of a drum with a cam, the 6-vibrating mechanism, the 7-garbage chamber


Table 1.

Results of experimental research

Extraneous impurity before clearing,  %

Defects before clearing, %

Extraneous impurity after clearing , %

Mechanical defects after clearing , %





With great dispatch-mechanical influence

Vibrating mechanical influence




From the Table 1 it is visible, which, efficiency at vibrating mechanical explanations lifts to 15 %, occurrence pollution down comes over to the side of 45 %.

This experimental proves that vibrating action on a clap raise effect of clearing.

Experiment has been spent on Experimental to installation, in experimental there was it, the grade of a choice of clap С-6524, first a grade, 1го, a class, with humidity of 9 % is used at pollution of 2,5 %. Amplitude of fluctuation: 4-8мм, Optimum frequency 8 sek-1. For comparison it was used ICC-10.

Offers scientific research

After research some variants of a design of cleaners have been offered and demands for inventions and for useful models from them for today of 10 patents have been submitted is received, 3 on inventions, 7 on useful models. Patent researches proceed till now.

For introduction in manufactures the optimum variant of a design the Universal cotton cleaner c by a difficult harmonious oscillation motion of a clap and with some adaptations has been chosen.


Today cotton cleaning the equipment doesn’t satisfy the requirement of manufacturers because the equipment aren't effective. Influences of mechanical blow at an explanation of the basic working details of the equipment, rising defects in a fiber worsens their qualities. Also mechanical shocks the equipment are a little used in manufacture because they are a little effective.

Introductions in the manufacturing, the vibrating equipment, will solve these problems. In the scientific article it was proved use of vibrating cleaners. While this time vibrated, to cleaners with the big offer of efficiency. Vibrating cleaners give chance to change in cleared parameters of clearing by change of grades, humidity and other parameters of a clap.

Without shock cleaners give chance to separate with smaller fibers of defects from seeds, efficiency which thus lifts a branch fiber.

Researchers have been spent with various vibrating equipment, which it will give in the future to increase in vibrating cleaners with various increases in parameters of vibration.



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Информация об авторах

Researcher, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan

исследователь, Республика Узбекистан, г. Наманган

Cand. tech. sciences, associate professor, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan

канд. техн. наук, доцент, Наманганский инженерно-технологический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Наманган

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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